The poor, milk the welfare system
Yes you are correct.. I was listening to a more liberal (but not rabid) radio talk/news show one night during one of my long drives... They were discussing how to get the unemployment rate down. A female economist was one of the guests and she very matter of factly stated that in order to do that, unemployment benefits and welfare programs for the unemployed would need to be cut way back... of course she was immediately besieged on those points... How will people live, etc. She simply pointed out that how they would live was not the question. The question was how ot get unemployment down and the only way to do that in the then present situation (And I would argue the current one in the USA) was to cut benefits to force people to go back to work.
Anyone who travels around the middle part of the US has to be able to tell that there are a lot of jobs available. Not always the jobs people want, but someone who really wants a job can find one. In my World, unemployment is a choice. Not very PC, but that is how it is.
Unfortunately, many of the current tax codes are crushing the middle class.
May be true but that is where most of the money will always come from, unless you socialize businesses or find some other way to tax them further and force them to stay doing business and doing it in the USA. We can look around the World and history to see how well that has worked, Venezuela and of course Zimbabwe being somewhat recent examples. Cuba and North Korea still stand out. Perhaps China's model? How would you like to be middle class in one of those countries?
However I agree there is a real burden on the middle class. But I would argue it is a result of over spending (as you pointed out in the first point above), not under taxing any segment.
and the rich(corporate), take advantage of tax loopholes, and negotiated tax breaks.
This is where I mostly disagree. I'm not sure which tax loopholes you are speaking of.... The example of Trump carrying losses forward, or I assume income averaging on his taxes... Is not a loophole, it is a pretty well thought out tool in the tax code designed to keep the economy working. Especially for businesses that typically experience the ups and downs of a modern capitalist economy. Now yes in true Capitalism, those who could not withstand the downturn would go out of business and those who had the foresight and cash reserves to survive would grow as a result.... I'm sure many would might complain about a tax break in the form of income averaging, will also be some of the first to also complain that small businesses get squeezed out and the big get bigger.
As for negotiated tax breaks, yea that may be a tool used by many communities to entice businesses to stay, or expand, or come to build in their area instead of others. Hell just look at how the big sports stadiums are built..... And I suspect Trump used some of these negotiating to keep manufacturers from leaving to relocate factories in other countries. Are they bad? I suspect that depends upon how it is affecting you.
There is a lot of room for further explanation and understanding, for those who really care to see the whole truth.
Now I don't know any details at all about Trumps taxes. But for all the things I don't like about him, tax issues are not included.
For the record, I do hope he becomes the best president this country has seen in decades. He is doing a lot that looks good, just wish he would stop being his own worse enemy