

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift


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"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift
God I love it when a well read man provides the perfect quote. Thank you!!
God I love it when a well read man provides the perfect quote. Thank you!!

You are too kind General! Thank you.

Occasionally, even an old boar will find a sow in heat.;)
Almost missed yesterday was the Trump announcement regarding a nation for the Arabs of Palestine. The Palestinians certainly have a say in the matter which they have not accepted very well yet. The problem is and has been the Palestinian leaders. They have been allowed to live a lifestyle of corruption and power from the donations from the west and Arab nations. They have no interest in seeing a true resolution.

Western leaders have always felt the need to drive the peace process and have failed. Let me put forth a hypothesis. Prior to becoming President, Trump reached out to the leaders of the region and said this is your problem. You need to solve this and I will help in anyway I can. Look at all the early trips made by Kushner to the ME. Why was Trumps first international trip made to KSA?

Many disregard this announcement and the map. What if the decision has already been made by the regional parties involved. What if this is basically a take it or leave it for the Palestinian people. In all likelihood this proposal has already been settled. The Palestinian people/leaders probably have a fixed time to accept this proposal or aid starts falling off. It won't be long for the money to run dry.

Knowing how Trump works, this is probably not a proposal. It is a deal. The Palestinian people just don't know it yet.

It is amazing what can happen when you approach a problem from a completely different point of view. It is amazing when you put the impetus on other leaders to figure out how to make it work.

Could I be wrong? Absolutely. This however is the best looking opportunity for peace that I have seen since my initial understanding of the region during the Six Day War.

Don't look for any Nobel Prize for Trump. Nobel Prizes are reserved for American presidents that have done nothing.;)

Here is hoping for true peace in the ME.

@Wheels - well there seems to me to be a lot of analogies between Trump and Hitler: both have/had legions of loyal followers willing to trample their moral compass for him. Thankfully there were a lot of "dunces" like, most of the rest of the world, ready to stand up to him.
Well let's review: we have a Canadian that's posting a photo of Donald Trump next to a photo of Adolf Hitler and claiming there are a lot of dunces that supported both. Based on that evidence one could conclude that the majority of people in Germany, the US, and for that matter Russia, China, India and all those believers of that upstart religion that's only 1400 years old are also dunces. Given that information one could conclude that the only non-dunces are those residents of Western Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. but considering that none of these had the foresight to protect themselves from their government, they too are in the Dunce class. The only non-dunces are, by matter of elimination a small group of people in Tonga.
View attachment 327637 @Wheels - well there seems to me to be a lot of analogies between Trump and Hitler: both have/had legions of loyal followers willing to trample their moral compass for him. Thankfully there were a lot of "dunces" like, most of the rest of the world, ready to stand up to him.

I understand the political divide between folks. But, the comparison to Hitler really dismisses the incredible suffering and destruction Hitler did. On a related note, I believe the Trump administration is the only government to have taken active steps to condemn the Chinese practice of confining their minority groups to reeducation camps. All the feel-good governments, ours included, have stood around with their hats in their hands, as thousands of Uyghurs, Hong Kong students, and three Canadians, are tortured.

If that is not a moral compass example, I missed the point.
Comparing Trump to Hitler, is nothing but Leftist lunacy. The Democrat Jackboot thugs are the closest thing I have ever seen to totalitarianism. An ideology that Hitler tried to inflict on Europe.

Bernie Sanders, and his election campaign cronies were caught spewing nonsense about putting us right wingers in Gulags.
Pretty ironic, considering Bernie is a Jew, albeit, a crazy one.

The anti Trump hysteria, has gotten out of control.
Comparing Trump to Hitler, is nothing but Leftist lunacy. The Democrat Jackboot thugs are the closest thing I have ever seen to totalitarianism. An ideology that Hitler tried to inflict on Europe.

Bernie Sanders, and his election campaign cronies were caught spewing nonsense about putting us right wingers in Gulags.
Pretty ironic, considering Bernie is a Jew, albeit, a crazy one.

The anti Trump hysteria, has gotten out of control.

I don't find it THAT ironic that Bernie is talking about putting people in re-education camps. Much of the Bolshevik leadership reads like a guest list from a bar mitzvah - Rosenfeld, Bronstein, Kaganovitch, Trotsky, and even Lenin (only a quarter Jewish, apparently, but very proud of his Jewish ancestry).

One would think a modern Jew, after all of that 20th century history, would wise up. Apparently, some people are determined to be murderous despots, no matter their heritage.

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