U.S Election reactions

o_O...the way that fks people up i would have thought a"regression" would be a good idea........
While this is not a marijuana discussion thread, I will just say that it should not be the federal government's job to tell the states how to regulated it, just as it was not their job to do the same during prohibition.
Hi All

Interested in your views of your election?

World markets seemed not to take the news to well.

What you got to say?
All I can say you guys n gals may have a winner in Trump,only time will tell.I am not an economist as my Bank Balance can attest to that fact, so cannot comment on the impact to the Global markets etc.I have always however been interested in world military doctrine.My opnion.for what its worth.(1)Scrap the F35 stealth programme that will end up costing the US Taxpayer Trillions (2) Look at getting the F22 up and running again as this aircraft is the top ranked fighter in the world today.(3) Upgrade the A10 Warthog.I am sure the troops on the ground will concur when it comes to close air support capability..This is just the tip of the iceberg maybe Trump will kick the military establishment butt when it comes to a procurement policy.Its the guys on the frontline who may benefit from rationality.Sincere Good Wishes to all in USA
I think she might have considered retirement if the election had turned out differently..

she will cling to her seat on the court until her last breath now..
maybe she will have one drink to many and fall off the bench.
The US market is now actually up, however I noticed Smith & Wesson and Ruger are down about 12%. Fear of Obama/Hillary outlawing or seizing guns or going after the 2nd amendment drove a lot of gun sales the last 8 years.

As far as a Trump presidency, I hope he does well but I am skeptical. Time will tell.
hope he does great.
Best part is he doesn't even seem to care once he sees he is busted. :E Day Dreaming:

I was not a Trump supporter to begin with but I am very glad we have him, he will do great.

I am very happy we have James Mattis as secretary of defense, he is a great leader and will do a fantastic job.

I look forward to seeing what Trump will do to advance the 2nd Amendment and the rights of sportsmen.
Those nutty professors in college are teaching these kids the wrong things! To say he was the fifth best president? You got to be s------g me.

The listing shows that there are 43 & now 44 presidents tied for various 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th positions. with normal listings B "Rocko" bama would be listed as 44th & now 45th since the intervening positions where there are multiple ties would be skipped. But that he now holds the honor of being the worst is some consolation to Billy Boy that he is no longer in last place.
That isn't any loss.!

I understand there's a problem in getting the emigrate countries to accept them, although I understand there are a few Western Africa dictatorships that will accept them as long as they give the bank account numbers to some heir prince.

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's