I see this thread at the top of the list every visit and I cringe, wrought with inner turmoil.
The argument might be which is better, a SxS or an O/U (answer: SxS) but the pump is not in the same circle for a dozen reasons.
Strong but true statement: You missed on the first shot, you missed on the second, so now you think your pump is going to seal the deal on the third? I think not. Its just about bubba-throwing more lead down field. Third shot success rates have to be around <1%.
The POINT of the double barrel was completely missed. A double barrel was made with TWO triggers and TWO chokes. It was so that you could instantaneously lift the gun up and take the appropriate shot, the open close choke, or the distant far choke. It was meant to take one bird in one shot better than other options. Alternatively, if a pair got up you'd kill the first one at 20 yards with the first trigger and then shoot the second now at 32 yards with the second trigger. It was gentlemanly refinement where form met function.
Since very few O/U come with double triggers, and fewer yet follow greener's rule of 96, the solution is nearly always a SxS for those that understand the purpose and intent of their components. By and large the O/U of today is like the ford focus with a rear spoiler...it has cosmetic features that seem appealing but their actual purpose has been lost by other design characteristics.
Let me see if I can throw a few more data points:
-I've never spent a day in the field with people owning autoloaders and pumps where someone didn't point a muzzle in my direction...you cannot break a gun open and carry it properly.
-You can't tell when a pump or auto is loaded as an observer
-You can't use two shell loads at the same time and make an instant decision which you'll use for the situation.
-You cannot reload a pump or auto as fast as a SxS
-SxS guns kick less. They usually shoot softer loads (short chambers) with demonstrably better patterns and less shot string.
-Most SxS guns go up in value.
-Most SxS guns are $20,000 guns when new in today's dollars, even if you buy a 75 year old one for $800. The pump of today is still worth $125 and the pawn shop and it only was a $300 piece of craftsmanship when new.
-Tang safeties are must faster and less likely to be bumped to unsafe accidentally.
-Gun fit on a SxS is usually superior because the stocks are not hollow with through bolts.
-SxS guns crack stocks less often because they are not hollow with through bolts.
-SxS and O/U guns can be fed any shell and they will load shorter shells with less recoil without jamming. pumps and autos jam on all kinds of ammo if not the right length or recoil intensity.
-SxS pack smaller so you can carry them easier.
-SxS and O/U are easier to clean.
-SxS and O/U have less moving parts to break.
In conclusion, no, not a pump. Not ever. Glad I got this thread off my chest.