Well I have to update those of you who have followed this story, with all of the problems that I ended up having with Dirk Terblanche in regards to getting my trophies back from him after my return home, I am happy to report that with great help from a good friend in KZN he was able to get all of my trophies picked up from the outfitter/PH/ property owners and he was able to secure all of the proper permits to export/import them and he had them dipped and shipped back to me in the states. They will be going to my taxidermist next week. Hopefully everything with them are fine and the capes do not have hair slippage so the mounts turn out well.
It is not often that such a bad situation turns out as well as this one did for me. I owe everything to my friend John in KZN What he did for me with getting my trophies handled properly I can never repay him. His kindness is appreciated more than any words can express. My sincere thanks go out to him again.
After all of the problems that I had with this past trip I am also happy to report that I plan on returning to SA in 2013 to take a crack at getting several of the animals that I did not get while on my first trip. I am working out all of the details to hunt with a very reputable outfitter, I am really looking forward to my next safari.