SOUTH AFRICA: Bos en Dal SAFARIS 20 days!

Congrats on some wonderful animals. You are doing very well. Congrats


Here are 3 458 Lott Aframes recovered from last Buff.
The two on left where found in opposite shoulder and side.
Right bullet is one recovered during caping of the skull.
Up and gone by 6:30am. Today is cold and frosty morning. Some ice in places.
We rode and glassed most of the morning not seeing much game moving. Just to cold. We broke for an early lunch about 11:00 am. Back out around 12:30 looking.
Around 2pm we started seeing game moving. I had been thinking of adding a Nyala to this hunt. We had been seeing some really good ones. About 4pm we spotted a Nyala I just couldn’t resist.
Plan made and stalk was on. After about 45 min of playing hide and seek in the thick bush I had a shot. 300 win on the mark and dropped in tracks.
A really nice Nyala headed to skinning shed.

Up and gone at usual time. We headed back mountain to look for Narrow Horn.
Not much moving early morning. We made a pass thru area where we had seen him before and no sign. In for lunch.
Rikus and I departed about 1:30 for a 1 1/2 hour drive to North of Rustenburg to meet Gerrit. We were dove and pigeon hunting over cut and standing sunflowers this afternoon for a change of pace.
Got to field about 3pm and set up. Lots of birds flying. I shot right at 200 rds this evening. Shot to bird ratio was not to good. I averaged about 1 bird per 5 shots
Had a great time and stress relief for the day.
Up early and gone from lodge at 6am
Very Very cold this morning. Freezing. Ice on ground. Gerrit had plans to go to a property close to lodge his dad has planted in some type of green field for cattle. Geese had been hitting it and we were going to set up on flight path they were coming in from. I got 2 with first 3 shots and that was it. Birds decided to go to me neighbors field instead. It was Cold!
I had had enough by 8am and wanted a warm coffee and thaw out.
Back to camp, thawed out and warmed up we headed to back mountain. Glassed for awhile and started our way down. When we reached the bottom of the valley, Gerrit spotted a big Waterbuck headed into a draw. Out of truck and on foot we perused.
Waterbuck gave us the slip after about an hour of playing cat and mouse in the thick bush in the bottom of a ravine. We loaded up and to camp for lunch.
After lunch Rikus and I headed out. Gerrit had business to take care of in town.
We headed to a water spot called Middlebrook Dam. I love this water hole, have taken several animals here. All was promising for a great afternoon sit. Wind was right, wildebeest were there watering when we eased into our sitting spot under some trees just behind dam wall.
Well! All that changed real quick! A lone young beat up Buff Bull appeared on opposite side of tank. He proceeded to walk the waters edge straight in our direction. He had closed to less than 30 yards real quick when Rikus said “time for us to make a move”
I grabbed my 300 win and as I turned to slide down the escape route all I could see over the dam wall was Bosses at less than 6 yards!! I slid down the small tunnel of open brush path to the bottom and turned to see Rikus chambering a round in his 375. He came down right behind me then. We stopped and listened. We could hear the Bull drinking water just on the other side of the dam wall. Better part of valor we headed for truck! I knew my way to truck as I had hunted this spot many times. Rikus was staying a ways behind me covering the back till we reached the truck. We made some rounds then looking to see if we could find kudu or whatever.
Didn’t have luck on anything.
Back to camp for an awesome dinner
Rikus grilled a wildebeest filet for appetizer.

Usual day. Up and gone by 7am. Checked all areas we had feeling Narrow Horn maybe working and traveling. No sign of him. Lunch and gone by 12 noon
We decided to sit Blackdam. It’s the closest water in the last area we had seen him. Sat there till 4pm, only one young kudu came in to water. We hit the roads looking and seeing a lot of game moving just not him or anything else that interested me. I started feeling really tired and coughing, runny nose set in and was chilled. Headed for camp and hot shower and warm meal.

View at Blackdam
Started as usual. Gone by 7am.
Rode and checked all the usual spots and then some where he had been seen before. Not much game moving this morning. Really kinda slow.
Broke for early lunch at 11am
Left at noon to go sit Middlebrook Dam again. When we eased in there were wildebeest, warthogs, zebra and kudu watering. Looked like might need good place to sit awhile. Saw a really nice Kudu in the 54-55 inch range. About 3pm it had slowed down. Rikus said let’s head for back valley. He just thinks Narrow Horn has moved back to where he was about 6 days ago. That is his pattern. Stay in one area only a day or two and then move.

We headed for back valley, Rikus said he wanted to take the low road on the side of the mountain with the wind in our face so we could look down into the draw and up the otherwise. The road is narrow, just wide enough for a truck. Out drivers window it is a 45degree drop down into valley. Out my window 45 degree up hill, thick bush and solid rocks.
We came around a bend in the road and I said “Kudu” Rikus hit the brakes and we both grabbed our binos. It was Narrow Horn! Headed up hill on my side!
We both bail out of truck, as my feet hit the ground I chamber a round in the 300 win. Rikus grabs sticks, he is going up hill and we can see glimpses of him. Then he started on a trail paralleling the road. We move down the road looking up hill trying to keep track of him the the bush. We see a small opening and sticks up and I’m on them. He is about 55 yards uphill from us is all but bush is thick thick. All of a sudden there he is and there is a small window for a shot, I have a clear shoulder and squeeze off a round. We see him buckle in the front and disappear into the bush. We hear rocks tumbling and then all quiet. This is rocky rocky area. It takes me at least 10 min to get to where he was standing. We hit the trail he was on. No blood. Rikus takes lead and about 15 yards he turns and looks at me with a big smile on his face and comes and gives me a big hug! Narrow Horn is down finally!!
Rikus let’s me have my private moment with him. It has been a obsession of mine hunting him and I needed closure with him.


Pics of how we found him laying

We got him set up as best as possible for a pic on the mountain before a crew got there to get him down to the road.

Crew got there and it took them almost 45 min to get him the 50 -60 yards to the road for loading.

Pic after we got him down.
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On the way down I’m not sure what actually happened but my eyes started burning and I stared sneezing my head off. Allergy attack of some kind.
It got better later in the evening but my right eye was hurting and swollen.

We went to skinning shed to watch the caping and stuff for awhile. I wanted to see how the 300 preformed. Wound channel was massive. They found bullet in opposite shoulder. It had hit both lungs and top of heart.
Skinners also found 3 rocks inside stomach when they were cleaning it. I kept them.
Usual morning up and gone by 6:30am
Making our way thru the farm checking and looking. About 8:00 am we spot 4 BW bulls running together. One of them is wide! I am always on the lookout for big BW! Made a short stalk an them and at about 75 yards the big one stopped and gave me a frontal shot. Hit him solid and he ran about 45-50 yards and piled up.
29 1/2 inch BW in the salt. View attachment 470510

While we were setting him up for pictures, Rikus went to get truck. He came flying up to where we were saying the Big Buff Bull was up the hill about 200 yards from the truck when he got to it crossing the road.
We stopped the BW set up for pics. Rearmed with big bore rifles and headed off on foot to where he last saw him. Gerrit tracked him in the rocks and bush for about 2 1/2 hours until we lost him going down hill in some really nasty stuff. We headed back to BW and took pics and radioed for recovery trailer.

When John arrived with trailer he said he had just seen the Big Bull about 1/4 mile below where we were headed to tank to water. We took off!
Had to make a wide circle around to that area for what wind was doing. Gerrit stopped truck about 1/4 mile from water tank and we started in slowly on foot. We got in to water tank area and started looking and walking slowly and methodically. Gerrit soon spotted him off to the left of the water standing in some bush, he was facing us! About 45 yards away. Sticks went up and I was on them quick. Bush was thick with know open shot. The Bull stepped forward two steps opening up his chest for a straight on frontal. I told Gerrit I had clean frontal and he said take him. 458 Lott went off and the Bull ate it hard! You could tell from his reaction solid hit! He was into the thick stuff before I could get a second round off.
We stood there for a few minutes, you could hear him in the thicket struggling for air. Rikus went to fetch truck while me and Gerrit waited. We were gonna give him about 15 min before the follow up.
As Rikus was driving up we heard the first death bellow! Then a long second one!!
Then all went quiet. We went to where he was standing and just a few feet away was blood. We started in following the blood. Blood would go into a thicket, we would work around the thicket and find blood coming out, then back on trail. About 45-50 yards in Gerrit spotted him laying on his side, back to us! At 15 yards I put an insurance shot right between the shoulders. No movement from him. We eased in and Big Bull was down and out!!
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Recovery team was radioed and he was pulled out for proper photos.

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He measured a little over 41 in wide. Massive bosses.
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Congratulations Mark on some great animals!!!
Great buff, looking forward to more!
Love your report---you got some fantastic animals--the two buffs and narrow horn are fantastic! congratulations!
Narrow horn is a cool animal. How long was he? Congrats
Thanks for the write up and congrats on your successful hunt Mark. Those are some fine looking trophies!!
Very cool and unique kudu, congrats!
Well today started off like crap!!
Woke up at 5am. Right eye matted over and swollen shut! Couldn’t see out of it at all. I got dressed and went out to the fire pit. Gerrit had just rolled in and him and Rikus where out there. Quick conversation with them and Gerrit is on the phone.
First thing I know we are on the road to Rustenburg. Gerrit has a friend that is an optometrist. We arrive and immediately to the exam room. Turns out I had scratches in it from sand and maybe a thorn. He gave me some drops. Use only 1 drop every 12 hours. I figured hunt was basically over since this is shooting eye.
Boy was I wrong! One drop and in less than an hour swelling gone down and I can see! Before we left camp tho Gerrit had decided since we had to go that direction he had cook pack a day lunch and grabbed the shotguns.
We headed over to the dove fields for the remainder of the day. Eye got better as day went. We shot for about 6 hours at the fields. I lost count of the number of boxes shells I shot and how many birds we had down. Let’s just say it was a lot. Stopped on way out and gave the birds to the farm workers.
Mark very happy for you on a fantastic safari, like the buffalo's but it is very nice seeing the smile on your face with the successful hunt on narrow horns! Hunting a specific is tough but to do it from half way around the world on a couple different trips makes it even more rewarding! A salute to Rikus and @Bos en Dal SAFARIS Gerrit for the hard work on your quest.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID