Seems to me that the diehard 270 users are adherents to the policy: IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT. They are completely happy with the status quo and for good reason. There are others that are less confident with the abilities of the 270 and perceive that there are shortcomings that are eliminated by more powerful cartridges. Whether there is a factual basis for these perceptions, what is factual is their lack of confidence in the smaller cartridges. Since there are larger cartridges available, these shooters can accommodate their perceptions with a larger cartridge and in so doing increase their level of confidence. What the shooters need to do is match their level of competence to their increased confidence. If they do so, then neither group has an issue with the other. Each group is free to choose the cartridge of their choice and each is proficient in its use.