SOUTH AFRICA: A Month In Africa

in Atlanta, waiting aboard the long jump across the pond will be picked up by my pal Matt Maartens and we will drive to our first destination of the journey. Will update as I can along the trip.
Arrived in Johannesburg at 6:50pm got through customs quickly but was hung up waiting for my one and only check bag that had ammo in it, it Findlay showed up in the fragile bag area probably due to size but I’m sure it was the last bag off the plane. I was greeted by the staff of rifle permits as well as my PH Matt Maartens and cameraman Berrie Van Niekerk getting the rifles was a breeze and we were soon loaded up for our drive east to the highveld near Ermelo where we will be staying for two days to hunt Serval. A cold castle light and some biltong hit the spot on the start of the drive. We stopped along the way at a garage to grab some food at a Steers and some drinks from the filling station a burger and chips along with a Cappy be breakfast blend juice hit the spot. Along the drive as we got closer to where we would be staying and hunting we seen several duikers in the headlights as well as a fallow buck walking down the side of the dirt road. It was after 10pm when we pulled into the camp, after gettting quickly settle we gathered at the bar area had one more beer made a plan for the morning and I retreated back to take a shower and get settled in. Tomorrow is day one, we will sleep in a bit as it’s already 1am shoot the rifles drive around a bit but primarily get ready for the night hunting, it get dark early over here so we will be able to get plenty of night time hunting in. Keep you all updated how tomorrow goes.
Day 1 August 8

We got in late so there wasn’t a set time to get up my alarm was for 6 but I got moving about 6:30 to great the day we had some tea ate a nice breakfast than headed to the range to check the rifles after checking the rifles we did a quick drive around than went back to hang out at camp ate a lunch at 1pm than took a nap till a quarter to 4 we than went and sat for some ducks and geese no such luck with them we ate a nice dinner of chicken schnitzel rice and some salad. We got ready to go out hunting for the night. The night started off fast paced when we turned up a jackal but I missed him 3 times with the thermal 243 I haven’t shot with a thermal before so it was a learning experience but something very cool.

We turned up what we thought was another jackal that I again missed but this time we filmed the thermal and found out it was a Serval and I had just shot in front of him

We kept driving around with no luck and about 11pm we headed for another propertry

We got to the other property and soon found a set of eye’s we drove closer and I confirmed it was a serval cat we got to about 100 meters where I got setup and shot, I hit the cat with the 22 hornet and he was off to the races running he stopped a brief moment then disappeared through a small fence and over a rise we got the jack Russel Jabo out and soon got on the trail jabo found the cat and bayed him up some what but as we crawled through the last cattle fence towards the two the cat took off and as he passed me I was squeezing the trigger to the point I was jerking it, I hadn’t set the set trigger yet. The cat disappeared and left the dog we search around to find his tracks and blood but it was to no avail we found that conclusion, I barely nicked the cat as we only found one small drop of blood, and he was running perfectly fine

away from the dog. We were driving around in the direction the serval was last seen when we had a big Cape Porcupine come arose our path I got the 22 hornet and with two shots we finally had a night animal in the salt.

We than got a call some other hunters needed the dog so we loaded up and drove that way. We shortly got there, unloaded the dog, and he went out to help them look for the civic cat they had hit. They returned empty handed we again split up and hunted the last little bit of the early morning darkness by this time it was already 3:30 we rolled into camp at 4:45 showed had some early morning tea at 7am before I finally laid down to get a little sleep.

During the night hunt we seen loads of duikers, house cats, and common reeebuck.

Ready to see what day 2 will bring.

Day 2 August 9

After getting a little bit of sleep I woke up at 8:30 went to the sitting area to wait for everyone to show up for breakfast, everyone was moving slow and by 11 we had everyone up and had breakfast at noon after eating we all went back to our rooms to take a nap before having dinner at 5pm and heading out at 6pm for another night of hunting. We had steak and chips (fries) for dinner and were soon on the way. We pulled into the first property we started seeing game right off the bat lots of Duikers it had just got dark so we were thinking it might be a little before we seen any of the cat activity but we’re hoping for a bush pig when we glanced the light off a Caracal. I quickly got the 243 with the thermal scope and got setup after a few short seconds I had the cat in the cross hairs and touched one off it felt good and everyone heard what sounded like a hot but after searching around and letting the dog out we turned up nothing. We spent the next two hours driving around without seeing a Serval cat or anything else we wanted we did see an ain’t bear (ardvark) but I hadn’t planned for one this trip. We than moved back over to the last location we stopped at this morning where I missed the Serval. We spotted a Serval acrosss a valley on an opposite ride Matt moved the truck closer and I got setup he was over 120 yards so I held on his back when I squeezed the 22 hornet the cat dropped with a thwacking report, we drove up to the base of the hill the cat was on and began to climb it when Jabo the Jack Russell, started barking so Matt, Berrie and my self began to ran up to where the dog was barking soon Matt was yelling shot shoot but I couldn’t see the cat, the cat had ran right to me and Matt in the long grass and I was looking on the other side of the dog. The cat turned and ran but in the heat of the chase it managed to give the dog a few licks and he soon stopped following it and in result we spent 30 minutes trying to turn the cat up with no luck. Hein who was still in the truck and had watched the cat run and could see blood running down his shoulder couldn’t believe how the cat was running. That called an end to our night hunt. We got back to camp had a beer and a shower before getting just a few hours of sleep. We are heading to Zululand today in search of red duiker and other antelope species I told Matt we need to get on something this evening to break the ice of the night hunting misses I have never struggled this badly so luck needs to change today.
Good luck on the Red Duiker. I need on and a Suni to complete my Tiny 10.
Good luck on the Red Duiker. I need on and a Suni to complete my Tiny 10.
Good luck on completing that, we didn’t luck out on a suni. We are moving areas today looking for reedbuck
Day 3 August 10

We traveled from the highveld to Zululand we drove through the timber company country side that soon dropped off into the sugarcane country. We had lunch at spurs great burger and chips. We arrived at the Zonyama camp at a little after 2pm we got settled in and headed out a little after 3pm on our afternoon outing we seen so much game as in the way of Nyala, impala, and warthogs. We also seen several zebra, wildebeest, giraffe and kudu we also seen some buffalo with a fine young bull. We seen 2 read duikers one was a female as we got in close and could tell but the other one kept moving a head of us. For dinner we had soup Impala with rice and sweet potato followed by mud pie a chocolate like cake with ice cream it was amazing. I hit the sack early to catch up on some much needed sleep after the night hunting.
Day 4 August 11

5am wake up a couple cups of rooibos tea and off we went we planed to sit a water hole that a nice male red duiker had been seen visiting just a few days ago. We got setup on this game viewing deck we had grey duiker come in and lots of monkeys followed by some Nyala but at 8 we had a red duiker male come unfortanitley he didn’t stay at the water long enough to give us a shot and left but we know he’s an old male.

We made some adjustments to our setup now we are waiting. Oh and there is about a 13’ croc in this pond as well around.

10 am I was glassing some Impala back in the bush when I caught a red duiker scurry past, I told Matt ones coming and excitedly waited within a few minutes it was in a small opening feeding its way to the water Matt confirmed it was female as she moved close to the water she hung out and drank with the abundance of Nyala, kudu, warthog, and Impala. After she spent about 30 minutes in front of us she moved off and I started to doze off as the morning sun was warming. I was awoke by Matt saying duiker I looked to my left a sure enough there was a new red duiker drinking. I slowly slid in behind the rifle and waited for Matt to give me the green light after some looking Matt said ok take him. I got settled in behind the Jarret and put a 300 grain solid behind the shoulder, the ram didn’t go 5 yards and was down we were getting sorted to go look at the ram when Charl the PH who told us about the old ram at this water hole pulled up and we told him we had just got one so he walked with us to view the ram the shot was just about 100 yards. As we walked up on the ram we could see he was old and when Matt picked up his head we could see his incredible worn down tips and the amazing secondary growth Charl said “yes that thing came off Noah’s arch” we also confirmed this was the old ram he had seen with a limp as his passenger side back leg had a swollen ankle and was deformed after some photos and video we headed to the skinning shed. We returned to camp to have lunch. It was some nicely toasted sandwiches, biltong and dry sausage.

It was getting very warm so we planned to head out at 2:30 it gave me some time to catch up on some computer work while relaxing. That after noon the plan was to look for a Nyala bull, we had seen many Nyala just in the evening and morning so high hopes for the after noon, we drove around looking and seen many Nyala and bumped into a couple groups of buffalo with an hour of daylight left we parked the truck and took a walk along a dry river course hoping to find a big bull, we seen a load of Nyala about 15 bulls just on our walk just none of them had the look I was wanting, I’ve hunted a few Nyala in the past so I wasn’t focused on length I’m more focused on a shape and age I’d like a bull with a big bell and a flaring tips.

Dinner was yet again an incredible 3 course meal.
Congrats on your hunt so far.

Looking forward to reading the rest of your report.
Great report! Congrats on the old red duiker!! Love hearing and seeing the pictures of the food as well:)

Thanks trying to get some photos to upload of the duiker but wifi is struggling
Nice report so far. Wmh!

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia