Recommended outfitters in Zambia

Several reasons to have concerns with Zambia.

1. The government voids and re-awards concessions at a whim. Also, non Zambians (Indians) have great sway with the government officials and then seem to end up controlling or owning concessions.

2. It is more expensive to hunt there due to charges at the airports, visas, internal transport, dip/pack fees and shipping. Options are limited for dip/pack and you will pay a premium. You will charged a fee per bullet you bring into the country as well.

3. I have hunted there twice and tried to hunt another time. In each case, there were issues over fees. On the trip that I tried to book, the operator disappeared with my money. My agent stood up and paid me for that.

4. PH's are not as well trained as in Zim. Granted, the good outfits I mentioned earlier have solid PH's, but the system of getting a PH license is rather loose these days.

5. If you go to the other African Hunting website, you will see a very long thread on a guy that was scammed out of $80,000 by an operator. The PH that sold the hunt to the hunter was banned from this previously for violation of policies. That PH is still selling hunts.

6. As I said in the first post, there are a few good ones in Zambia - DuPloy's and Kirchner. I cannot say anything about the rest. In Zim, I can name a dozen or more that will do what they say. Same for Namibia, Ethiopia, RSA and Moz. Why take a chance when you have better options?

7. As I said earlier, use an agent that will stand by all monies paid. Do not book direct.
The training and time commitment requirements for a PH in Zambia, at least in my experience, are some of the most stringent and demanding in Africa. I have only hunted there once (2021), but had zero issues with fees or any other paperwork. I certainly was not charged for each bullet. Like most airports on the continent a well placed twenty can solve a lot of issues. There are some outstanding operators in Zambia with sterling reputations. I am aware of the thread to which you refer on the other site, and the bottom line of that one from what I can determine is that the scammed hunter could have experienced exactly the same anywhere else due to his lack of due diligence.

I am sure @PeteG or @spike.t can add some additional context to this thread.
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Red Leg,
I hear you but respectfully disagree based on my experiences in Zambia.
You are correct in that the scammed hunter could have been scammed in other places. However, I don't hear or see those incidents made public. Further, I experienced two incidents personally in Zambia.

Again, no one can paint the entire hunting community in Zambia as crooked. There are good operators as I noted, however, from my perspective - with better options out there that are safer (money wise), why risk it unless you have an agent that will stand good for all of your money should something happen.

The influence of non-Zambians in the government there is problematic. A "normal" African government is bad enough but add outside influences that are targeting visitors , it is a bad situation.

Another country I failed to mention is Botswana - great destination, good government excellent hunting and outfits plus the airport in Maun is very good without the usual scammers hanging around..

All in, for my money and anyone who asks, I would avoid Zambia, DRC, CAR, and sometimes Cameroon. Or, get an agent that stands by for all of your money.....
Red Leg,
I hear you but respectfully disagree based on my experiences in Zambia.
You are correct in that the scammed hunter could have been scammed in other places. However, I don't hear or see those incidents made public. Further, I experienced two incidents personally in Zambia.

Again, no one can paint the entire hunting community in Zambia as crooked. There are good operators as I noted, however, from my perspective - with better options out there that are safer (money wise), why risk it unless you have an agent that will stand good for all of your money should something happen.

The influence of non-Zambians in the government there is problematic. A "normal" African government is bad enough but add outside influences that are targeting visitors , it is a bad situation.

Another country I failed to mention is Botswana - great destination, good government excellent hunting and outfits plus the airport in Maun is very good without the usual scammers hanging around..

All in, for my money and anyone who asks, I would avoid Zambia, DRC, CAR, and sometimes Cameroon. Or, get an agent that stands by for all of your money.....
You and I will simply agree to disagree. I have had more actual governmental hassle in Mozambique - two trips - than almost anywhere else, but will likely go back for a third. As you note it is all about the outfitter. If you research this site, I suspect reports of incidents of scamming, disatisfaction, or under delivery by an outfitter have been far more common from South Africa than anywhere else. I will concede that is clearly in part due to the higher number of hunters that travel there every year. But it also underscores why painting a destination with a broad brush does real disservice to both hunters and operators. We have both a Zambian PH and Outfitter who are regular contributors to this site. I, and several others here, know trust and recommend them without reservation. Will a Zambian hunt be like a lodge destination hunt in Namibia or the RSA - of course not. But, that is why we go isn't it? Due diligence, regardless of destination, is critical.
Can anyone give a recommendation for outfitters in Zambia. Principally interested in DG hunting- Buff and Ele
Many thanks in advance!
In my opinion, you would be making a mistake to bypass hunting some of the incredible plains game species that are only found free range in Zambia. Quite frankly, you can hunt buffalo and elephant in several countries. I hunted the Kasonso Busanga and Lunga Busanga areas that border Kafue National Park in 2022 with Fico Vidale. I also hunted the Bangweulu Swamp and Kafue Flats. Fico can also hunt in several other areas in Zambia.
I don't know you from anyone, but one my issues was with Fico Vidale. The agent stood good when Fico or his team disappeared with my deposit.
Several reasons to have concerns with Zambia.

1. The government voids and re-awards concessions at a whim. Also, non Zambians (Indians) have great sway with the government officials and then seem to end up controlling or owning concessions.

2. It is more expensive to hunt there due to charges at the airports, visas, internal transport, dip/pack fees and shipping. Options are limited for dip/pack and you will pay a premium. You will charged a fee per bullet you bring into the country as well.

3. I have hunted there twice and tried to hunt another time. In each case, there were issues over fees. On the trip that I tried to book, the operator disappeared with my money. My agent stood up and paid me for that.

4. PH's are not as well trained as in Zim. Granted, the good outfits I mentioned earlier have solid PH's, but the system of getting a PH license is rather loose these days.

5. If you go to the other African Hunting website, you will see a very long thread on a guy that was scammed out of $80,000 by an operator. The PH that sold the hunt to the hunter was banned from this previously for violation of policies. That PH is still selling hunts.

6. As I said in the first post, there are a few good ones in Zambia - DuPloy's and Kirchner. I cannot say anything about the rest. In Zim, I can name a dozen or more that will do what they say. Same for Namibia, Ethiopia, RSA and Moz. Why take a chance when you have better options?

7. As I said earlier, use an agent that will stand by all monies paid. Do not book direct.
Thanks for the response as you’ve put it. Clear and concise points.

Not to be argumentative, but l will make a few comments just for the sake of offering my thoughts.

1. Governments cancel tender awards usually when there is suspected foul play. Not necessarily on a whim.

2. It’s more expensive here due to the financial obligations to the community, villages, chiefs, government. I’m sure the airports, visas, etc have their place but each country has its own pros and cons.
Zambia no longer charges for ammo as far as I’m aware.

3. Sorry to hear about this. Never a good thing when it happens.

4. Reputable ph’s within the industry have done well to become reputable. Each country has its own standards but you’d be hard pressed to convince anyone that Zambia ph’s are not good.

5. That has happened. And unfortunately happens all over Africa. I’ve heard of more issues from rsa and moz in the last couple years than in Zambia in the last decade or so.

6. Can’t argue. Better options though is personal perspective. I can see from your experience why yours would be to avoid Zambia.

7. Solid advice. A trusted agent is a good go between.
Unless you have a personal interaction with someone who is on the ground and is trusted.
Same would go for any country though.
I had just one hunt in Zambia, but it was hands down the best experience in my hunting life. I agree that the government has a history of being hard to deal with in administering the GMAs. A good perspective on this is covered in a PH profile of Peter Chipman in the latest issue of African Hunting Gazette. I’ve always wondered how PHs can ever formulate a business plan, given the erratic moves of their host countries. That said, writing off Zambia as a place to Safari, seems unfair, and unnecessary. Due diligence is needed whenever you hunt abroad.
I don't know you from anyone, but one my issues was with Fico Vidale. The agent stood good when Fico or his team disappeared with my deposit.
Sorry but that’s not possible with Fico. Who is this “someone”? What company did you book with? Ntengu Safaris?
I booked with Fico Vidale through Neal and Brownlee , Inc. I paid the deposit to Neal and Brownlee. I was later informed that the wife of Fico or someone in his group took the money and disappeared. Neal and Brownlee refunded me. This occurred over 10 years ago.Call Neal and Brownlee, ask for Jeff Neal. I would think he remembers this theft.
I booked with Fico Vidale through Neal and Brownlee , Inc. I paid the deposit to Neal and Brownlee. I was later informed that the wife of Fico or someone in his group took the money and disappeared. Neal and Brownlee refunded me. This occurred over 10 years ago.Call Neal and Brownlee, ask for Jeff Neal. I would think he remembers this theft.

I booked with Fico Vidale through Neal and Brownlee , Inc. I paid the deposit to Neal and Brownlee. I was later informed that the wife of Fico or someone in his group took the money and disappeared. Neal and Brownlee refunded me. This occurred over 10 years ago.Call Neal and Brownlee, ask for Jeff Neal. I would think he remembers this theft.
Fico divorced her. Not his fault.
Really??? She was part of the business if she had access to his business accounts. That makes him accountable as they were married. He never paid it back to Neal and Brownlee so in my book, he is as guilty as she is - assuming she was the thief....

All that said, I don't hunt in Zambia any longer and would only hunt there with Thor Kirchner or the DuPloy's. They have a long term, strong reputation that gives them credibility.

What good is having all of the various species and very good cats if you cannot trust the government to honor consessions along with a few less than honest outfitters... Zim, Namibia, Moz, RSA, Uganda are better choices and not as expensive.
Really??? She was part of the business if she had access to his business accounts. That makes him accountable as they were married. He never paid it back to Neal and Brownlee so in my book, he is as guilty as she is - assuming she was the thief....

All that said, I don't hunt in Zambia any longer and would only hunt there with Thor Kirchner or the DuPloy's. They have a long term, strong reputation that gives them credibility.

What good is having all of the various species and very good cats if you cannot trust the government to honor consessions along with a few less than honest outfitters... Zim, Namibia, Moz, RSA, Uganda are better choices and not as expensive.
The government areas have been sorted. I get your frustration with the government but TIA and most of the governments throw curve balls once in a while.

As for Fico, his wife is now an ex-wife and you were made whole, were you not? Was he supposed to predict that she would do such a thing? Do you think she hurt just you and your money? Think about what Fico lost. Much more than you. Many, many businesses are run by husband/wife teams. Fico has moved forward. I would hunt with Fico again. He was the best PH I’ve ever hunted with and that says a lot since I’ve been in the same industry for 34 years. I hunted with him in 2022 and a friend is going in September 2024 without worry.
As to Fico, yes - I was made whole by an honest agent - not by Fico or his ex or his company. Unless he made Neal and Brownlee whole, I would not do business with him. He may be a good PH, but that is not the issue - the issue is how he handled that mess in the past. Lie/cheat me once and you do not get another chance or a 5 star rating on
The government areas have been sorted. I get your frustration with the government but TIA and most of the governments throw curve balls once in a while.

As for Fico, his wife is now an ex-wife and you were made whole, were you not? Was he supposed to predict that she would do such a thing? Do you think she hurt just you and your money? Think about what Fico lost. Much more than you. Many, many businesses are run by husband/wife teams. Fico has moved forward. I would hunt with Fico again. He was the best PH I’ve ever hunted with and that says a lot since I’ve been in the same industry for 34 years. I hunted with him in 2022 and a friend is going in September 2024 without worry.
Have those areas been sorted???

Maybe some areas have been sorted, but there are several concessions still closed.

If your wife took off and stole your clients deposits would it not be your reputation that suffered? Ultimately it is your business and not hers. Maybe if the outfitter would have handled the situation differently, the client (Dogcat), wouldn’t still hold such a grudge.
Have those areas been sorted???

Maybe some areas have been sorted, but there are several concessions still closed.

If your wife took off and stole your clients deposits would it not be your reputation that suffered? Ultimately it is your business and not hers. Maybe if the outfitter would have handled the situation differently, the client (Dogcat), wouldn’t still hold such a grudge.
What do you know about it or the people?
Not a grudge... a very definite lack of trust - once burned, I don't go back for a second round.

However, as I have said, Zambia is fine IF you book with a reputable outfit via a very good agent. Be sure where your money is going and when it goes there.

DuPloy's, Kirchner and there might be others that I do not know - are definitely reputable.

Further, CME1983 has a story to tell of getting lied to, cheated and stolen from in Zambia.
Can anyone give a recommendation for outfitters in Zambia. Principally interested in DG hunting- Buff and Ele
Many thanks in advance!
Youre question is kinda loaded and thats how Africa is. I've hunted in Zambia twice just got back. Zambia is fabulous for buffalo. I just shot a 44 inch bull there last week. Elephant is like so so, so what Ive been told. I shot an elephant there but it wasn't a big mature bull, it was injured. Zambia has lots of trophy hippos, big crocs, leopard and lion. But you have to be careful with leopard & go with someone who really really knows what they are doing.
What do you know about it or the people?
Unfortunately, I know a little more than most about Zambia these days. There are still several concessions that haven’t been awared by the government.

There are absolutely good outfitters in Zambia such as SpikeT, PeteG and others on this site.

Unfortunately, information isn’t as readily available about Zambia as there is about other southern African countries. Their Professional and Safari operators association isn’t currently what they would want it to be. They aren’t in a position yet to hold PH’s or safari operators accountable for their actions.

Using a booking agent that will hold money in escrow is the route I would go if I book Zambia again.
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Unfortunately, I know a little more than most about Zambia these days. There are still several concessions that haven’t been awared by the government. . .

I suspect you do.
Unfortunately, I know a little more than most about Zambia these days. There are still several concessions that haven’t been awared by the government.

There are absolutely good outfitters in Zambia such as SpikeT, PeteG and others on this site.

Unfortunately, information isn’t as readily available about Zambia as there is about other southern African countries. Their Professional and Safari operators association isn’t currently what they would want it to be. They aren’t in a position yet to hold PH’s or safari operators accountable for their actions.

Using a booking agent that will hold money in escrow is the route I would go if I book Zambia again.
I was asking you what you know about this specific issue with Fico, not Zambia in general. Do you know the people involved? I do.

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