Rigby Big Game Lightweight 350 Rigby

@Ontario Hunter
The difference between a short action for 308 and long action 06 is half an inch then another half inch for the Magnum action.
If people can't pull a bolt back an extra half to one one inch without short stroking it the should take up golf, or buy a pump or semi auto
Easy just pull bolt back as far as it will go then push it forward. It ain't rocket surgery.
I'm not say you would short stroke a rifle, but stroke an idiot maybe.
For you and I who are "normal" and don't cycle our rifles on the shoulder, I agree, not much excuse for short stroking. However, for those who are, for whatever reason, inclined to cycle with rifle shouldered, I can see how it might be more possible to short stroke and jam a magnum action. Also, an uninitiated hunter faced with a charging angry buffalo or lion might be less inclined in his boxers-dampening excitement to short stroke a standard action than magnum length one.
The 350 Rigby will sell like hot cakes . A really good cartridge .
Maybe to those that can afford them. Men will just have to be happy with my 35 Whelen.
It will be interesting to see how people load it Wether the keep the original ballistics or give it a boost.
Not available in this region it says....and there's me doing all this pr for them.... :E Big Grin:
It's a tech/licensing issue, not a Rigby blocking you issue. Go to your VPN and say you are in the US or UK. I have to do that a lot when I am in Colombia. If that doesn't work let me know and I will try and download them and send them to you. They are often on YouTube as well.

Safe hunting.
For you and I who are "normal" and don't cycle our rifles on the shoulder, I agree, not much excuse for short stroking. However, for those who are, for whatever reason, inclined to cycle with rifle shouldered, I can see how it might be more possible to short stroke and jam a magnum action. Also, an uninitiated hunter faced with a charging angry buffalo or lion might be less inclined in his boxers-dampening excitement to short stroke a standard action than magnum length one.
@Ontario Hunter
99% of the time I cycle my bolt from the shoulder how I was taught. Pull bolt back hard and fast with the fingers then slam it forward in to battery with the palm. When you get used to it it's surprising how quick you can get especially with the old cock on closing M17 and P14.
It's a tech/licensing issue, not a Rigby blocking you issue. Go to your VPN and say you are in the US or UK. I have to do that a lot when I am in Colombia. If that doesn't work let me know and I will try and download them and send them to you. They are often on YouTube as well.

Safe hunting.

Yeah I know they not blocking...happens here with a lot of stuff ....can't watch or listen as outside the allowed area
If Rigby could stuff 416 Rigby cartridge into Harry Selby's standard Mauser action (and apparently they did it as he sent it back to them at one point to be rebarrelled), then I'm sure they could do it with the shorter and less pressure 350 Rigby cartridge. That, I think, would have made more sense. I also think this is an attempt to go after the nostalgic novelty crowd. Nothing wrong with that. Gunmakers do it all the time (e.g. Browning). Often it's just a flash in the pan that barely, if at all, pays the cost of retooling. Practically speaking, the caliber choice in that action doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Same bullet as 35 WH and about same amout of gas. I see no advantage to having a longer action and heavier gun. Mind you, I am no advocate of lightweight guns but a "lightweight" medium bore rifle that's as heavy as a DGR thumper magnum? Why? And I'm sorry, I just don't see this gun being a big drawing card on this side of the pond. Hunting for moose and brown bear is supposed to be rough stuff. Stainless and plastic rules in the Great White North.

If you want one of these cute baby thumpers, I suspect you should order it now. Rigby will probably drop it from the lineup in a couple years ... or sooner.
I assume you have vast insight and personal experience into this like you do double rifles and wilderness hunting in Africa. Which of Marc Newton's "nostalgic novelty" offerings would you offer as an example of a failed rifle or shotgun?
For you and I who are "normal" and don't cycle our rifles on the shoulder, I agree, not much excuse for short stroking. However, for those who are, for whatever reason, inclined to cycle with rifle shouldered, I can see how it might be more possible to short stroke and jam a magnum action. Also, an uninitiated hunter faced with a charging angry buffalo or lion might be less inclined in his boxers-dampening excitement to short stroke a standard action than magnum length one.
I do not know anyone with significant shooting experience who doesn't cycle his rifle on the shoulder. I certainly do it without issue. Those very experienced hunters all seem pretty normal to me. The only rifle that comes off the shoulder for a reload is one of my single shots.
And I'm sorry, I just don't see this gun being a big drawing card on this side of the pond. Hunting for moose and brown bear is supposed to be rough stuff. Stainless and plastic rules in the Great White North.

I dont think Rigby intends on any of their rifles to be big draws on any side of the pond..

they are a very high end provider of firearms to to relatively exclusive audience..

If I understood one of the conversations I had with a couple of the Rigby guys this week.. on average they sell 150-200 new rifles a year... GLOBALLY... that is across ALL of their makes and models.. not just the big game (also includes their doubles, their highland stalker, their londons best, etc..etc..)..

While I am sure they would be elated if someone took a Rigby Big Game (lightweight version or otherwise) on a moose hunt in Canada.. truth be told the typical moose hunter is not their target customer..

Im going to guess Remington, Winchester, Ruger, Savage, etc.. all make more moose caliber rifles a year.. than Rigby makes rifles in total across all calibers and all models..
Off topic only a bit, but with respect to Rigby's success with nostalgic novelty creations, I was speaking with Marc about the new Shikari rifle in Dallas. I accompanied @Tanks when he ordered his at last year's DSC and the rifle was still a prototype in the white (a finished gun was on hand this year and is a lovely purposeful thing). Marc noted that last year's show circuit netted orders for 78 of the rifles. I find that rather astounding for a high end production house.



I think Rigby building 416R on standard action was perhaps pushing the envelope. However, building 350R on standard action not so much. I'm not sure why the magnum action was/is a better option for 350R if unnecessary. Standard action has a shorter stroke than magnum action and is lighter weight to carry. Personally, if I was on a nostalgia kick, I think I'd be more attracted to owning a replica of something similar to Harry Selby's gun. I just think it would be more profitable for Rigby to pursue that angle rather than the baby DGR cartridge on an overweight magnum action.
I held the new rifle a few times at DSC and am extremely interested. I do not see Rigby as being overly nostalgic. I think they are being practical. I wanted a lighter 375H&H than what was currently offered in the Big Game. This rifle would be used from Elk to Cape Buffalo and up. My 275 for everything below that. I am glad they released it.
I held the new rifle a few times at DSC and am extremely interested. I do not see Rigby as being overly nostalgic. I think they are being practical. I wanted a lighter 375H&H than what was currently offered in the Big Game. This rifle would be used from Elk to Cape Buffalo and up. My 275 for everything below that. I am glad they released it.

OK that 375 will be acceptable...... :E Big Grin: :D Beers:
Off topic only a bit, but with respect to Rigby's success with nostalgic novelty creations, I was speaking with Marc about the new Shikari rifle in Dallas. I accompanied @Tanks when he ordered his at last year's DSC and the rifle was still a prototype in the white (a finished gun was on hand this year and is a lovely purposeful thing). Marc noted that last year's show circuit netted orders for 78 of the rifles. I find that rather astounding for a high end production house.

78 orders for a £38k rifle from just the shows IS incredible. Goes to show you how much we nostalgic -types really regard the Rigby brand. I wish my day job would understand stuff like this…
He has also said Rigby was "on its arse" a few years ago when he took over. Have there been other significant changes in the product line since then? He also hinted at more revolutionary changes in the works. Should we infer the traditional nostalgia custom gun business is maybe not doing so good these days? It will be interesting to see what changes are meant to shake things up. Maybe a Rigby "Vanguard" line is in the works?
Making this baby thumper in 300 H&H and 375 makes a bit more sense. Both are based on the same case so minimal retooling is necessary to produce them. The 350R is a proprietary case. I can't see that it was used for any commercially successful "wildcatting." Finding brass will be a headache (we who shoot the proprietary 404J know all about that!). And Rigby must significantly retool for this gun specifically. I guess since their guns are essentially handmade anyway, that probably won't be a huge issue.

Perhaps fitting the 350R onto a magnum action does fit the nostalgia niche better than a standard action since it was introduced in 1908 on a magnum action. But it would have been in production only six years before access to magnum actions dried up. And that dry spell was long term. More importantly, in my opinion anyway, the dry spell spanned the golden age of African safari hunting. After WWI motorized vehicles, planes, and motion pictures enhanced the safari industry/sport/culture. Ironically, the Great Depression only enhanced it more. Depressed unemployed or marginally employed were eager to escape their grim reality through press and media exposure to the glamor and mystery of the Dark Continent. So ... for nostalgia junkies wishing to resurrect those golden years, would it not be more fitting to hunt with rifles that mimic Great Depression production safari guns, i.e. magnum calibers built on standard actions? Seems like that would be a great marketing angle. 375 & 416R were introduced shortly before WWI and 300 H&H in 1925. British gunmakers would have had very limited to no access to new Mauser magnum actions for producing guns in these new popular calibers during the Safari Golden Age.

I don't know about 350R but the popular contention that 404J "shoehorned" on a standard Mauser action was fraught with feeding and cycling problems is, in my experience, more myth than reality. 350R is slightly longer but looking at my 404J, it certainly appears its standard action could have handled a longer cartridge without cutting into the forward ring.
View attachment 580842
My 404 standard Mauser conversion actually cycles much smoother than my sporterized Springfield 03A3 and that gun is VERY smooth.

Anyway, my point was if Rigby wants to pander to Golden Age romantics (and I am not critical because I also shoot "classic" rifles with history attached), perhaps they should consider something historically accurate to that period?
You seem to be missing the points we are making. You are talking about nostalgia, others are talking about practicality. Looking at your pic you can see the bullet is seated very deep into the case. How would a Woodleigh Hydro or other Monometal solid go in your rifle. Probably would not get enough powder in to achieve the 2200fps. It would be the same for the 350Rigby, its muzzle velocity would be the same as the Whelen's with same projectile. Why drop 358 Norma performance down.
If you wildcatted the 350R and blew it's case out so it had very little tapper you, would I think, match the 358RUM (another wild cat) performance and you need a magnum length action for that.
He has also said Rigby was "on its arse" a few years ago when he took over. Have there been other significant changes in the product line since then? He also hinted at more revolutionary changes in the works. Should we infer the traditional nostalgia custom gun business is maybe not doing so good these days? It will be interesting to see what changes are meant to shake things up. Maybe a Rigby "Vanguard" line is in the works?

You really talk shit...twist what i said ...just saying
@Ontario Hunter
99% of the time I cycle my bolt from the shoulder how I was taught. Pull bolt back hard and fast with the fingers then slam it forward in to battery with the palm. When you get used to it it's surprising how quick you can get especially with the old cock on closing M17 and P14.
Yes, all Commonwealth troops who used the 303, were taught to cycle the bolt of the 303 from the shoulder, using thumb and forefinger. When the enemy where assaulting they would use left hand to pull rifle into shoulder work bolt as above and use the mid finger to pull the trigger. Very quick and surprisingly accurate.
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Ontario hunter, As I said before, the 350 Rigby needs the magnum length action to get its best performance. I do not see any advantage to shoe horning it into a standard length action unless you will be happy with Whelen ballistics. Also the magnum action makes for better and more reliable feeding.
@Rule 303

It's already out doing the original 350 Rigby by almost 300fpswith the 225gn loading.
I still think the 350 will be a handloaders dream to get the best out of it. Even the grand old 300H&H wasn't much better than the old 06 in original loads but hand load it and its better than the 300WM and not far behind the Weatherby.
Yes, all Commonwealth troops were taught to cycle the bolt of the 303 from the shoulder, using thumb and forefinger. When the enemy where assaulting they would use left hand to pull rifle into shoulder work bolt as above and use the mid finger to pull the trigger. Very quick and surprisingly accurate.
In fact, unit diaries indicated German troops often assumed they were under massive MG fire in the attack when in reality it was British infantry working those bolts and ten-round magazines. Sort of the 1914 equivalent of Napoleonic era platoon fire.
@Rule 303

It's already out doing the original 350 Rigby by almost 300fpswith the 225gn loading.
I still think the 350 will be a handloaders dream to get the best out of it. Even the grand old 300H&H wasn't much better than the old 06 in original loads but hand load it and its better than the 300WM and not far behind the Weatherby.
Nought wrong with its ballistics Bob, but oranges with oranges. Todays Whelen ballistics are a good bit better then back when it came out. So modern 350R should be the same as modern 35 Whelen, unless loaded to its potential.
78 orders for a £38k rifle from just the shows IS incredible. Goes to show you how much we nostalgic -types really regard the Rigby brand. I wish my day job would understand stuff like this…
That translates to $73,000+ Australian dollars so I don't think they will sell many here. Dang that's more than a new top of the line Tesla EV.
He has also said Rigby was "on its arse" a few years ago when he took over. Have there been other significant changes in the product line since then? He also hinted at more revolutionary changes in the works. Should we infer the traditional nostalgia custom gun business is maybe not doing so good these days? It will be interesting to see what changes are meant to shake things up. Maybe a Rigby "Vanguard" line is in the works?
Everyone above has already pointed out the numerous changes and offerings that Marc and Rigby have produced over the last decade. Unsurprisingly, you seem to know nothing about them while criticizing he and the company? But to your point, the Highland Stalker, Big Game, and Shikari are something of the Vanguard line for a builder of bespoke best guns. Rigby seems to have been very successful thus far in targeting a very receptive audience. And not to worry, you are not in it.

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mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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