Hi Hank2211, billc and others,
I do not care for the concept of shooting hand-fed / animals that have become used to close human contact, lions or deer or kudu, etc.
It appears to me that the anti-hunter's "home" seems to be in the street, brandishing a sign, with lies and hateful slogans printed on it.
And so, I do agree with Hank2211's thought that the anti-hunter will not go quietly home (or go quietly anywhere for that matter.)
Anti-Hunters will never be satisfied, ever.
They are haters and haters love to hate.
I am an avid hunter / gun collector who, believes that lately, we have evolved into being our own worst enemy, in regards to the "Public Relations Arena".
If animals are born into the bush, on a large enough hunting concession to give them a reasonable chance of dying from old age, fence or no fence, I quietly do not care what anyone thinks of me hunting such critters.
If however, some animal is hand-fed / pen raised, genetically engineered specifically for the tendency to have: a black mane, freak antlers, "golden gemsbok", "golden wildebeest", (and the list goes on) and put on a concession set up such that it cannot possibly evade being located by the people who are hunting there for a week or two, I do not blame "normal" people from being disgusted.
One of my friends here in Alaska had "won a safari" at one of these SCI Banquets, for his first African experience.
It turned out to be on a fairly small plot of ground, with a high fence.
At one stage, early in the "hunt", a cattle truck arrived and the PH said to my friend, "Let's go pick out your eland to hunt tomorrow".
To this day, he is so soured by that nonsense that, he will only book with the guarantee that he will only be hunting many thousands of hectares of land with no game fence.
My parting shot as it were, is that I do not feel there should be laws against the things I described above as a very real PR problem, for the entire world wide hunting community.
But, I do feel we should not participate in such things, as a show of good sportsmanship to the millions of non-hunters who will likely applaud us for phasing-out these "canned hunts".
If it doesn't pay, it doesn't stay.
I will stand by for the inevitable fiery darts,
Velo Dog.