Tell me about it VanderLaan. Even with companies in the US, is not easy either. ESTES trucking company is the one who damaged my trophies, and I filed a claim with them. Well, after they review their "tariff" and whatever else they could to cover their a$$es, they came out that my the amount of my claim was $42.20. You are reading it correctly, $42.20, for a busted Kudu, a busted Impala, busted Zulu shield, and a Wildebeest marred nose !!!!! I've been weighing the options to take them to small claims court and see what I can get from the, or just let it go. The key with all of this and what I've learned from my ordeal is to have insurance, and to have in your hands copies of the insurance certificate and not trust the shippers at all, especially if the shipper & taxidermist are the same! I got screwed big time, and I'm not getting a dime for my damages, and if I want my mounts repaired I’ll have to pay out of my pocket. Thanks for the internet, I have a way of exposing my problem with these companies, and try to help others not to make the same mistakes I did.