When I hunted in EC SA this last May/June my PH kept telling me about a taxi shop not too far away, the last day we went to the shop to look at there work, I was ready to leave as soon as I walked in. 600 sq ft show room completely full of finished and partially finished animals, less than 50% looks ok the rest looked like crap.
At that time I was going to stay with my usual taxidermist here at home, but we went to visit a friend in KZN SA a farmer that loves to hunt (brothers from another mother) and we looked at his Trophy room, the work was as excellent as the work in my Trophy Room, his was done by Kruger Taxidermy/Marakalalo Taxidermy in Bloemfontein. So they are doing my work. Nolan Human and I visit once or twice a month about hunting/fishing mostly at the same time he's keeping me updated. Time will tell. To be continued in May or June when I receive my animals