Trophaendienste Taxidermy

When it arrived, the wooden board had FOUR not SIX sets of warthog tusks from a cull I had done. Also the trophy set of warthog tusks was missing altogether

As you have quoted my comment, I think I need to reply direct to your "general" comments.

I think you need to actually read what I wrote, before writing in response to them really a load of BS.



"Please note" - "Make sure" - "Remember" - "Make a note" - Dear Hunters. ...

Please remember, that the Dip & Pack Agent / Taxidermy guys, can only send out what's written on the PH Register. We are not allowed to make any alterations, and might only realize with the packing of the crate, that "Flat & Full" skins were mixed up on the Tags, or a Backskin was not added on the paperwork although it was booked in, and it has to be left behind. If everything was tagged right from the beginning, things just have to go smoothly, don't you think?

Or maybe the taxidermist should actually have decent systems in place, so they don't cut off the tags already on trophies, then mix up the trophies with other, or purposefully substitute them.

As the taxidermist had all the trophies listed on the manifest, and CHARGED for working on them, cleaning,, bronzing etc, bit hard for you now to suggest blaming someone else. Don't you think ???

Perhaps 2 of the 6 Warthogs mentioned were wounded, and were promised to be added "when found", but what if they were NOT found? Then the Dip & Pack Agent would have only received 4 Sets of tusks, and might not even know that the other 2 were "promised" if it wasn't written down somewhere..? Who would be blamed? Yip, it's much easier to blame it on the Dip & Pack guy or Taxidermist to keep the client...

Sorry?! Are you for real?

All the trophies were killed and delivered.

They were marked on the invoice which was sent to me.

So the taxidermist admitted they had them, were BILLING for the work done of them.

But was too INCOMPETENT to deliver them. Or DISHONEST and stole them.

As for trying to blame the PH or outfitter, I was in the vehicle with him with the trophies in the vehicle when delivered.

This is so similar to another time when I had a taxidermist near Pretoria (Big Buck Taxidermy) lie to me about never receiving paperwork from an outfitter. When they had lost it themselves. Why was I was so sure? Because I was also there, in the office of the taxidermist, when the PH handed over the paperwork in them.

We know this is how it works,

Yeah, we know how it works too.

Too many crooks or incompetents in the taxidermy business.

Some try to shift the blame to others in the hunting industry, rather than clean up their own act.

The Namibian PH association really needs to see the taxidermy industry cleaned up in their country from the number of negative reports received.

the client should be happy at all times, so even if we haven't received a Skull, a set of tusks, or even a Baboons' hands and feet that were promised to the client, all Taxidermists and Dip & Pack Agents will try to send it to the client afterwards, preferrably with another shipment to save costs.

But the taxidermist did receive everything. Charged for everything. DIDN'T deliver everything.

If a wounded animal was found the next day, what are the chances of NOT having trouble with hairslip..? .

Sorry no wounded animal "trophies" delivered to the taxidermist for the taxidermist to make an excuse over.

We as the Taxidermist or Dipping Agent, can only do with what we receive. The FIRST preparation of the trophies, is the most important part of all, and if you as the Hunter can be more part of it, it would help everyone, but most of all, yourselves. One has to remember, "there's always 2 sides of a coin"..

Coin is the relevant word.

Why deliver the trophies to the correct client, when a corrupt taxidermist can charge for them anyway, then re-sell them to someone else?

Or an incompentent one, sit in his leather armchair and complain about how bad his stff is, instead of getting out there in the workshop and supervising, and making sure the jobs are done right.


"Please note" - "Make sure" - "Remember" - "Make a note" - Dear Hunters. ...

My Useful Tips:

MAKE SURE you do a search on not only the Outfitter, PH, Hunting concession, etc, MAKE SURE you also do a search on recommendations and negative reports on the taxidermist as well. Even though a dip and pack job should be blindingly simple for anyone competent.

MAKE SURE you tag every bit of your trophies, so the taxidermist can not makes excuses to blame someone else for their ffff-ups.

Try to be there when they are delivered. Not always possible especially when the hunt happens in remote locations.

REMEMBER to take photos of your trophies, so when they arrive, they can be compared to what was actually delivered. Raise hell if they are different.

MAKE A NOTE on every internet hunting forum, on the HUNTING REPORTS site, everywhere you can when you are charged for stuff not delivered. MAKE SURE the name of the taxidermist is well known so they can't screw other clients in the future.

MAKE A NOTE for the PH Association in the country. One of the biggest area for complaints by clients seems to be AFTER the animals are down. Are they treated properly by the outfitter, are they IDed properly, are they delivered to the taxidermist, and then the problems seem to increase TEN FOLD. Does the taxidermist mix them up? Funny thing, is the guys complaining always seem to loose exceptionally large trophies and get tiny ones, wonder why? $$$$ changing hands perhaps? Does the taxidermists staff have the skills to do the job? Dip and pack, should be a breeze. If shoulder mounts etc, I like to physically sight their work before committing anything to a taxidermist. Can a taxidermist keep track of their own paperwork? Really!

I have had exceptional work from some. HHK in Zimbabwe for example did all this work in house, smart, hey?, and the dip and pack job was done extremely quickly and I was surprised how quickly my cape buffalo and zebra trophies arrived in Australia.

Used another taxidermist for dip and pack on my first Zimbabwean safari. Unfortunately the outfitter used an inferior salt on the trophies and the eland suffered hairslip on the neck. Also magically a lovely black and white zebra rug turned into a brown and white zebra rug. Years later we worked out it was a completely different skin by comparing photos of the stripe patterns, not to mention colour ....

Had trophies delivered from Zimbabwe to be consolidated with some South African hunted trophies in 2002. Unfortunately those SAf taxidermist (Big Buck Taxidermy) lost the paperwork for the SAf one. The outfitter could not replace the paperwork, as he had dealt with Jaco du Plessis whom disappeared at the time as did allegedly the registers. Steve "Shakari" heard about it and helped with new paperwork so they could be exported.

I've used two different Australia taxidermists, Gary Pegg and Mario Carnesi, plus a New Zealander one, the name I forget, and mostly no problems, and good work.
sorry to hear about your mount. what did you pay for your zebra rug? i am leaving in a couple weeks and have recieved a quote of 1000 euro for a skin on felt and 750 euro for a tanned hide. i am knew to this and didnt realize a zebra rug was so costly. i have decided to have my skulls euro mounted. last trip i payed for dip and pack, which from what i saw is very close to euro mounts. if i get them euro mounted in namibia, then i will save the dipping charge on each animal. i payed 80 u.s for each animal for dip and pack last trip and euro mounts are 80-90 euro per animal.


Sounds expensive to me, especially in euros. Get quotes from others I suggest.

I've had a couple of zebra felt rugs made, the last in 2002, but don't remember the price from back then.
Dear NitroX. As I'm still new in the AH, I should have probably said after my quote, that I just took out of your story what I needed for an example in mine. (you could see I didn't even know HOW to quote properly like you do very well - please tell me exactly which buttons to use..??)

I really didn't mean to offend you in any way, and I do feel sorry for your situation. I don't know the Taxidermy you used at all, I only spoke in General. Tried to let the Hunters know, that they too should please get more involved in the way their trophies are handled during and after the hunt.

As a Dipping Agent, and also the wife of an Outfitter (Sitatunga Safari's) that had many clients coming in and out of our camp for 20 years, I've seen how it works in both the Hunting and the Dipping worlds.

I just want the Hunters to hear the other side of the story as well, and then decide if the PH, Outfitter, Dipping Agent or Taxidermist was really that bad. Everyone can learn from their mistakes, and 1 bad apple, doesn't always make the whole pack bad, does it? If the Taxidermist tried to fix the problem, by sending you the other 2 sets of tusks on his own costs (Please, I'm talking in General again..), would it help to make you feel better about the situation? Perhaps giving you discount on your next shipment? If there is no compensation at all, then yes, I agree, the guy is bad (in General!) by not trying to correct the mistake that occured.

If only all Hunters could be part of the Paperwork like it seems you are, it would be great. You have learnt the hard way unfortunately, really sorry about that. My suggestions were for First Time Hunters in Africa, so they know what to be on the look out for, and it really was no BS.
Hey John welcome to the forum and nice to see you here.

Just a question as far as I know and I could be wrong you can only take out 2 trophies of most species on one trip to Namibia. In other words on your permit you are allowed to hunt two trophies of lets say springbuck only. Which doesnt mean you couldnt shoot more but could that have complicated the export of the other tusks.

Also they sent you 3 sets anyway so they might have gone trough the trouble and sent you all of them at once.
And I will second the bad paperwork from Big Buck Taxidermy !!!!
sorry to hear about your mount. what did you pay for your zebra rug? i am leaving in a couple weeks and have recieved a quote of 1000 euro for a skin on felt and 750 euro for a tanned hide. i am knew to this and didnt realize a zebra rug was so costly. i have decided to have my skulls euro mounted. last trip i payed for dip and pack, which from what i saw is very close to euro mounts. if i get them euro mounted in namibia, then i will save the dipping charge on each animal. i payed 80 u.s for each animal for dip and pack last trip and euro mounts are 80-90 euro per animal.

The zebra rug was tanned and had black felt on the back...looks beautiful....cost around $300 US, which I think was super cheap. My wife really loves it!
Pro-Dip, I am shocked to see the bulk of the burden put on the hunter in your repsonses. For example, in your earlier response, you indicated that skinners and such may not be able to read. Who's issue or responsibility is that really? Did the hunter hire them? Or was it the outfitter? It seems to me that if you have been part of an outfitting operation for 20 years, you would see that the outfitter is the one who chooses his help. Why would the hunter need to "make sure" they spend time in the skinning shed?

As for the paperwork, it is only as good as the actual delivery of trophies (properly tagged and matching the register). In addition, it does not make up for shoddy organization as Nitrox originally suggested.

Here is my question to you. If the outfitter comes to me to sell a hunt and says they will handle and be involved in the prep of the trophies, are you saying that I should question, check up on, and make contingency plans for when they will inevitably scew up?

If other industries did business like this, they would be broke. I know that most outfitters would not agree with the approach that the customer has to be a safari expert and have multiple contingencies. I also know that being informed and involved as the hunter is appropriate. However, I think your posts push too much of the responsibility to the hunter. Especially, if we are international.

I do not believe that type of "involvement" by the outfitter would be accepted in other areas.
Dear dsweber. My suggestions to the "First time Hunters", comes from experience as a Dipping Agent, and because I have been in the Outfitting business for 20 years, I know what to look out for. I really don't want to step on any toes, but this is the second attack I've had since I posted my list of suggestions, and I'm shocked to see that there's not many positive responses yet. I've been reading about everyone's problems they have with their trophies, and came up with some ideas to HELP the next Hunter coming on his Trip of a Lifetime.

I'm trying to give objective ideas, and never thought it would turn into a "cat-fight"... Of course you can check up on your trophies, why not? No need to be a Sgt Major, but show some nice personal interest in all aspects of the hunt, know what to look for and just enjoy it.
Pro Dip Limpopo, I appreciate your suggestions and input. I think everyone is sensitive to how much trophy care costs, the mix ups, the paperwork, sometimes lack of communication. After problems myself...I did a lot of research...I think websites and forums like this are terrific for people to learn valuable information, so people know how to handle trophy care after the hunt more clearly. The hunt doesn't end after the last shot is fired.
Pro-Dip, I am in no way trying to "attack" you. Obviously, the written word does not have the ability to show the demenaor or tone of the message. At any rate, here is the issue for me. I do not speak for anyone else. If you are going to give advice as a dipping agent, then your comments have some value in preparing the hunter for how "outfitters" operate. But, since you are an outfitter, you probably know how the hunts in Africa are marketed. Therefore, to say that the paying client must somehow make up for the mistakes of the outfitter is silly. Yes, I agree, "buyer beware", but let's not remove the responsibility of the outfitter to provide simple, fair, services that an international traveler should expect when they pay many thousands of dollars for a hunt. As I have always said, the cycle of the hunt is not over until the trophies are home.

As a business person, I am sure you understand that the good perception of buying any merchandise (goods or services) always takes a hit if the service of maintenance or otherwise is subpar after the fact.

Respectfully submitted
Respectfully received! Yip, I suppose as a business person in both worlds, I'm trying to find a way to make any Dipping Agent, as well as any Taxidermist's job easier, but also for the Hunter. If we could anticipate where mistakes COULD happen, we might be able to prevent it... (Thank you Enysse!)
Nitro X...AKA John

Welcome to the is always good to have another experienced hunter who is able to add to the discussion...and your notes are worthwhile and very informative...

Enysse was able to make some repairs to his wildebeest, however he will always know where the damage was, however i am sure i would not notice if he would not point it out to me....He was able to make the best of a poor situation...

I have a close friend who went to Africa for the hunt of a life time 21 days and hunted in Zimbabwe this is going on 5 years now and to listen to his horror story was un the way he went with another hunter who was hunting Elephant and he wanted a large one that is why they went on a 21 DAY that he could shop for a good elephant...

First off it had taken him 2 year to receive his trophy animals...from outfitter - shipper...i did not go there...

When his prize packages arrives they did not have his skins and no capes...he could tell by the number of bullet holes in the skins he received with no capes included...he had kept track of all his animals...

all his skulls did not arrive, instead he received a box with a bunch of cut off horns...

He would go back, however he would not want to bring any thing back to the states...lack of trust there...

to make a short story of it, as you said do your research to take some element out of the equation...

I think PRO-DIP LIMPOPO was trying to offer some helpful line of thought...And by the way PRO_DIP welcome to the forum...i am sure you will be a wealth of information to AH members when we have some questions on Dip and Pack...

just my 2 cents...
i did check and their price was 1000 euro. i am getting new quotes for less than half of that.
i recieved clarification. this price was with them supplying the skin. i have recieved many quotes, and all in the 450-500-range with myself suppying the skin.
Hey John welcome to the forum and nice to see you here.

Just a question as far as I know and I could be wrong you can only take out 2 trophies of most species on one trip to Namibia. In other words on your permit you are allowed to hunt two trophies of lets say springbuck only. Which doesnt mean you couldnt shoot more but could that have complicated the export of the other tusks.

Also they sent you 3 sets anyway so they might have gone trough the trouble and sent you all of them at once.

Hi Fred,

Yes I understand the point re two sets of trophies. However there was actually only ONE trophy warthog, the tusks of which were on the manifest, invoice, billing, export documentation etc, just NOT in the actual shipment. The only SIX tusks were a curio shield, which was again listed correctly on the manifest, bill, invoice etc, again only just they sent a shield with FOUR tusks only.

So sending separate shipments isn't relevant at all.

Funny they could bill for six, and send only four. Bill for a dip and pack of a warthog trophy just forget to actually send the tusks themselves as well.

Trophaendienste seems very good at billing and the paperwork, and collecting the cash fees, just not actually sending, delivering they they are charging for. To me, someone whom bills for something, puts it correctly on the documentation, then doesn't send or deliver they have have charged for is a fraud and a crook.

I will still post more information on this, from emails etc, showing their prices etc, but am not at home at present, so it will be in a week or two.

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