Hello All,
I was just visiting another hunting website that I frequent that is set up primarily for Georgia Sportsmen. One of the members posted an 8 minute video clip from YouTube that depicted African Lion hunting in a less than flattering way. The video implies that lions are shot from the backs of trucks often with a high fence barrier between the hunter and the animal...I watched the video before jumping to conclusions, and it was very obvious that this was an anti-hunting video. The video was put out by a RSA based "sanctuary" by the name of SanWild Wildlife Trust.
The woman who founded and runs this operation openly boasts her anti-hunting advocacy and commitment to her causes.
The reason for my post is that I found it extremely troubling that a lifelong hunter was moved enough to post this video on a hunting forum. His intent was not to expose it for what it truly was. His intent was that he truly questioned the ethics of hunters who have hunted Africa. He appealed to the forum members to see if anyone has hunted Africa and if this type of hunting truly exists...Of course, I immediately responded with the facts that I know of based on my expereinces in Africa. I went on to convey that any ethical hunter or reputable outfitter would never conduct a hunt in this manner. I tried to explain what PHASA is and the commitment they have to the ethics and conservation of the game...I discredited the video for what it was and issued a warning to be on the lookout for subtle propoganda media like this.
To my suprise, I received a couple of replies from members who have already been tainted by similar misinformation. They attemted to tell me that the reason they would never hunt Africa is because they heard it's all "canned hunting" This reaction is a perfect example of how the anti's are successfully planting seeds within the hunting community to divide and conquer.
I was wondering if any members here, particularly our African friends, have ever heard of SanWild and are familiar with this video? I'm not very computer literate, so I did not post the video here. I believe it's titled "raised to be killed". If you cannot find it you are all welcome to view it on the Georgia Outdoor News forum. The thread is titled "Africa hunting" under the General hunting category. Maybe you can read my responses as well and offer some help in presenting more of the facts....I seem to be under seige from our own kind....