SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting Report KMG Safaris In The Eastern Cape


AH veteran
May 16, 2011
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Norway, South Africa
I have visited South Africa and the Eastern Cape 3 times before and have a lot friends there. So I always come back there. After getting voted travel leader for a trip to Kenya and South Africa with my girlfriend, friend from childhood and his girlfriend I started entertaining the idea of fulfilling a dream I had yet to experience, hunting in South Africa. Since my friend also was hunting in Norway I asked him and he said yes at once. I started searching for outfitters in the Eastern Cape, and after about 50 outfitters and a lot of research on I found one. KMG safaris with Marius Goosen. He had good prices and was active on The reports I found was positive and the prices seemed good. Since we had our princesses along for the trip it was imoprtant that they would have a good time as well. So I sent him a mail and I wouldn`t regret it:) Since me and my friend where very new to hunting bigger animals than bird, he helped me along with every question.

After 8 days in Kenya with a great photo safari we where ready for the hunting safari. We landed in Port Elizabeth at about 1000 and Marius met us at the airport. Since the girls where tired we drove straight to the camp, which was beautiful. Since we had such a short time hunting, the guys wanted to go for a afternoon hunt. We where hunting 2 to 1, but we where lucky enough to have 2 private hunters since Tertius (PH nr 2) also came along. After shooting in the rifle we where borrowing. A custom built .308 on a Mauser action with a suppressor. The riflescope was a Leupold VX-R 4-12x40. Ammunition was PMP 150gr. This was Marius private rifle so I knew it was good. Marius also went through the shoot placement for warthog and impala, which was the trophies we where going for. I was both trying for a meat warthog, trophy warthog and trophy impala. My friend had the same except the meat animal.

Let the hunting begn. We drove off and had agreed that I was going first. At this point I was getting excitingly nervous. But felt I was in good hands. The second stalk we had we saw 4 warthogs at a distance and started to go for them. We saw that 3 of them could be a great meat pigs. In the stalk we walked and froze a couple of times since the pig was looking at us. We got within 50 yards, not sure since my adrenalin was pumping quit hard now. Marius put up the standing shooting sticks and I started to aim. Since there where more pigs together I had to wait a while. Suddenly Marius told me to take the shot then I saw the broadside and took the shoot. The pig went straight down! After a while we went up to the pig and it was finished. Everyone congraulated me and it was a great feeling, but also a strange feeling of respect for the animal. I was so glad that the shoot was good. My first animal was in the box A perfect first day.

Warthog- Ronnie Halvorsen.jpg


The meat was also very good:) We had a spiit braai with all my friends in port Elizabeth. Everyone thought it as great!. Before and after picture.
The second day my friend started out hunting because of my success the day before. He got a good chance on a trophy pig, but used a bit much time before shooting and another pig suddenly ran out just 5 meters in front of them.

We took lunch and decided that I was going to try after lunch. After a couple of stalks we saw an impala. It looked straight at us and we where worried that it had seen us- Marius and me went around to the left through some bush and in a short while we could just see through some bushes. It was a narrow field of vision but Marius put the shootings sticks right. It was quartering towards us. Luckily Marius had explained me how to take down a quartering animal. At this point I stopped thinking and felt the sight go the right place and took the shoot. It was a difficult shoot for a beginner and the animal jumped and went away from the our line of vision. I was nervous at this point, but when we went around the bushes it was laying 10 yards from where it got shot. I was happy yet again.

Impala-Ronnie Halvorsen.jpg

Now it was my friends turned again and it would seem that our luck had turned. Within an hour he was doing a stalk through a lot of bushes against an open field. There was a lot of animals there. Zebra, blesbok, springbuck and of course some Impalas. This was probably the most difficult stalk and they where on hands an knees a lot. We where waiting a long while, but suddenly the shoot rang. He took the shoot at about 80-90 yards. It went straight down. 2 animals in 2 hours. A good day:)

The third day it was getting really warm. I think about 35 degrees in the shade, but of course we where in the sun. We took turns hunting and had some really good stalks, but the big pigs where eating at night now, so it was mostly sows with kids and younger males. Even though we didn`t get any animals we had a great day. Hunting in Norway is completely different from this. I have been on weekend hunts where I didn't se any of the right animals. Here we saw probably 25 different species. Magic. Like the last day where I was stalking on some pigs and suddenly had 2 white rhinos about 50 yards away from me. Amazing experience. Me and my friend with the rhinos in the middle.


The last half day we split up to higher our chance for some trophy pigs. This was the warmest day. 38 degrees in the shade and we where also getting quite hot. Luckily my friend got a chance and took it. He got a pig from 80 yards and it went straight down. He was happy:) we had now 4 animals in 3 days of hunting.

I have not mentioned the girls much. They have no interest for hunting, but where extremey happy with our hunting days. They got catered in every possible way. Pancake breakfast when they got up. 2 game drives 2 different places and a trip to nearby Grahamstown. If they had a request, they got it. We had some magic lunches and dinners with them. Marius and Tertius was with us every step of the way. With great food and todays stories. It wil be something I will never forget, but have to do again. This was awesome 3 days, but I am already planning my next trip in my mind. Next time will be longer and more animals. I have also have no doubt who I will hunt with the next time. KMG safaris with Marius and Tertius.

Sorry for a long report, but it could have been longer:) Magical experience!
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Nice report seem like you guys enjoyed.
Congrats on your great hunt, sounds like you had a great time:cool:
Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your hunt with us:)
You clearly had a great time at KMG Safaris.

I am going to Marius later this year to hunt with my bow.
Congratulations on your hunt and the good time !
cogratulation:cool: seems like you had a great time:thumb:
Thanks for posting your hunt report svinejakt!
Thanks for the hunting report!
nice report

please go to the outfitter section and post your review
Nice Read glad you guys had a great hunt. Marius and Tertius done you right and thats always good news but now it begins sleepless nights trying to figure out how fast you can get back there. Congrats!
thanks for your report. That pig looked awesome! My son and I will be there late July. Cannot wait!

Marius, when you read this report, I'm thinking now that maybe the first animal we shoot ought be a warthog. it looked mouthwatering on the bbq.
Thanks for the report, and congrats on your trophies. East Cape are for sure beautiful, and Grahamstown are a interesting town. You got to see all the churches?
Hi guys,

Thanks to all for the the posts:)
We sure had a great time. The "problem" now that is mentioned here. When can I go back?? Have to start saving at once. I don`t know many hours I spent already after the trip looking at hunting videos and dreaming of the next time I can go back. This addictive stuff, when you try it. When you can have this much fun in 3 days, imagine 7-10 days. Of course I have some new animals in mind. I think kudu is one the top of my list for next time.

The trip wouldn`t be the same without Marius and Tertius, both of them is so dedicated hunters and friendly people. You fee like family when you leave. Marius even drove to the airport 5 days later when we where leaving cape town, just to say good bye and send us off. Also when I came home he had sent me a packet with biltong spices so I could make it Norway. So I don`t miss SA to much. I am jealous of the guys going there this summer. You will have a blast.

As for Grahamstown, it ws only the girls who took the trip. We just hunted day and night:)
The warthog was food for over 30 people and tasted amazing. I am lucky to know a guy who does spit braais for a living. So he made it to perfection.
Glad to hear you had a great time!! Thanks for the report. Cant wait to hear the next one with the kudu!!:D
Great report. :thumb:

There's not a day that goes past where I don't think about my trip to Namibia, and the Eastern Cape is the next on my list.
God, late May can't get here soon enough when Marius will take my wife and I into camp for Nyala & Bushbuck!!!!

Been shooting my custom 7mm-08 on a Rem 700 action with 140 grain Nosler Accubonds. It is ready to go but I still have a month and 1/2 to practice and dream!
God, late May can't get here soon enough when Marius will take my wife and I into camp for Nyala & Bushbuck!!!!

Been shooting my custom 7mm-08 on a Rem 700 action with 140 grain Nosler Accubonds. It is ready to go but I still have a month and 1/2 to practice and dream!

It doesnt get much better than nyala and bushbuck! Look forward to the report, Good luck!
That is great bullet in 7mm, I stacked up whitetails using it in 280AI, good luck and 5 weeks and counting for myself as well to head over to Louis place, got me a few 140 to bring along as well as the 160's good luck and happy hunting
Marius, when you read this report, I'm thinking now that maybe the first animal we shoot ought be a warthog. it looked mouthwatering on the bbq.

x2 Marius!!! See you in october!
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That is great bullet in 7mm, I stacked up whitetails using it in 280AI, good luck and 5 weeks and counting for myself as well to head over to Louis place, got me a few 140 to bring along as well as the 160's good luck and happy hunting

Good luck and safe travels to you as well!

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?