Hi Guys,
Some observations from my 23 years in the industry in Colorado, Mexico, and Alaska guiding sheep hunters and other hunters.
1. Tips should never be expected but as Jaco says, they do help an operator keep good help who could likely make more money in a different industry with year-around work. My guides guide for the love of hunting, often at great personal sacrifice to their own futures, promotions at their other jobs, and families. Cash is best for these folks as they can't repair the wife's car with a hunting knife that they probably have a dozen of anyway. We outfit/guide in trophy qulaity areas and we already usually have better gear and optics than our hunters. This may not be the case in all of Africa or North America.
2. I have received monetary tips ranging from $0 to $3500 and I never had a problem with a low tip for good service, especially from folks of lesser income that saved and saved for the hunt. The low tips I have received were from hunters that had great trips but either did not know what to tip or they could not afford to tip more. I am always thankful no matter the case. Either way it all evens out in the course of a guiding career.
3. I am often asked by clients how much they should tip their guides and I never suggest anything more than average and I usually suggest something a little below average as I am uncomfortable with the final decision. The decision should be made by the client depending upon service received and ability to tip.
4. If the operator/outfitter guides you, he is to be tipped like any other guide. If he does not guide, then do not tip him.
5. Europeans and all of us need to adjust to the culture where we hunt, not live. Trips, food, and goods are generally more expensive in Europe and the businesses and governments pay higher wages and benefits overall to service workers and that is why tipping is not as common but they are just paying it in a different way. And while on the subject, I find it short-sighted that some Europeans think U.S. and African service workers should enjoy higher wages and more social programs. Well, if we in the U.S. did not have to pay to cover most of the cost of defending Western Europe after WWII and all throughout the Cold War, maybe we would have more money in our government for other things too. Not to mention the high price that many U.S. families paid in blood and lives lost to free Western Europe, as evidenced in the U.S. military cemetaries where I have extended family buried. Yes, you may have guessed that I don't have much understanding or patience for European criticisim of the U.S. government, business sector, and military after we came to their defense more than once. Some European countries helped us win and keep our independence in the late 1700's and early 1800's and likewise that also should not be over-looked. Europeans are amongst our closest allies and each government/country has their own reasons for doing things a certain way and all should be respected when in another country.
6. Don't worry so much about tipping. Don't let it affect your trip. As a guide or client, I never think about it until the end of a hunt and then it is always appreciated if offered. I never make guiding decisions on a hunt with tipping in the back of my mind. Just tip what you feel good about with your financial situation and within the norms for the area you are hunting.
7. A positive mental attitude on the trip and a good time shared with your guide is the best tip of all and is definitely appreciated no matter what kind of monetary tip you leave.
Best regards,