Presidential Debate Tonight

It's typical to feel anxiety coming into a Presidential election, this time my anxiety seems to be on overload due to the massive importance of this election cycle. Every time Trump speaks I hold my breath, as a conservative, we really need to win back the Senate and hopefully take back the presidency.
I hope to God Trump has trained up for this and doesn't just wing it and wander. Too much at stake.
He will speak his mind as usual. Which is the problem. There's nothing in there. Harris will take it easily. She's got more than half a brain. Not that it will make any difference. Half of America would still vote for Trump if he showed up nude covered in dog shit. Doesn't matter what he says or does.

I'll be watching the ballgame. This election is an embarrassment. Rabid partisanism has made democracy a joke.
I don't think that either one will say anything that will change anyone's minds. Those who want the cackler will vote for her no matter what, Trumps voters are the same way.

I just wish that they would have a true debate, point counter points type of back and forth.

As to watching it I'll just wait until tomorrow when the reports come in.
I hope to God Trump has trained up for this and doesn't just wing it and wander. Too much at stake.
I hope you’re right, but once Trumps mouth goes in gear who in the hell knows what will come out.
Won't watch it. As a senior in high school in 1978 I ran for city mayor in our mock election at our high school. I was for lowering drinking age, legalizing marijuana and got after our school administration. I lost 5 votes out of 500+. The other student talked about fixing pot holes, and other city needs. Principal brought me into his office to go over their plans to clean the school and repairs from the fire that had happened during Christmas break. He was worried about 1960's sit ins I think. I looked at him, "I don't care about that, I just wanted a day off school."

Politician's have one job, to get elected and say whatever they believe will get them elected. Then, do what they want while in until its time to say whatever they believe will get them reelected.

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Brian wrote on Skshyk's profile.
Thank for the laughing post! You have a keen sense of humour. I am usually able to just ignore those geniuses but this time I could not get past it. chuckle, Brian
Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
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Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
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