Ses, why can't you pick up a dip and crate shipment yourself? I just did, I gave the FWS inspectors an advanced heads up and they had all the paperwork done for me before I got to the airport.James is probably right and what he says about costs etc is true. However in planning for my upcoming hunt, contrary to the last 3 times, I had planned to have a local taxi do my work, knowing it would likely be a fairly small order. When I got info from the brokers, and freight houses etc, here, and a little whining from the taxi about having to got to the airport to clear my stuff for a small amount of taxi work, I said to hell with it, and told them all I changed my mind. I like being able to pick up my own shipment from customs and FWS and pay a small fee and take my finished trophies home. Cant do that with raw animal parts.
I know you will have a problem with raw trophies of the swine and primate families ( baboons and warthogs). They require extra treatment at a USDA approved facility upon arrival in the states. But I think as long as your paperwork is in order, you shouldn't have any problem. Just contact the USFWS inspectors in advance and they can walk you thru it. My apologies to the OP for taking this off topic.I was under the same impression as sestoppelman.
Ok Ses, have a great trip. I just wanted you and everybody to know it can be done.You may be right but its a moot point for me. What little taxi work I have done this trip I will just have done in SA, likely with Field and Stream Taxidermy.
Very good info! Another option to consider, thanks.Ok Ses, have a great trip. I just wanted you and everybody to know it can be done.
Actually you don't have to be near the point of entry, just near any airport. My point of entry for Delta was Atlanta, once Customs checked the paperwork, manifest and x-rayed the box they forwarded it to Baltimore/Washington Airport per my instructions. It was there that I had arrangements made with the USFWS office to complete the paperwork, and all I had to do from there was walk the papers across the hall to the Customs office.Its also a moot point if you live to far from the US customs point of entry, then your forced to use a customs broker.
Well, Highveld/Oxi Logistics went on and replied to my comments on other forums. I think they did to safe face and credibility. However, after what some of the members had to say, they have not been back. The truth hurts after all. I'm also curious of why they have not been on this site at all?? CAustin, you are absolutely correct sir, I don't know why Cruiser is not helping more. I'm going to write another e-mail to Cruiser and express my dissatisfaction with them for not being more proactive with this issue.
I thought I had done a good research on Cruiser, but I didn't dig enough on Highveld/Oxi Logistics. Lesson learn for everyone on this forum and to do a thorough check with whom we are hunting & who is taking care of our animals after the hunt.