A farmer named Shad Sullivan warned in a viral video that “[America’s] food supply is in trouble.”
Sullivan added, “We are euthanizing millions of chickens. We are aborting sows and burying feeder pigs. We are dumping milk by the hundreds of thousands of gallons. And now they are preparing us to depopulate the fat cattle ready to harvest because of a bottleneck created by the effects of COVID.”
A Delaware poultry plant made the “difficult, but necessary” decision to euthanize 2 million chickens in order to financially cope with plant closures.
Farmers are outraged that subpar imported meat continues to flow into America despite warnings to American farmers to put down their own livestock.
“Yesterday, the first shipment of imported beef from the country of Namibia hit the shores of the United States of America,” said Sullivan. “And yet this morning they are telling us to prepare to euthanize harvest-ready cattle.”
Sullivan questioned, “Am I the only one who sees a problem in this?”
President Trump has ordered the nation’s meat plants to remain open under new safety guidelines using the Defense Production Act.
The President also stated that his administration will provide plant workers with protective gear.
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds stated that her administration is working closely with food producers to avoid shortages.
“It is essential that we not only protect the workforce but that we keep our processing plants open so that we can keep the food supply chain moving or we’re going to really be dealing with some significant issues going forward,” warned Gov. Reynolds.
Tyson Foods Chairman John Tyson warned that meat plant bottlenecks may cause retail meat prices to temporarily rise across grocery stores and restaurants.