@Red Leg, I said apparently I'm the evil bastard for what I have done.
There are few people on here whom I respects opinion more than yours. However, every time this topic comes up your opinion states that I'm some type of immoral unethical asshole for what I have done and what I do for a living. So yes, it does strike a nerve. If that's how you feel fine but I will never apologize for what I have done or what I do for a living. I am blessed to now be able to hunt for a living.
The fact is old Africa is mostly gone and that that is left is financially unobtainable for the vast majority of us, so we do what we can to get the best experience for us and our family possible.
My lion hunt was absolutely fair chase and unless someone was there when it happened and saw something unethical happen, which it most certainly didn't, they have absolutely no right to say any different.
I also get pretty damned tired of having to justify my actions and way of life to people who have absolutely no right to judge me.
Anyone who knows me or has hunted with me knows where I stand and what I believe in. If someone wants to judge I challenge them to spend some time with me before passing judgement.
Also for the record, I know how to spell thou however those of us who work 24/7 365 tend to have to post from our iPhones often times and don't always catch auto corrects. (Kind of an oxymoron really as they often are more wrong than right).