Presidential Debate Tonight

What's the point in 2nd Amendment if there's no place left to hunt?

Well… since the second amendment has exactly nothing to do with hunting… I’d say the point the founding fathers made when they signed off on it still stands.. whether we continue to hunt or not..
I watched the ballgame. My daughter took in a few minutes of the Debate. She said it was disgusting. Trump made a total fool of himself. And that's news? It's hopeless. "Bartender, pour me another Lysol and Coke. Make it a double."
Please drink up.
Well… since the second amendment has exactly nothing to do with hunting… I’d say the point the founding fathers made when they signed off on it still stands.. whether we continue to hunt or not..
The founding fathers' "point" of the 2nd Amendment was arming a militia to avoid having a federal standing army. Militias were phased out for National Guard and US now has the largest most sophisticated standing army in the world. So the original "point" of the 2nd Amendment ceased to exist a long time ago.

If federal land for free hunting of public game disappears then for me there is no point in keeping my guns. I'm no fan of target shooting.
The founding fathers' "point" of the 2nd Amendment was arming a militia to avoid having a federal standing army. Militias were phased out for National Guard and US now has the largest most sophisticated standing army in the world. So the original "point" of the 2nd Amendment ceased to exist a long time ago.

If federal land for free hunting of public game disappears then for me there is no point in keeping my guns. I'm no fan of target shooting.

The point of the Second Amendment is to overthrow a tyrannical government. Which Washington has in my opinion become. The militia is every citizen of military age. It is not the National Guard. Nor has the Second Amendment been replaced.

The federal government has very little constitutional authority to own land so you should just give up your guns now. You are not, in my opinion, someone who needs to own guns as you don’t seem to be willing to use them in defense of our nation or the Constitution.

Your interpretation of our founding fathers intent is suspect. You should read, “The Federalist Papers.” From other statements I see that you are a democrat. A democrat is nothing more than a communist by another name, Sir.
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The founding fathers' "point" of the 2nd Amendment was arming a militia to avoid having a federal standing army. Militias were phased out for National Guard and US now has the largest most sophisticated standing army in the world. So the original "point" of the 2nd Amendment ceased to exist a long time ago.

If federal land for free hunting of public game disappears then for me there is no point in keeping my guns. I'm no fan of target shooting.
Excuse me but WTH are you talking about! Are you drunk! Your statement about the Founding Fathers is so off mark and absurd it’s not laughable but maddening!!!
Are you here sir to be nothing but a provocateur?!?!
You obviously have never read the Bill of Rights SO DO NOT COMMENT ON IT FURTHER!!!!!
Excuse me but WTH are you talking about! Are you drunk! Your statement about the Founding Fathers is so off mark and absurd it’s not laughable but maddening!!!
Are you here sir to be nothing but a provocateur?!?!
You obviously have never read the Bill of Rights SO DO NOT COMMENT ON IT FURTHER!!!!!
He’s a communist.
So yes, that makes him a provocateur.
I'm also tired of hearing this it's both sides garbage. The Democrats are out of control and repubs that support are called RINO'S the maga base of the Republican party is the choice for freedom. In "MY" emphasis on "MY" opinion people who give me this "it's both sides" nonsense are the banality of evil. Read some Hannah Arendt. I'd respect them more if they just said I hate America, not having to take a side so they're good to no one, Cowards...
Sorry for the rant.
The founding fathers' "point" of the 2nd Amendment was arming a militia to avoid having a federal standing army. Militias were phased out for National Guard and US now has the largest most sophisticated standing army in the world. So the original "point" of the 2nd Amendment ceased to exist a long time ago.

If federal land for free hunting of public game disappears then for me there is no point in keeping my guns. I'm no fan of target shooting.

For a phd you appear to lack research and analysis skills.

Did you talk to any constitutional scholars or read any of the historical documents associated with the framing of the constitution or the bill of rights before making that statement?

Or maybe look at case law that has made it all the way to the USSC related to the 2A? heller? McDonald?

Or perhaps look at common definitions of militias? Or what both state and private militias in the US look like today?
He just likes to put bait in the water, unfortunately, many here take his baits.

I think the kids these days call that trolling…

Or being a troll…

Right. I would vote for anybody still breathing before I'd vote for Trump ... even if the candidate was in a comma. He thinks drinking disinfectant might kill COVID. And all those Mexicans in Indianapolis eating peoples' pets? Wow. Where does he come up with this crazy stuff. Wait ... easy ... he is crazy. Cheats on his wife, dodged the draft, lies about his IQ, etc, etc, etc. And then there's January 6th. I mean, what's to like? Does he have one redeeming characteristic?

The Republicans have been all about selling off federal lands in the West. And yet hunters still vote for them? Screw on the blinders, boys. What's the point in 2nd Amendment if there's no place left to hunt?
Lots to unpack here, first I don’t really like defending someone I don’t particularly like but here it goes.
It’s not Mexicans eating pets, it’s Haitians and they do eat cats and dogs. We have had it happen on our farm and it wasn’t Indianapolis it was Springfield, Ohio.
He did cheat on his wife but Harris slept with a married man to advance her career, so you wouldn’t vote for the man that had a side chick but you would vote for the side chick.
As far as January 6th goes how does saying “patriotically and peacefully make your voices heard” mean go tear something up?
As said before the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting.
Lots to unpack here, first I don’t really like defending someone I don’t particularly like but here it goes.
It’s not Mexicans eating pets, it’s Haitians and they do eat cats and dogs. We have had it happen on our farm and it wasn’t Indianapolis it was Springfield, Ohio.
He did cheat on his wife but Harris slept with a married man to advance her career, so you wouldn’t vote for the man that had a side chick but you would vote for the side chick.
As far as January 6th goes how does saying “patriotically and peacefully make your voices heard” mean go tear something up?
As said before the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting.
Also, Harris’ husband cheated on his last(?) wife with their nanny, supposedly impregnated her and allegedly encouraged or at least consented to the abortion (murder) of said baby. So, she’s married to a cheater and abortionist. What a great “First Gentleman” he would be. What a laughable title..
It is sad that when here in the US these are the two candidates that we have to choose from for President.

And before you say that I can vote for Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, or another third party candidate I just consider that a wasted vote and won't do that.
I think the kids these days call that trolling…

Or being a troll…

Give him credit where due. He actually made a post without mentioning his "custom .404" for a change. He could have easily stated, ". . . the right of the people to keep and bear arms, like my custom .404 Jeffery, shall not be infringed." Kudos.

And yes, Trump frustrates the hell out of me. To pride yourself on the major premise that you don't need to prepare for a debate, and then perform woefully, is absolutely infuriating. Was the deck stacked against him? Absolutely. Could my 16 year old son been more effective in that debate with a couple days of preparation? Absolutely.
Won't watch it. As a senior in high school in 1978 I ran for city mayor in our mock election at our high school. I was for lowering drinking age, legalizing marijuana and got after our school administration. I lost 5 votes out of 500+. The other student talked about fixing pot holes, and other city needs. Principal brought me into his office to go over their plans to clean the school and repairs from the fire that had happened during Christmas break. He was worried about 1960's sit ins I think. I looked at him, "I don't care about that, I just wanted a day off school."

Politician's have one job, to get elected and say whatever they believe will get them elected. Then, do what they want while in until its time to say whatever they believe will get them reelected.
@thi9elsp: in 1978 you wanted to “Lower the drinking age”? To what? It was already down to 18 after being lowered in 1972 from 21….remember the argument then was “we can be drafted and fight in Vietnam but Not have a Beer”? I was a bartender when they started to Raise it back up around 1979 up to 19, then a year or so later to 20 and then 21 —- at least that’s what NJ was doing and what State could be more messed up then NJ?
I would like to see the Voting age increased back to 21 —- really 25 would be better, not sure about letting Women continue to vote but that might be tough to pass…

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