The Donald Trump's Boys under fire from PETA


Ok, I see your point: its about regulating what we show so as to avoid things being interpreted as barbaric and used against us in the anti-hunting campaign etc, and rather portray our hunting pics in a sensitive-to-public-viewing manner so that it doesn't get used as fuel for an anti arguement. I see.

Thank you!
The average Joe will get little press, a prominent person will. They should know and that was my point.
Unfortunately, if the antis don't get these types of pics from the Trumps and other celebs they will simply look for it elsewhere and find it and use it. It goes without saying we must be diligent about how we publicly display dispatched animals.

(I never spoke of Greenpeace or their website maybe you confused my post with another)

Keep well,

Thank you!

The average Joe will get little press, a prominent person will. They should know and that was my point. Sorry about the Greenpeace mention, my mistake...
And for your info, Greenpeace is an ecological organization which does not deal with anti-hunting but with ecological issues such as deforestation... (which I am supporting, more forest = more game)... As you said, they have a website, check it out ;)

And for your education you should come To Canada during the seal hunt and maybe Greenpeace will let you ride in the rubber boat with them while they do their best to disrupt the seal hunt by any means neccesary. They are a plague. Another thing about the many so-called environmental groups out there, be very careful which ones you support. Some directly support projects and ideals that we as hunters and fishermen also support while all the while they shuffle our money out the backdoor and give it to enviro terrorists to do their dirty work for them while maintaining a clean rep. Look into it you will be suprised to learn just where your money ends up.
And for your education you should come To Canada during the seal hunt and maybe Greenpeace will let you ride in the rubber boat with them while they do their best to disrupt the seal hunt by any means neccesary. They are a plague. Another thing about the many so-called environmental groups out there, be very careful which ones you support. Some directly support projects and ideals that we as hunters and fishermen also support while all the while they shuffle our money out the backdoor and give it to enviro terrorists to do their dirty work for them while maintaining a clean rep. Look into it you will be suprised to learn just where your money ends up.

THANK YOU! Diamondhitch.....

I feel bad about getting on this guy, but he just doesn't get it...

Has anyone seen that reality show on the NatGeo channel that shows these lunatics ramming their specially built speedboat into a commercial fishing boat in an attempt to sink it? Yeah, Bob Barker from the game show "The Price is Right" gives millions to GreenPeace, the Humane Society, and others. He bought the speedboat for them... In fact, the mothership is named after his late wife. They are both infamous bunny huggers here in the U.S....What they didn't know was that there were two scientists doing an international fisheries study on board...The only good thing to happen out of this was that the crew of the GreenPeace boat nearly killed themselves in the attempt... They didn't say what came of it, but they all should have been charged with attempted murder.
Allthough we as hunters should not hide our activity, some of us could use a bit of common sense.
From another forum: Quote: "I see no reason to allow tracking dogs for wounded deer and I wouldnt bother. After all its only animals that God gave us the right to do with as we please and they dont possess an advanced nervesystem and cannot feel paine like us" Quote ends.
When idiots like this can piss me off, imagin what a common nonhunter thinks!
On the front page of Yahoo you can read the about the unspeakable acts of
the two sons of Donald Trump. These two men are being thrown under the bus
for enjoying their passion of hunting. Never been much of a Trump fan but
his sons are one of us. Check it out and chime in on your thoughts and remarks.
We as hunters should support Donalds boys...:cool:

This is an article that is on the NRA's Hunters Rights Website on this issue:

And for your education you should come To Canada during the seal hunt and maybe Greenpeace will let you ride in the rubber boat with them while they do their best to disrupt the seal hunt by any means neccesary. They are a plague. Another thing about the many so-called environmental groups out there, be very careful which ones you support. Some directly support projects and ideals that we as hunters and fishermen also support while all the while they shuffle our money out the backdoor and give it to enviro terrorists to do their dirty work for them while maintaining a clean rep. Look into it you will be suprised to learn just where your money ends up.

Diamondhitch I couldn't agree with you more. Unfortunately this kind of stuff goes on in every aspect of our lives. From Bank of America giving money to humane society of the united states(hsus) to people like Bob Barker. Just like hunters, they come in all shapes and all walks of life. While attending my local sci banquet a couple of weeks ago, Kieth Warren (host of "the high road" and our guest speaker)came up to our table before dinner and sat at an open seat. My dad and I talked with him for about an hour leading up to his guest speaking roll. We discussed this same kind of topic. We as hunters need to stand up. We can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines while our counterparts keep spending billions to stop us. Enough of this bickering over how I choose to hunt or how you choose to hunt. Weather one chooses to shoot an animal at 500 yards or only hunt with a bow. Enough already! We are all hunter! An unless we start talking as one unit, Hunters. We are all in deeper trouble than we already are.
This is an article that is on the NRA's Hunters Rights Website on this issue:


First off welcome to!

Second, thanks for providing the link to an excellent article. That article is full of talking points that we, as hunters, can share with our non hunting friends, acquaintances, co workers, and even family members to help educate them about the value of hunting.

Thanks again,

Allthough we as hunters should not hide our activity, some of us could use a bit of common sense.
From another forum: Quote: "I see no reason to allow tracking dogs for wounded deer and I wouldnt bother. After all its only animals that God gave us the right to do with as we please and they dont possess an advanced nervesystem and cannot feel paine like us" Quote ends.
When idiots like this can piss me off, imagin what a common nonhunter thinks!
I fully agree, it seems that this message does not go through...
And until then,hunting IS thretaened!
And for your education you should come To Canada during the seal hunt and maybe Greenpeace will let you ride in the rubber boat with them while they do their best to disrupt the seal hunt by any means neccesary. They are a plague. Another thing about the many so-called environmental groups out there, be very careful which ones you support. Some directly support projects and ideals that we as hunters and fishermen also support while all the while they shuffle our money out the backdoor and give it to enviro terrorists to do their dirty work for them while maintaining a clean rep. Look into it you will be suprised to learn just where your money ends up.

Now that's interesting...
What do you think pissed people off? The fact that people reduced the seal population or the graphic horrible pictures that circulated all over the place? You are in fact supporting my point.
And between you and me, you may call this hunting, I do not. This is culling, harvesting, whatever. And up to recently done by some in a real gory manner. And do not say I am against it seal harvesting I have friends who do it, I understand it but I would not do it...
You mention Greenpeace, they do not challenge ethical legal hunting and, by the way, have the right of their opinion. I do not support them, see no reasons why.
Hunting involves killing, it should be done with respect. Taking a life is not a right, it is a gift and with this gift comes obligations. Respect, composure and may be a little bit of discretion?
Now, to be honest, when I see your aggressivity toward someone (me) that shares your passion but does not have exactly the same opinion you have, I can only imagine how constructive must be the potential discussions you may have with non-hunters...
We will never agree, and another reply is useless...

Now, I will focus on more interesting things, like my upcoming lion hunt in Zimbabwe (3 weeks). And yes, since I am not a public figue, will be happy to post pics, on a hunting website, of course avoiding gory pictures.

Happy hunting to all.
This is an article that is on the NRA's Hunters Rights Website on this issue:



Glad you put this link up, it is good for "everyone" here to see how the Trump boys feel about this, before some continue to bash them for there actions...

Sad thing is the only article I found was this one, where they get to defend themselves without their words being misconstrued. Just happened to be the NRA that gave them the chance.
You mention Greenpeace, they do not challenge ethical legal hunting and, by the way, have the right of their opinion. I do not support them, see no reasons why.
Hunting involves killing, it should be done with respect. Taking a life is not a right, it is a gift and with this gift comes obligations. Respect, composure and may be a little bit of discretion?
Now, to be honest, when I see your aggressivity toward someone (me) that shares your passion but does not have exactly the same opinion you have, I can only imagine how constructive must be the potential discussions you may have with non-hunters...
We will never agree, and another reply is useless...

My friend,

Your commentary so off base on this issue, I almost think you are playing us to get a reaction...
Nobody is showing aggression towards you... You are provoking strong rebuttals because you are making statements from emotion and not from facts... You are right about one thing....We will never agree. I hope others from your country don't share your same points of view, or your God-given rights to enjoying your natural resources will surely be lost in your homeland....
Now that's interesting...
What do you think pissed people off? The fact that people reduced the seal population or the graphic horrible pictures that circulated all over the place? You are in fact supporting my point.
And between you and me, you may call this hunting, I do not. This is culling, harvesting, whatever. And up to recently done by some in a real gory manner. And do not say I am against it seal harvesting I have friends who do it, I understand it but I would not do it...
You mention Greenpeace, they do not challenge ethical legal hunting and, by the way, have the right of their opinion. I do not support them, see no reasons why.
Hunting involves killing, it should be done with respect. Taking a life is not a right, it is a gift and with this gift comes obligations. Respect, composure and may be a little bit of discretion?
Now, to be honest, when I see your aggressivity toward someone (me) that shares your passion but does not have exactly the same opinion you have, I can only imagine how constructive must be the potential discussions you may have with non-hunters...
We will never agree, and another reply is useless...

Now, I will focus on more interesting things, like my upcoming lion hunt in Zimbabwe (3 weeks). And yes, since I am not a public figue, will be happy to post pics, on a hunting website, of course avoiding gory pictures.

Happy hunting to all.

Jepetto, my response was not agressive. The first line was a play on your snarky "For your info..." comment about the renouned enviro-terrorists Greenpeace who you said in an earlier post that you support, I assumed you meant financially. We all support the environment, of course we do it is where our passiion lies but there are alot better organizations to support if you want to help animals and the environment, SCI comes to mind and there are others. These groups actually care about what they say and support hunters and fishermen worldwide. That is where my money goes.

You are right that the Seal hunt is not actually a hunt, it is a comercial endeavor, to call it a hunt is like calling slaughtering cattle hunting. I agree the terminology is not favorable to sport hunters.
The reason the seals were clubbled and not shot is so they will not get any blood on the hide, bloody seal hides stain and are worthless. The vast majority of the time only 1 blow is required and if a second is required it is no more or less cruel than shooting them or the bolt that a cow gets between the eyes before slaughter. The images of bloody seals squirming while being skinned is the work of the enviro terrorists in an attempt to cause outrage, which worked quite well I might add. People tend to remenber the big headlines when these scandals are unleashed far longer than the page 10 blurb when it is uncovered that it was actually the "protectors" that caused the suffering. It does however prove that they do not actually care for the animals and are above nothing in their attempt to force their will on others.
I stand corrected!
It seems that, yes, we agree!
I know the reasons for knocking out seals, fact is that pictures taken out of it reached out to people... and, a picture is worth thousands of words, hard to fight against this unfortunately.
I mentioned low profile, the idea here is not to be ashamed, I am not, to be a hunter, but not to give ammunition to people who are just waiting for this...
And I agree with you fully on people that pretend to protect, screaming on hunters, but will not, for example, feel guilty when their free roaming dogs tear newborn faons into pieces....

Fact is we need to be double cautious and not give up anything that can be used against us.
As General Electric CEO used to say: "Only the paranoid survive..."

Seal hunting...clubbing animals on the head. Is not hunting, it's harvesting. It's a "CASH COW" used by the anti's to tie into hunting, which seal hunting is not. It's a wonderful marketing plan by the anti's.

Can anyone explain all the wild horses out in the western USA ? Populations out of control...Oh the anti's can. Same with wolves and grizzlies. These are all cash cows for the anti's. Proper wildlife management is never considered. And what is best for the habitat is hardly ever considered. There whole preservation attitude, leaving nature untouched is unrealistic.
Sorry about the Greenpeace mention said:
No worries mate, all the best with your Lion hunt!
As a a fellow european, I do agree with Gepetto.

We live in a different atmosphere over here, there are not that many anti-hunters, but a huge majority of urban dwellers who are totally indifferent to hunting.

They just don t understand why we hunt, and believe steaks are just something which somehow appears on the supermarket.

We have to be careful not to antagonize that majority by showing photos which they would see as gory or cruel. It is like giving ammunition to the antis, which they would gladly use against us, and they could win the next hunting ban vote !

Here's an excellent video of Cam Edwards interviewing Mr Todd Rathner of the T. Jeffery Safari Co.

Please share it with your friends, coworkers, and family.

Thank you again for your hard work and dedication Mr. Rathner.


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Couldn't have said it better myself.
Aww heck, I'll vote the whole Trump family into office!
Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority's response to the Anti's allegations that the Trumps conducted an illegal hunt.


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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)