Not to start an argument, but just how hard does the PH have to work on a "Cull Hunt". Basically any animal of the species will do, you aren't having to hunt hard to find that great specimen a guy wants for his wall. What would a PH be able to do that would warrant a tip.
I have done a few cull hunts, I don't take the meat, hide or horns so this is all available to be sold by the PH/outfitter. In reality the Skinner isn't really working for me, he is doing the work to benefit the outfitter. They sell the cape and skins to taxidermy shops to replace ones that may have been damaged on trophy animals, the meat gets sold for between 10 and 100 Rand a pound to a butcher shop or restaurant. A cull Zebra skin can be made into a throw rug and still has significant value. Most cull prices are at least 100% more than what the outfitter is paying the farm for the animal.
Like I said, not trying to start an argument but this tipping stuff has gotten right out of hand. The minimum wage in SA is 100 Rand a day, same wage for working in a field or working on a hunting party. Despite such low wages unemployment is over 50%, so even these relatively low paying jobs have a long list of people looking to do them. The PH typically earn about $250 a day for plains game. To suggest the hunter tip basically 100% of the basic pay rate for a skinner,driver or maid is plain and simply abuse. I agree with a bunch of the other posters on here, it is not the hunters job to make up for the poor pay that the outfitters supply for the PH, Skinners, camp staff etc. We already have nearly mandatory tipping with the "Suggested" tip amounts, except that most Europeans don't fall for it. The more we buy into this the worse it will continue to get.
Last hunt I booked I told the outfitters I was considering up front that I was raised in Europe, didn't believe in tipping and I was not going to tip anybody. He needed to quote me a price high enough to pay all his staff fairly based on what I paid him. I then picked the outfitter based on deal and amenities, reputation etc. Any outfitter that even pushed back a little at this I tossed from the consideration pile right away. I saw zero difference in the hunt provided and the day rate, animal fees etc were exactly the same as what was on their website.