The training and time commitment requirements for a PH in Zambia, at least in my experience, are some of the most stringent and demanding in Africa. I have only hunted there once (2021), but had zero issues with fees or any other paperwork. I certainly was not charged for each bullet. Like most airports on the continent a well placed twenty can solve a lot of issues. There are some outstanding operators in Zambia with sterling reputations. I am aware of the thread to which you refer on the other site, and the bottom line of that one from what I can determine is that the scammed hunter could have experienced exactly the same anywhere else due to his lack of due diligence.Several reasons to have concerns with Zambia.
1. The government voids and re-awards concessions at a whim. Also, non Zambians (Indians) have great sway with the government officials and then seem to end up controlling or owning concessions.
2. It is more expensive to hunt there due to charges at the airports, visas, internal transport, dip/pack fees and shipping. Options are limited for dip/pack and you will pay a premium. You will charged a fee per bullet you bring into the country as well.
3. I have hunted there twice and tried to hunt another time. In each case, there were issues over fees. On the trip that I tried to book, the operator disappeared with my money. My agent stood up and paid me for that.
4. PH's are not as well trained as in Zim. Granted, the good outfits I mentioned earlier have solid PH's, but the system of getting a PH license is rather loose these days.
5. If you go to the other African Hunting website, you will see a very long thread on a guy that was scammed out of $80,000 by an operator. The PH that sold the hunt to the hunter was banned from this previously for violation of policies. That PH is still selling hunts.
6. As I said in the first post, there are a few good ones in Zambia - DuPloy's and Kirchner. I cannot say anything about the rest. In Zim, I can name a dozen or more that will do what they say. Same for Namibia, Ethiopia, RSA and Moz. Why take a chance when you have better options?
7. As I said earlier, use an agent that will stand by all monies paid. Do not book direct.
I am sure @PeteG or @spike.t can add some additional context to this thread.
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