Hoss Delgado
AH fanatic
Now , to specifically answer your question . Wally Johnson was using Kynoch 300 grain full metal jacket round nose solids According to Jack Lott , after Kynoch discontinued their centre fire Cartridges , Wally used anything he could get his hands on : From old stocks of Kynoch to Western Cartridge Co . Ammunition brought and left over by clients. Handloading was illegal in Mozambique during that time .Why was it taking 6 to 8 shots? Was it poor shot placement, poor bullet construction or something else? I find it hard to believe any living creature can make it very long with 7 375 solids in its brain. I will finish by adding I’ve never seen an elephant outside a zoo, I just find it hard to believe they required 6-8 well placed shot with quality solids.
I would like to add that Wally used body shots ( heart / lung shots ) on Elephants and Buffaloes as he found the brain shot unreliable if the angling was off.
Having killed 3 Australian Water Buffalo myself with my .375 HH Magnum Winchester Model 70, l am inclined to agree with him . I personally find the double lung shot on Australian Water Buffalo , the most reliable killer with my .375 HH Magnum . Sure , it's not as ambitious as a heart shot or the fabled brain shot . But it works . Widest target from a broadside position .
Also , an Australian Water Buffalo ( maybe Cape Buffalo too , but l can't speak from personal experience on that one ) shot through the heart with a .375 HH Magnum Kynamco Round nosed 300 gr full metal jacket solid can still be alive and dangerous for up to 20 minutes .
When l used Kynoch Round nosed full metal jacket 300 gr solids on Australian Water Buffalo , my first shot was an ambitious heart shot . The bullet broke it's fore leg , but distorted before it reached the heart. I immediately decided l had had enough of trying to act like the legends l read about so often , and then went for the basic Double lung shot . The animal went 80 ( ish ) yards blowing blood through its nose and mouth and dropped . It got up again and dropped immediately . This time , dead.
When modern hunters tell you that they prefer expanding bullets on Buffalo or Monolithic meplat brass Solids , their advice is sound ! Next time l hunt Water Buffalo , or for my Cape Buffalo in Botswana in 2020 , l will use Swift A frames expanding bullets
Hope this helps