The Donald Trump's Boys under fire from PETA

I read the story and saw the pics. Nothing there bothered me except for the ultra snarky story and the idiotic comments that followed! The pictures, at least the ones I saw are not really different than many posted on this site or in our scrapbooks. I might add that some of the comments posted right here are pretty half-baked as well!
You guys are missing the point...
Public figure = scrutiny = be double cautious about what you let people see
Not very difficult to understand.
The Trump boys are not helping the hunting community by letting people create the controversy, they should know better, that is if they had a minimal allocation of neurones...
I found an interesting quote while I was looking at the Norma website.
The last sentence in the quote is a mantra to which I subscribe.

"The view from 2007 is that of population growth, urbanised thinking and the exploitation of nature as opposed to the understanding and respect of it. So it is the task of the hunter, now more than ever, to give his or her passion for nature, hunting and adventure an economically viable and ethically defendable place in the ecosystem. Smart hunting! Something of which one can speak with a clear and proud voice. To shy away never works in anything." ~Natasha Illum Berg~

Natasha Illum Berg grew up at Eriksberg in Blekinge, southern Sweden. She has lived in Tanzania since 1993, where she works as an authorized professional hunter, see
Craig Boddington is a famous guy, sports stars, actors, musicians, etc. Should they all stop posting their pictures on the internet? Should they be ashamed and hide? Not in my opinion anyway, criminals and sneaks stick to the shadows and watch their every move, be proud of what you do and let the chips fall where they may.
hard question.....
i dont think they have to stop posting their pictures on internet but maybe not on twitter...
they dont have to hide and just assume what they do.:D
Me personally, I an tired of hiding!! They did nothing wrong in my opinion. They like to hunt, and who are we to tell them they should keep it to themselves? I love the fact that they are out and showing there love for hunting. They learned from their grandfather the art of hunting. They did everything legally and ethically. I say show me some more pictures!
If we as hunters try to disappear to avoid conflict, I am sure we will do just that...Disappear.
I agree with RickB. Congrat's to them for a great hunt. Be proud. Maybe controversy is a good thing. I know hiding in the shadows isn't! The hunting community should stand united behind them and flood "Yahoo" with support. Strength in numbers boys. Get the facts out in front of the "non believers". We cannot do that if we hide. Talking about what we love is easy among each other with the same values. It's hard among those that don't understand. We should all take the "hard path" more often.
You guys are missing the point...
Public figure = scrutiny = be double cautious about what you let people see
Not very difficult to understand.
The Trump boys are not helping the hunting community by letting people create the controversy, they should know better, that is if they had a minimal allocation of neurones...

Thats baloney! They have every right just like you and me to hunt and post pictures of that hunt. If they were playing tiddlywinks on some beach somewhere the libtards would make a fuss about it because of their last name! Go Trump boys!
You guys are missing the point...
Public figure = scrutiny = be double cautious about what you let people see
Not very difficult to understand.
The Trump boys are not helping the hunting community by letting people create the controversy, they should know better, that is if they had a minimal allocation of neurones...

Dear jepetto62,

With all due respect, I think you are the one missing the point along with a few other naive members who have posted on this...I for one, applaud any celebrity or public figure who openly displays their passion for hunting or fishing despite any fallout that may occur to their career or personal life. Ted Nugent is a perfect example of this... Love him or hate him, Uncle Ted has gone to the mat countless times for the interests of sportsman world-wide. The late Charleton Heston, and Chuck Norris are other notables who have championed our cause. More like them are EXACTLY what we need to enlighten and educate those who would be critical of our way of life...

A similar post was made here on not too long ago from a member suggesting that we, the hunting communtiy, need to reach out and be more amicable with the Anti's... Myself and many other educated members quickly reminded him that although it sounds nice, it would be the least productive of our public relations strategies. What every one here needs to understand, if you don't already realize is that you WILL NEVER reach common ground with the Antis... I liken them to domestic terrorists. They have an agenda to destroy our rights to hunt, fish, trap, own a gun, etc.... They have historically proven that they will spare no expense and stop at nothing to erradicate these things that make up our lifestyle. I'm not being over-dramatic. Look at what they've done thus far, and what they continue to do.... Ever hear of a hunter or fisherman crashing their vehicle into a ship, or threatening violence and throwing blood on innocent people for wearing an animal product??

Our best course in preserving a future is to win the hearts and minds of the vast majotiry of those who are still without opinion and mostly indifferent to the plight of those of us who hunt and fish. Educating them to the facts about the true benefits of conservation and habitat preservation through good science and practical game management is the key to our collective future.

Reaching the Antis is a waste of time and energy. It's fight fire with fire on this front. Unfortunately for us, they are slowly winning. We need to be better united and more determined than ever if we are going to survive. We need to be more outspoken than ever. But we need to speak with facts and results...Spewing more political rhetoric or trying to shout down the Antis is not going to win this war....

Sorry for my long reply, but this is a very serious issue for us, and one that I am particularly passionate about....And, as for the Trump Boys, they have done NOTHING WRONG! They have the right to proudly celebrate their trophies, and post them on Facey Space or tweet whatever the hell they want! I'm also proud to see that they don't have their father's hair! But, if their pride makes you squeemish, maybe you should consider visiting the Forum on PETA's or GreenPeace's website instead....
The Trump boys did nothing wrong. We should never have to apoligize the media for being a leader in the wildlife conservation of the world. It's the damn anti's that are poison to wildlife. They don't put their pocketbook out there like they do with their comments. They never foot the bill for anything. All they are good for is scaring stupid people into voting bad laws and rules into policy for government officials to follow.

Where it's the founder of Facebook hunting or the late Charles Heston...I'm behind them hunting and telling people about hunting!

You have a good point about 'public figures'and how this should be considered overall as public figures get more attention, period. However, my two cents is that as regards hunting the Trumps did nothing wrong as the hunt was legal and it is a personal thing they like doing, and I for one would never hide my hunting trophy pics. The anti-community will use anything against us at any time, and for you to say that the Trumps should hide their pics and go hush hush because it puts hunting in a certain bad light because of this or mate, if they were dealing cocaine and taking pictures of their dealings then there is a problem and I think people who do the wrong thing should hide their trophy pics of those wrong doings, but hunters who hunt legally must show their pics if they so wish and be ready to take the good with the bad, its life. I understand your arguement as one that states that because of the Trumps public status even more anti-hunting communities will be reached or 'born' etc but this is something we will have to deal with anyway and we cant let it deterimine how we talk or act about our hunting pride. Remember that the antis are fighting a moral battle with us, it is not like they are fighting a legal battle with cocaine dealers! What we do is legal but only morally questionable in the eyes of anti-hunters.

However, I see your point, but I cannot ever in my own justify why I or anyone or any celebrity should hide their trophy pics especially when its legal and a passion, same for the Trumps (and save for their public status) they are also just people with passions. Let the antis do what they will, they do the same with Craig Boddington, and Mark Sullivan, and will always target celebrities and theres nothing you can do about it, and they will do it for everyone the same, except that they get more publicity from the Trumps and the like. If you allow them to stifle your pride in ethical hunting then they will eradicate our community just on this type of thing alone. But its much ado about nothing in my opinion. Antis are capitalizing on this by tapping into an emotional crowd, but it holds nothing when considered seriously.

Keep well,
Congratulations to the Trumps on a successful hunt and many more to come.

Interesting culturally based responses from across the board.
Remember this is an international forum and there are different realities in other places and countries.

Long debates on political correctness. Like it or not folks, we are a MINORITY everywhere!

You guys in the states had any referenda lately on abolishing our beloved sport? No!, evidently the folks in Switzerland have and barely staved off elimination. It's not SURVIVOR over there its real. It would scare me into thinking how I present my sport.

Most of you have never been selected as a particular personal target for someone without mental balance. I do not ever suggest you try it on or invite it either.

I never got the Elephant tail thing. Of course I have never hunted an Elephant and have not been introduced to the cultural history of "possessing an elephant" by taking its tail. Without context and background it will appear barbaric to the uninformed.

Everyone hugging Leopards and raising them off the ground for pictures.
Who started that one? I'll save my back the strain when I get mine one day.

Don't hide, be smart.
I never got the Elephant tail thing. Of course I have never hunted an Elephant and have not been introduced to the cultural history of "possessing an elephant" by taking its tail. Without context and background it will appear barbaric to the uninformed.

I must admit when I watch it on video....I think it's silly. When you decided to shot the animal, it became your responsiblity and your animal.

Everyone hugging Leopards and raising them off the ground for pictures.
Who started that one? I'll save my back the strain when I get mine one day.
If I ever go leopard hunting or cougar hunting....I'm going to skip this practise too.

It is a International Forum, for sure. Other countries have different cultures and traditions. I understand and respect that everyone is different.

A lot of people think we do things different in the USA. We sure do and we pay for it everyday we get up too.
Thanks, at least one person here seems to have a reasonable view...
The point is not hunting picture per se, it is the offensive pictures...
Regardless of the tradition, a knife in one hand, a tail in the other, grinning... with a dead elephant in the background does not look good!
And again, I make the point that these guys should know the picture would be picked up. Bottom line is that this is not helping explaining and convincing that hunting is a wonderful passion.
As mentioned before, we had here two state vote on abolishing hunting, narrowly rejected. The hunting organizations took drastic measures, begging their members to keep low profile, avoid travel with bloody deers on your trunk, avoid shooting when people are around. And you know what? It paid off! These things are of the past now and while there is still a anti hunting community, we do not feed them with gory ammunition.
Like the one the Trump's sons provided!
As said in previous post, who is talking about reaching the antis?
Just stop giving them ammunition, that's all.
Be outspoken, yes!
Defend our cause, yes!
Explain yes!
Over and over again...
You do not fight hate with hate, nothing in history will prove me wrong.
Insist on ethical hunting, consolidate good hunting tradition, but I am absolutely convinced that an "In your face" approach will only antagonize people.
I have been hunting for over to 30 years, have probably hunted more animals than most hunters in a lifetime and am passing this now to my son. He hunted his first buffalo at 13 and intends to be a PH. I just hope that he will have the chance to do this...
And for your info, Greenpeace is an ecological organization which does not deal with anti-hunting but with ecological issues such as deforestation... (which I am supporting, more forest = more game)... As you said, they have a website, check it out ;)
Thanks, at least one person here seems to have a reasonable view...
The point is not hunting picture per se, it is the offensive pictures...
Regardless of the tradition, a knife in one hand, a tail in the other, grinning... with a dead elephant in the background does not look good!
And again, I make the point that these guys should know the picture would be picked up. Bottom line is that this is not helping explaining and convincing that hunting is a wonderful passion.
As mentioned before, we had here two state vote on abolishing hunting, narrowly rejected. The hunting organizations took drastic measures, begging their members to keep low profile, avoid travel with bloody deers on your trunk, avoid shooting when people are around. And you know what? It paid off! These things are of the past now and while there is still a anti hunting community, we do not feed them with gory ammunition.
Like the one the Trump's sons provided!

You have a good point about 'public figures'and how this should be considered overall as public figures get more attention, period. However, my two cents is that as regards hunting the Trumps did nothing wrong as the hunt was legal and it is a personal thing they like doing, and I for one would never hide my hunting trophy pics. The anti-community will use anything against us at any time, and for you to say that the Trumps should hide their pics and go hush hush because it puts hunting in a certain bad light because of this or mate, if they were dealing cocaine and taking pictures of their dealings then there is a problem and I think people who do the wrong thing should hide their trophy pics of those wrong doings, but hunters who hunt legally must show their pics if they so wish and be ready to take the good with the bad, its life. I understand your arguement as one that states that because of the Trumps public status even more anti-hunting communities will be reached or 'born' etc but this is something we will have to deal with anyway and we cant let it deterimine how we talk or act about our hunting pride. Remember that the antis are fighting a moral battle with us, it is not like they are fighting a legal battle with cocaine dealers! What we do is legal but only morally questionable in the eyes of anti-hunters.

However, I see your point, but I cannot ever in my own justify why I or anyone or any celebrity should hide their trophy pics especially when its legal and a passion, same for the Trumps (and save for their public status) they are also just people with passions. Let the antis do what they will, they do the same with Craig Boddington, and Mark Sullivan, and will always target celebrities and theres nothing you can do about it, and they will do it for everyone the same, except that they get more publicity from the Trumps and the like. If you allow them to stifle your pride in ethical hunting then they will eradicate our community just on this type of thing alone. But its much ado about nothing in my opinion. Antis are capitalizing on this by tapping into an emotional crowd, but it holds nothing when considered seriously.

Keep well,

You have a good point about 'public figures'and how this should be considered overall as public figures get more attention, period. However, my two cents is that as regards hunting the Trumps did nothing wrong as the hunt was legal and it is a personal thing they like doing, and I for one would never hide my hunting trophy pics. The anti-community will use anything against us at any time, and for you to say that the Trumps should hide their pics and go hush hush because it puts hunting in a certain bad light because of this or mate, if they were dealing cocaine and taking pictures of their dealings then there is a problem and I think people who do the wrong thing should hide their trophy pics of those wrong doings, but hunters who hunt legally must show their pics if they so wish and be ready to take the good with the bad, its life. I understand your arguement as one that states that because of the Trumps public status even more anti-hunting communities will be reached or 'born' etc but this is something we will have to deal with anyway and we cant let it deterimine how we talk or act about our hunting pride. Remember that the antis are fighting a moral battle with us, it is not like they are fighting a legal battle with cocaine dealers! What we do is legal but only morally questionable in the eyes of anti-hunters.

However, I see your point, but I cannot ever in my own justify why I or anyone or any celebrity should hide their trophy pics especially when its legal and a passion, same for the Trumps (and save for their public status) they are also just people with passions. Let the antis do what they will, they do the same with Craig Boddington, and Mark Sullivan, and will always target celebrities and theres nothing you can do about it, and they will do it for everyone the same, except that they get more publicity from the Trumps and the like. If you allow them to stifle your pride in ethical hunting then they will eradicate our community just on this type of thing alone. But its much ado about nothing in my opinion. Antis are capitalizing on this by tapping into an emotional crowd, but it holds nothing when considered seriously.

Keep well,

As said in previous post, who is talking about reaching the antis?
Just stop giving them ammunition, that's all.
Be outspoken, yes!
Defend our cause, yes!
Explain yes!
Over and over again...
You do not fight hate with hate, nothing in history will prove me wrong.
Insist on ethical hunting, consolidate good hunting tradition, but I am absolutely convinced that an "In your face" approach will only antagonize people.
I have been hunting for over to 30 years, have probably hunted more animals than most hunters in a lifetime and am passing this now to my son. He hunted his first buffalo at 13 and intends to be a PH. I just hope that he will have the chance to do this...
And for your info, Greenpeace is an ecological organization which does not deal with anti-hunting but with ecological issues such as deforestation... (which I am supporting, more forest = more game)... As you said, they have a website, check it out
My friend jepetto62,

It's not my intention to single you out and ridicule your commentary. You have the right to your opinion as I do to mine.... However, I find your views are naive and not based in the reality of the true threat that all sportsmen face globally. Maybe it is a cultural issue on how we view this, but I promise you that your method of thinking will most assuredly fail in the grand scheme of it all. I really don't know how I can make it any clearer...These fanatical individuals who we refer to the "Antis" are terrorists in their own rite... They despise you and your choice to "torture" animals. Being non-confrontational, cleaning the blood from animals before we pose for pictures, or whatever you do that you feel will provoke, does nothing to apease them. They hate you and would rather see you die before a furry woodland creature...

Keep a low profile? Avoid driving around with bloody animals in your truck? Avoid shooting with people around? Do you seriously believe these tactics are going to preserve our hunting rights? I can't speak for your country of origin, but they definately will not work here in the U.S. You are loosing your God-given rights exactly because you are cowering in front of those that would challenge you. If you haven't lost all of your hunting rights yet, it's because of luck. Stay your present course of lurking appologetically in the shadows and you will soon enough..

I'm not advocating hate. Nothing could be further than the truth. Fighting fire with fire means doing exactly what they are beating us with... The Antis are better organized, better funded, and definately more outspoken. Additionally they are extremely well adept at disguising their resources and agendas.

And for your info, GreenPeace is one of the WORST enemies of the hunting/fishing community. If you think that all they care about hugging trees you are badly misinformed. Furthermore, if you think they want to save the forrests so you can hunt in them, you are a bigger fool still...Listen, we will save the so- called "green" organizations for another discussion another time.... The point is that PETA, GreenPeace, the Humane Society, ASPCA, Friends of Animals, the Sierra Club, are just a few of the hundreds of well funded organizations that are all networking to take away your rights to hunt, fish, trap fur, and own a gun. They network with each other as well as disguise their true agendas to the very members that donate money to them.... Many of whom are people who hunt, fish, camp and enjoy the outdoors... They have us tricked into financing our own demise and we don't even realize it... And yes, they all have websites... I suggest YOU check them out a little closer next time....!

"Who's being naive now Kaye?".....Michael Corleone... The Godfather

Ok, I see your point: its about regulating what we show so as to avoid things being interpreted as barbaric and used against us in the anti-hunting campaign etc, and rather portray our hunting pics in a sensitive-to-public-viewing manner so that it doesn't get used as fuel for an anti arguement. I see.

Unfortunately, if the antis don't get these types of pics from the Trumps and other celebs they will simply look for it elsewhere and find it and use it. It goes without saying we must be diligent about how we publicly display dispatched animals.

(I never spoke of Greenpeace or their website maybe you confused my post with another)

Keep well,
My friend jepetto62,

It's not my intention to single you out and ridicule your commentary. You have the right to your opinion as I do to mine.... However, I find your views are naive and not based in the reality of the true threat that all sportsmen face globally. Maybe it is a cultural issue on how we view this, but I promise you that your method of thinking will most assuredly fail in the grand scheme of it all. I really don't know how I can make it any clearer...These fanatical individuals who we refer to the "Antis" are terrorists in their own rite... They despise you and your choice to "torture" animals. Being non-confrontational, cleaning the blood from animals before we pose for pictures, or whatever you do that you feel will provoke, does nothing to apease them. They hate you and would rather see you die before a furry woodland creature...

Keep a low profile? Avoid driving around with bloody animals in your truck? Avoid shooting with people around? Do you seriously believe these tactics are going to preserve our hunting rights? I can't speak for your country of origin, but they definately will not work here in the U.S. You are loosing your God-given rights exactly because you are cowering in front of those that would challenge you. If you haven't lost all of your hunting rights yet, it's because of luck. Stay your present course of lurking appologetically in the shadows and you will soon enough..

I'm not advocating hate. Nothing could be further than the truth. Fighting fire with fire means doing exactly what they are beating us with... The Antis are better organized, better funded, and definately more outspoken. Additionally they are extremely well adept at disguising their resources and agendas.

And for your info, GreenPeace is one of the WORST enemies of the hunting/fishing community. If you think that all they care about hugging trees you are badly misinformed. Furthermore, if you think they want to save the forrests so you can hunt in them, you are a bigger fool still...Listen, we will save the so- called "green" organizations for another discussion another time.... The point is that PETA, GreenPeace, the Humane Society, ASPCA, Friends of Animals, the Sierra Club, are just a few of the hundreds of well funded organizations that are all networking to take away your rights to hunt, fish, trap fur, and own a gun. They network with each other as well as disguise their true agendas to the very members that donate money to them.... Many of whom are people who hunt, fish, camp and enjoy the outdoors... They have us tricked into financing our own demise and we don't even realize it... And yes, they all have websites... I suggest YOU check them out a little closer next time....!

"Who's being naive now Kaye?".....Michael Corleone... The Godfather

I disagree... fully!
Much less hunters than non-hunters, you antagonize, you loose.. simple!
And who mentioned apologies? Why would you do this?
i am not going to argue on Greenpeace and Co, some are good, some are bad, some are really bad.
And I will certainly not be able to convince you of my point of view....
the world is not black and white, that's all I can say.
Do you seriously think that the "in your face" approach will help you keep your rights?

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)