Well folks, this isn’t intended as a can of worms so please bear with me as it’s meant with good intentions.
I’ve just read an old thread from 2012 as I’m keen to try my best to avoid somewhere that’s put and take. Now, I can completely understand possibly buying in a couple of males as a one off to vary the genetics. Or, if you’re starting up an new area to be hunted as a self sustaining population 10 years down the line. But the thought that animals are being bought in on a regular basis for shooting doesn’t appeal to me.
Is there a certain acreage where the populations are likely to be self sustaining without put and take?
What sort of size of property do you need where it would be classed as vast? So the animals can completely disappear never to be seen again? It’s run for 2 miles and gone into another valley idea.
Or do you need to solely hunt cattle farms for peace of mind? I suspect you could ask the guides in advance but that is relying on honesty and transparency,(with folk you’ve never met as a first time hunt).
I’m not wishing to criticise anyone or any outfitter. Just trying to work out how I can ensure that a hunt is ‘fair chase’. I appreciate the majority of SA is high fence purely to manage their properties and I can come to terms with that. I just want to avoid somewhere that routinely “tops up” like a trout fishery if that makes sense.