AH ambassador
A fantastic story. What a nice thing you did for that young lad.Short story. Have a close friend that is a military retiree as well but does not partake in hunting. His 10 year old son asked if it would be possible to just come sit with me and possibly see a turkey in the wild. After getting the nod from his ma/dad we lined up a day.
Well this evening was the day and I decided to take out the popup blind so he could move freely and feel a bit more comfortable.
On the ride out we had the discussion about how hunting isn't measured by success but rather enjoying your time outdoors and if an opportunity presents itself to just see your quarry that is a successful day to a true outdoorsman.
I choose to take him to the river bottoms as I knew he would have an opportunity to see and hear the group's of hens interacting with each other.
We were ready and in the blind by 3. By 330 he was absolutely floored to see 5 hens come within 10 feet of the blind. Successful trip in both our eyes!
Shortly there after a Cardinal landed on a branch and as we looked at his colors. The young hunter stated his ma always said Cardinals were good luck. Never heard of this but agreed perhaps it's true.
Not 2 minutes later, directly behind this dang Cardinal out walks a longbeard. I was in shock!
He pointed and asked if that bird was old enough to kill and I grinned and told him well done. It was indeed a good bird to take.
40 yard shot and it was OUR bird. One I know neither him nor I will forget.
A hunter is born everyday and today was no exception....
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