AH veteran
Thanks for your note. Very flawed individual personally but my word is my bond and I want no truck with a forum that allows the dishonest to remain. I’ve never met @franzfmdavis but want to support a forum that addresses grievances where there is clear dishonesty even if it’s from a popular fellaHumor is one thing that separates us from coffee tables. Embrace it.
My filter is gone for the night. I have chatted with numerous friends on here about this deal in private messages and in conversations. I conveyed the same in a private message to the purchaser/purchaser’s agent and we had a good chat over pm. This will be my last comment. Scout’s Honor. By the way, I was never a scout. My mom signed me up at church and before I even attended a meeting, some dork kept calling me about what kind of trail mix I wanted for some jamboree or something. I kick puppies and did not like the Boy Scouts as a child. Sorry.
OK, back to something of relevance. I did reach out to the buyer’s agent and told him that he/his BIL absolutely dodged a bullet on that purchase at the agreed upon price. The components did ease some of the pain, but ironically, that is the hang up now. I can say this now as Rare Breed has indicated he is not going to relist the gun here, but will list on GB or GI. Even if shipping is not worked out, with new knowledge, I would be doing backflips to be out a handful of hundreds on this $20,000 purchase.
Good day to all. I’m taking my tender merits like a man, or very masculine woman, and signing off. Carry on.