l haven't been keeping up with the latest on the covid virus and so called vaccines for a while as l had made my mind up on what l thought but it was good to watch these videos, thanks for posting themFrom Jan 25, 2022. Drs testify. 40% increase in all cause mortality in working age adults who were vaxed, in one year. A 10% rise would be a one in 200 year event. What's a 40% rise chance? Maybe a one in a thousand year event?
From 2021.
Starts after 30 min mark. Drs and Scientists discuss spike protein effects. Patients and families of vaccine dead or injured speak. For those who want to get real information. For those who don't, keep getting your info from Google, Faukki and the MSM
Sen. Johnson Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates
Roundtable discussion with vaccine injured and medical experts on federal vaccine mandates and the importance of health care freedom.rumble.com
FDA approval..........what a freaking joke.
the first had Dr Christina Parks speaking who has a PHD in cellular and molecular biology l had seen in an early video when she gave her testimony for Michigan HB4471 on the 8/19/21
it brings back a question "how can me getting vaccinated protect you" its like asking your neighbour to wear a condom tonight because you are going to get lucky and want the extra protection?