Anyone else run into this?
Me, Yes, But not on Blaser.
My case was like this.
I had bought anschutz target rifle 22lr.
I wanted to stretch my shooting range a bit, and bought piccatiny rail with 20 moa inclination.
When I wanted to zero, I could zero on 100 mtr, but on 50 I was too high, ran out of clikcs.
I was hitting too high, and no more clicks down
VIsual inspection, before the installation was OK.
Scope was from another rifle, tested and proven.
Piccatiny rail was marked 20 MOA, with arrow facing fwd.
Rifle was factory brand new.
I had no clue. I suspected flaw in rifle.
I took everything to gunsmith.
He removed everything, and he first measured the thickness of the piccatiny rail forward and aft. By caliper.
As per measurement, factory made piccatiny rail had more then 40 moa slant, despite the factory declaration 20 moa.
He reduced (filed off) the inclination of the rail to proper 20 moa, and was all ok later.
That was my case.