SOUTH AFRICA: Bos en Dal SAFARIS 20 days!

6/7 Last Day of Hunting
Up at 5:30 and out by fire to decide what plans are for last day. With Narrow Horn in the salt and most of my other interest animals down. It was decided to go across road to look for Common Reedbuck. That was one still on list and we hadn’t looked for it in awhile.
We head off. Get into place and start glassing the top ridge the sun is hitting. Some females are spotted then a nice Ram is spotted. Plans laid and we are off. Gerrit in the lead with me close behind. We start slowly working the side of the ridge below where he was spotted. Gerrit freezes and slowly points. Ram is about 80 yards uphill bedded by a tree in the sunshine. Sticks up and on them. Ram stands and gives me perfect shoulder shot. 300 hits it mark and he disappeared behind the bush. We start easing up and see the limbs on a bush thrashing around. He is down and death kicking. Pics and off to skinning shed with a Common Reedbuck!
He is old and shows battle scars and worn down horns. I couldn’t be happier.

We ride the rest of the morning just looking at game. Lunch at noon.
Decided to just relax and go sit Middlebrook Dam the afternoon till dark and see what happens and just talk.
Saw wildebeest, warthogs, zebra.
I decided to pack the 375 for this sit.
Close to dark it had slowed down and not much happening. Then a Jackel appeared at went to water. Well let’s say a 375 300 gr Aframe makes a big exit hole! Took a pick from the good side.

Mark, thanks for sharing. Great report and pictures! Looking forward to talking with you soon.
6/8 Departure and return to USA
Up at 5am packing.
Big breakfast at 8 am. We load up and gone around 9 am. Gerrit and Rikus taking me to airport. We
Left early because I wanted to go by JS Taxidermy. They have handled all my dip and pack from previous hunts. I wanted to visit with Jan and Karen. I know there pricing and I usually carry enough extra cash to pay in full my dip and pack while I am there. We then stop at a pharmacy Gerrit uses and got Antigen Covid test done. And we headed for airport. We got to airport and got parked. Gerrit and his team do not just drop you off. They pack all your luggage up to ticket counter, stay with you all the way thru ticketing. Luggage check. To SAPS for rifle check, we had lunch. Then escorted as far as they can go up to security check point. That is what I call full service!!

United Check is was smooth. They knew what they where doing and how to handle the gun case.
I went thru security no issues and had about 2 hours before boarding. Just hung out at gate. Boarding went smooth as I am flying Polaris seat. Return flight was great!
Very attentive crew this flight. Always some one around and constantly asking if you needed something when they passed by if you where awake. I used my CPAP and got a solid 8 hours sleep. Crew made the rounds about 2 hours before landing asking if you wanted a breakfast meal.

Arrival was on time. I had a 5 hour layover since I had guns to deal with.
First immigration check was smooth and easy. Told agent I had Firearms to collect. He said United Rep will be at luggage carousel with instructions. At luggage carousel United Rep was asking for all hunters who had firearms. Gave her name and she had a new boarding pass for every Hunter. She marked it and said they will clear guns in order of departure flight times. We needed to collect our checked bags and go to US Customs and pointed I the direction to go.
Of cougars since I had checked in so early at Tambo. My bag was one of the last to show. Got it and went to where was supposed to. US custom agent asked what I needed told him have Firearms to get. He took passport and copies of 4457 and escorted to another area.
They worked us in order of next flight.
Then United Rep escorted the group to recheck luggage and on to TSA for gun inspection.
This was a little different for sure than Atlanta or Houston. All the cases are on a big cart and everyone is told to unlock your case and wait here. No one allowed back there during inspection.
I was using a Tuffpak this trip. I had installed a secondary hasp and combo lock along with its original Key lock.
I unlocked both and United Rep took key for lock. We waited and she came out and said all could leave except me!
I was taken back to where they were inspecting and asked to place my rifles back into the case myself and lock it up!
Thought that was I unusual. But they said they preferred it with that type case that owner does it. Real nice and friendly staff.
Security recheck and to gate. Uneventful flight to Houston and baggage claim at Houston is simple compared to other places.

All in all. I would fly United again in Polaris seats if price was right. Qatar I was defiantly better last year, but much longer flights.

In closing I would like to thank Gerrit and the entire Bos en Dal Team for making this one memorable hunt. This hunt was special this year with the closure on Narrow Horn.
With certain health issues I have been dealing with I was not sure if this hunt would even happen up until departure day.
The team made sure all my needs were taken care of to make it work!!

I hope to get all this medical straighten out in the next year to return to Bos en Dal in 2024 for my 61st birthday.

Thank you all for tagging along and hope you enjoyed my long winded story.
Congratulations Mark! Looks like one hell of a hunt and great time.
Congrats Mark, that was a great hunt, two fine buffs, an unusual kudu, and two warthogs which I would not mind having ;), plus other very good trophies. Thanks for sharing !
Usual morning up and gone by 6:30am
Making our way thru the farm checking and looking. About 8:00 am we spot 4 BW bulls running together. One of them is wide! I am always on the lookout for big BW! Made a short stalk an them and at about 75 yards the big one stopped and gave me a frontal shot. Hit him solid and he ran about 45-50 yards and piled up.
29 1/2 inch BW in the salt. View attachment 470510

While we were setting him up for pictures, Rikus went to get truck. He came flying up to where we were saying the Big Buff Bull was up the hill about 200 yards from the truck when he got to it crossing the road.
We stopped the BW set up for pics. Rearmed with big bore rifles and headed off on foot to where he last saw him. Gerrit tracked him in the rocks and bush for about 2 1/2 hours until we lost him going down hill in some really nasty stuff. We headed back to BW and took pics and radioed for recovery trailer.

When John arrived with trailer he said he had just seen the Big Bull about 1/4 mile below where we were headed to tank to water. We took off!
Had to make a wide circle around to that area for what wind was doing. Gerrit stopped truck about 1/4 mile from water tank and we started in slowly on foot. We got in to water tank area and started looking and walking slowly and methodically. Gerrit soon spotted him off to the left of the water standing in some bush, he was facing us! About 45 yards away. Sticks went up and I was on them quick. Bush was thick with know open shot. The Bull stepped forward two steps opening up his chest for a straight on frontal. I told Gerrit I had clean frontal and he said take him. 458 Lott went off and the Bull ate it hard! You could tell from his reaction solid hit! He was into the thick stuff before I could get a second round off.
We stood there for a few minutes, you could hear him in the thicket struggling for air. Rikus went to fetch truck while me and Gerrit waited. We were gonna give him about 15 min before the follow up.
As Rikus was driving up we heard the first death bellow! Then a long second one!!
Then all went quiet. We went to where he was standing and just a few feet away was blood. We started in following the blood. Blood would go into a thicket, we would work around the thicket and find blood coming out, then back on trail. About 45-50 yards in Gerrit spotted him laying on his side, back to us! At 15 yards I put an insurance shot right between the shoulders. No movement from him. We eased in and Big Bull was down and out!!
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Recovery team was radioed and he was pulled out for proper photos.

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He measured a little over 41 in wide. Massive bosses.
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Congrats on the exceptional Buff!

Up at 4:30am and off by 5:30am
This morning we are headed out for Buffalo again! We are headed to the same place that I took my two previous Buffalo (2019 and 2021)and @mdwest took his.
This place is mountains and valleys. About 98% rock. It is a spot and stalk hunt, no tracking in all these rocks.
When we arrived it was a cold and windy morning, mid 30s with 20 plus mile hour winds. We started driving the tops of ridges looking into the valleys figuring the Buffalo would be out of the wind. There was not much game moving at all. We stopped for a bush lunch off the tailgate of the truck about 10:30am to let it warm up.
About 11:30 we started back out of the valley we were in and noticed that the wind had died off and was warming up.
We were headed up the side of a ridge when a herd of buff was spotted going up the opposite side out of the valley.
We glassed them over and saw about 5 good hard horned bulls in the herd. Only way to them was go on up, turn around, come back down and up the other side to beat them to the top and set up and wait on them.
Well as it usually happens something went wrong with the plan. Turning around once a spot was found. Gerrit’s truck blew a tire!
Found a stump!
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Was amazing to see 4 PHs change a tire that fast!

Yes I said 4 PH’s.
On this hunt I had the Bos en Dal team accompany me. Sentimental reasons.
PHs Gerrit, Frikkie, Rickus and Francois. PH Francois manages this farm and PHs for Gerrit also when needed.

Tire changed and headed back down. We see buff still going up the other side and Francois tells Gerrit how to get there.
Well we get over there and get out and start heading where we think they will come up at. Only problem is when we get there buff are already there! They made it faster than we thought would. We ease in toward them taking advantage of the bush. We stop about 50-60’yards from them as a cow spots us. There is around 35 in the herd total it looks like. They start looking at us and milling around. That’s when the bulls started working there way to the front and staring us down.
Francois knows these buff as he has been managing this place for over 10 years. He says to watch out! There are a couple of cows that have no bluff in them, they will charge! Finally a Bull is selected and agreed on as to age and requirements by owners as to a shooter. When they tell me which Bull we will be going for I am ecstatic! Never thought it would be this great of a Bull.
He finally works his way clear of others and is facing us at about 45-50 yards.
This is where I want to stress!
Make sure first shot is right and good!
The bull was quartering toward us and I miss judged the angle when I fired my first shot. (Hit looked and felt good. But later found out it was about 3 inches left of where needed to have been.)
At the shot they all broke and run about 80 yards up and over a small rise into some tall grass and a small thicket!
We gave it about 15 min and started moving in there direction. Herd was milling around, real nervous. Some cows started coming at us when they saw us. We all took up a defensive action. Francois was watching there reactions as he knows this herd better than anyone. Gerrit had me right by his side and another PHs to his other side. The cows finally turned and took the group down and over a small ridge about 150 yards away. We glassed them as they went over and out of sight. The Bull I hit was not with them.
Gerrit took the lead in the tall grass as we eased to where they had been.
All of a sudden Gerrit freezes and says “there under that tree in the brush”
About 60 yards away under a tree in thick brush you could make out a buff. Laying with its back to us, but head was up!
We ease to the left for a more clear angle at him. About that time he stood up and looked right at us! He didn’t charge but turned to run. I was already on the sticks and hear “take him”. I hit him right behind shoulder as he broke to run. I started pumping him full of 458 Lott Aframes.
(My CZ will hold 6 rounds)
I hit him 2 more behind shoulders, Gerrit hit him 1 round 500 Nitro as he started up a small rise I hit him in neck behind his horns about 8 inches driving a round into the brain(was found by skinners when caping him out). He dropped and I put two more into the spine between the shoulders
Bull was down and done at that point.
We moved in slowly and made sure he was done.
Man what a buff, 42 7/8 wide!
Set up for pics was done and recovery team called in.
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The remainder of the day was spent around the skinning shed watching the skinners work. Then loading up the meat and cape to head back to main farm.

WOW! A second exceptional Buff.

Congratulations. What a great Safari!! Was the length of your trip about right? I am envious! Thanks for the lovely write up. Your friend Brian

PS Like your footwear!
sounds like a fantastic hunt, and that you had a great group of PH’s, thank you for sharing your journey and congratulations.

Glad you had a great trip and hunt. Really enjoyed your report. Thanks for taking us on your safari with you.
Great report and a very good read, Mark! Especially appreciate the better than expected report on the United flights.
Congrats on the hunt and thanks for sharing the journey with us!
Congratulations on a very successful safari. Thanks for an excellent report, well done.
You can sit and close your eyes and recount every second you were there and plan the next trip.
Thank you for sharing your adventure.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID