Hi Kevin,
Good to hear from you.
I took the buffalo at about 30 yards side on with hornady 270 soft point just behind the right shoulder. It ran on about 50 yards and, after an appropriate wait for the bellow, we followed and found it collapsed under a tree facing back the way it came. I gave it 2 "insurance" shots on the advice of the PA, when it was down, from about 10 m.
It's got a Swarovski 1.5-?6 scope with an illuminated dot in the middle which subtends a large area at 100m but is strangely accurate and it shoots well with this with one barrel producing 1" at 100m (but using both barrels together an honest 6-8")
I've taken blue wildebeest (heartshot at 100 m) and European wild boar too and found it accurate, reliable and effective. Before my trip I made sure of the iron sights and, like yourself, found them excellent.
The picture shows the scope setup on the rifle.
I tried various bullets and weights and settled on the most accurate combination of soft point and solid. I appreciate there are a multitude of opinions on bullets for big game but I made do with what was accessable in the UK.
I found "Shooting the British Double Rifle" by Graeme Wright invaluable for loads and advice.
Good luck with the sable, I'd be interested to know how you get on.