Day 6 – Afternoon: The Quest for Iberian Stag Continues
After the Mouflon is loaded up we press on, now looking for another attempt at an Iberian Stag. We drive and glass across the canyons and hillsides looking for a medal class stag, seeing quite a few stags and some nice fallow stags. I always hear “too small” or “we can do better” from Danny. The game sure seems active today, almost non-stop movement all morning and into the early afternoon.
Stag hiding in the thick brush
We have a beauty of a Mouflon ram step out of the brush on our left at around 300 yards, trot up the road in front of us before diving back into the thick brush on the right. A very nice looking ram but still young with wide long curls, on his way to becoming a gold medal. Michelle was able to snap a couple of pictures through the windshield.
Cropped view of the Mouflon
The road is cutting around a steep hill filled with brush, so steep I can see a long ways down to the bottom. I spot some fallow down below and a few Red stags, nothing to get excited about. I did ponder how we would even walk down the hillside if I ended up shooting one! Michelle is on the uphill side and snaps a photo of another young stag with great potential.
Stag on hillside
Fallow in the dark thicket
We pop out into a deep valley with a river running through it and begin glassing the surrounding hills, what a gorgeous location and we see many fallow deer in the open areas.
Jose spots a medal class Red stag at the top of hill we had just come around, we all get some glass on him but he doesn’t stick around long and disappears into the brush. We decide to go take a look and see if we can spot him. We drive back up the road and walk a firebreak to the top and front of the hill now looking down on where we had parked. We circled around the hill without seeing him.
Danny receives a call from Paula, she is about to estate entrance with our lunch. We are all hungry as we burned a ton of calories chasing the Mouflon in circles for over 3 hours in the morning.
On our way back out to the front of the property we spot 3 Red stags and some females on a long open rocky ridge line with many hinds around them. They were over 400 meters away with a good breeze, too far shooting the 8x68.
I tell Danny we must get closer. Danny and Jose decide to just continue driving up the road, which is not directly towards them but does slightly angle in that direction. We close gap to a bit less than 300 yards as Danny and I slip out of vehicle, circle around the back of the car and then forward towards a couple of trees to give us some cover. With all those eyes, the herd was now on high alert and all staring at us, getting more nervous as the seconds tick away. Michelle is able to get another photo through the car window.
Nice crowns on the target Stag
We have now closed the distance to 250 meters and Danny flips out the bipod of the blaser, sets it out in front of me and dials in some elevation. I get snugged up behind the rifle, prone position on the road with my left hand under the buttstock to adjust the elevation point of aim.
Danny tells me the biggest one is the middle stag of the three who are now intently watching us.
I line up the crosshairs on the big stag, the middle one, and squeeze the trigger…”CLICK” as the firing pin falls. I have to pull my left arm from under the buttstock that was providing my vertical adjustment to cycle the left handed bolt. I curse as I cycle the bolt and try to acquire the middle stag again as my sight picture has been broken and I need to slip my left arm back under the buttstock and try to locate the stags again. On a right handed rifle I would have been able to keep my head on the stock as I cycled the bolt never breaking form or the sight picture through the scope.
There he is, broadside still standing there. I can see one stag to the right which gives me confidence this is the middle stag. All the deer begin to move to the right including the stag as I calculate wind and walking hold, place the crosshairs on air in front of the walking stag and break the trigger and see the stag fold though the scope! I’m stoked I made a great shot while there was silence from Danny and everyone else. I go from prone to kneeling and pronounce he’s down, I smoked him!
My face vs Danny’s face!
Martin walks up and says “I think you shot the wrong stag”. I said, I shot the 2nd one! What I didn’t know was as I was cycling a new round in the Blaser with my left hand and getting back in shooting form, the stags had moved from left to right and had stopped again when I re-acquired the sight picture. The last stag in line was now in the same general area as the big stag and the first stag was out of view. Without the stags antlers being silhouetted on the skyline and facing into the sun, it was difficult to make out any details except the stag I shot looked good to me! Michelle was able to shoot a video with the Olympus, turn up the audio and you will be able to hear my racking the bolt on the Blaser.
We drive up the road and around onto the long ridgeline where the deer were feeding. Walking over the crest of the hill I see my Stag and I’m impressed! No he’s not the largest one we have seen but it was an exciting hunt and I executed a great shot.
Everyone was rooting for me to get a medal stag but this will classify as a “representative” animal and the mood was a bit drab except for me, I was all smiles! Our hunt was complete, 2 Ibex, a gorgeous Mouflon and now a nice Iberian Red Stag. What a great way to finish out the last hunting day!
We have lunch waiting and head back to the estate entrance to meet up with Paula. As we are munching down on sandwiches and chips I’m doing a little math in my head. I’ve brought some additional euro’s with me in case either Michelle or I bagged a Gold medal animal. I ask Martin if I can take another stag on the estate, a quick conversation with the Jose and told yes!
I tell everyone to finish up, let’s see if we can find a bigger stag before the sunset!
We head back out and the animals are still active as we spot a couple of young Mouflon rams.
As we come to an intersection of roads, a nice stag bolt across the side road and up into the wooded hillside.
Danny and I quickly climb up the hill and circle around into a shallow draw waiting for the big stag to show himself. I’m up on the shooting sticks ready to go…where did the big stag disappear as we spot some of the smaller stags and females he was following? Michelle was on the ball with the camera once again!
We wait a few minutes with a few red deer passing across the hill but the big one has given us the slip, but that’s how the get big, right!
We continue looking and glassing the hillsides and valleys but can’t find a medal class stag. The sun is quickly racing towards the horizon as we are passing through an area of pines and thick brush when Jose stops the car, a nice heavy representative stag is just 40 meters or so off the road. Danny and I eye him up but we both agree he needs to grow as he is heavy but still young with a ton of potential. He gets nervous and walks away into the brush as Jose pulls forward just a few meters and all of our eyes get big, another stag! This stag is heavy and has nice crowns. It appears he was bedded and is now standing staring at us as Danny turns to me and says we should try for him.
My wife is in the 2nd vehicle behind us and snaps a photo
I’m in full agreement with Danny but know for sure he’s going to bolt and we will lose sight of him in just a few bounds in the thick undercover. As Danny opens his door, I do the same as he’s telling me there won’t be time for shooting sticks as I’m telling him just hand me the gun! No long drawn out stalking story, just need to execute!
I take a step forward as he hands me the rifle as I push the odd (to me) Blaser tang safety forward as I’m mounting the rifle to my shoulder, acquire the now walking stag and place my shot low into his shoulder through the heart.
He’s hit hard and goes down within 50 meters, sometimes you just get lucky! I approach the stag and give him my thanks, what a regal deer. Martin, Michelle and Paula were in the vehicle behind us and watched it all quickly unfold.
Noticing the sun streaming low through the trees, I grab ahold of his heavy antlers and drag him out onto an access trail.
The last rays of the sun stream through the forest as we quickly position the stag
The mood has definitely changed and back slapping and handshakes abound! Both stags are beautiful and the memories will be with me forever. I will have euro mounts done on both stags, where I’m going to put them in the house is the other question!
My wonderful wife and the second Red Stag
The Wife and I bagged all of our target animals except for the wild boar, some came with much more difficulty than others but that’s hunting! Never give up, work hard and keep a positive outlook!
A small celebration shot of Fireball with the guides
Another great dinner, a couple bottles of wine and a bit of dancing (my wife not me) at the Salobre Hostel capped off the day!
Fried chicken, salad and soup and a happy Martin!
Slow roasted pork shank, you have gotta try this, FANTASTIC!!!!
We were in good spirits and ended up having a toast with a table of gentleman!
A little dancing with locals to finish off the great day! On to Madrid in the morning…