
Well let's review: we have a Canadian that's posting a photo of Donald Trump next to a photo of Adolf Hitler and claiming there are a lot of dunces that supported both. Based on that evidence one could conclude that the majority of people in Germany, the US, and for that matter Russia, China, India and all those believers of that upstart religion that's only 1400 years old are also dunces. Given that information one could conclude that the only non-dunces are those residents of Western Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. but considering that none of these had the foresight to protect themselves from their government, they too are in the Dunce class. The only non-dunces are, by matter of elimination a small group of people in Tonga.
Yes you totally missed my point. I implied the 'dunces' were the ones that resisted Trump, a refence to the post by @Wheels in which he quoted Jonathon Swift saying a true genius will be known by the dunces that oppose him.
And just to keep the record straight, I was born in Salt Lake City Utah, and at this point am still a citizen of the US.
I don't find it THAT ironic that Bernie is talking about putting people in re-education camps. Much of the Bolshevik leadership reads like a guest list from a bar mitzvah - Rosenfeld, Bronstein, Kaganovitch, Trotsky, and even Lenin (only a quarter Jewish, apparently, but very proud of his Jewish ancestry).

One would think a modern Jew, after all of that 20th century history, would wise up. Apparently, some people are determined to be murderous despots, no matter their heritage.
OK guys, what the F are you talking re Bernie and 're education camps'? Haven't heard anything about this. Can you share an article or two?
Perhaps your point was poorly made. I drew the same inference as @Wheels and @Ray B.

It happens...Poe's Law and all that.
Almost missed yesterday was the Trump announcement regarding a nation for the Arabs of Palestine. The Palestinians certainly have a say in the matter which they have not accepted very well yet. The problem is and has been the Palestinian leaders. They have been allowed to live a lifestyle of corruption and power from the donations from the west and Arab nations. They have no interest in seeing a true resolution.

Western leaders have always felt the need to drive the peace process and have failed. Let me put forth a hypothesis. Prior to becoming President, Trump reached out to the leaders of the region and said this is your problem. You need to solve this and I will help in anyway I can. Look at all the early trips made by Kushner to the ME. Why was Trumps first international trip made to KSA?

Many disregard this announcement and the map. What if the decision has already been made by the regional parties involved. What if this is basically a take it or leave it for the Palestinian people. In all likelihood this proposal has already been settled. The Palestinian people/leaders probably have a fixed time to accept this proposal or aid starts falling off. It won't be long for the money to run dry.

Knowing how Trump works, this is probably not a proposal. It is a deal. The Palestinian people just don't know it yet.

It is amazing what can happen when you approach a problem from a completely different point of view. It is amazing when you put the impetus on other leaders to figure out how to make it work.

Could I be wrong? Absolutely. This however is the best looking opportunity for peace that I have seen since my initial understanding of the region during the Six Day War.

Don't look for any Nobel Prize for Trump. Nobel Prizes are reserved for American presidents that have done nothing.;)

Here is hoping for true peace in the ME.

One thing I have never understood, is why the Jewish Democrat politicians hate Israel, and support Palestine? Israel is the Jewish motherland.
Spunk bubble? That's funny right there. The apple doesnt fall far from the Gore tree.

That’s right! And if you don’t believe it, just look it up on the internet Al Gore invented. TN is so proud of that accomplishment.
One thing I have never understood, is why the Jewish Democrat politicians hate Israel, and support Palestine? Israel is the Jewish motherland.

Agree that it doesn't make much sense from my point of view either.

In America, non-orthodox Jews tend to be socially liberal, educated, intelligent. They live in areas of the country where professionals, managerial class and academically minded seem to be socially liberal as well. Perhaps social status means more than ancestry.

Orthodox Jews tend to be more conservative.

I just tried to look and couldn't find what I wanted. Something I saw in the last week made it seem like the tide may be turning towards Trump amongst Jews in the NYC area.

Not sure if this helps much. Honestly this is not a topic I know tons about.

Project Veritas strikes again.

AFAIK, that Marxist filth hasn't repudiated it. In case you weren't aware, Bernie honeymooned in the old USSR. Fits right in with Armand Hammer, Al Gore, Sr., and his spunk bubble of a son.
That article does not have much to with Sanders, other than his name. Note it is a 'paid field organizer' who made the comments after consuming alcohol. By the sound of his quotes he is an idiot. Don't brand Sanders with what some drunk said in a bar.
Crazy Bernie.....Communist, Socialist, fraud. Just a few of his brands.
^^^^^^^^^^^^Career politician too^^^^^^^^^^^^
That article does not have much to with Sanders, other than his name. Note it is a 'paid field organizer' who made the comments after consuming alcohol. By the sound of his quotes he is an idiot. Don't brand Sanders with what some drunk said in a bar.

James O'Keefe caught several of Bernie's PAID staffers uttering similar. Today, lead counsel for Bernie's campaign sent out an email to tell the staffers to watch what they say in public. He didn't upbraid them for saying such horrific things, he just told them to be careful because you never know who might be listening. Do you suppose Bernie isn't aware of an email his lead counsel sent out, and the reason it was sent out?

Sanders has sided with every GD Marxist in existence - Castro, Maduro, Chavez, the Sandinistas, the Soviets, and on and on and on. He hasn't been secret about it at all. That his underlings uttered such outrageous thoughts is right in line with everything he has ever stood for.

EU Army Ambitions Crushed As German Troops Forced To Use Their Own Cars In War Drills

by Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/31/2020 - 02:45

major war exercise, which started last Thursday across Europe, had German troops using their own vehicles because of a shortage of infantry tanks as many were in disrepair.


The shortage of infantry vehicles is so bad that some soldiers are using their own cars, RT News said, citing local reports.


In 2018, the German military had 71 Pumas, only 27 were combat-ready, and 44 were in repair.

The military has struggled with keeping its forces combat-ready for years, with vehicle and troop shortages.

We've noted before that tanks breakdown on the regular, planes can't fly, and vessels aren't seaworthy; the German military is a disaster.

In 2017, the German Navy had many of its submarines in repair, basically had its entire fleet out of service, noted RT News.

reported that at least half of German recruits are unfit for combat.

President Trump has slammed Germany and other NATO leaders to increase their defense spending targets from 2 to 4%. He's demanded that European countries must pay their fair or purchase weapons from US defense companies.

Given all these problems, perhaps pooling their resources with other nations (like France) in the form of an EU-wide army would make sense.

Germany will have a tough decision to either increase funding for its military or pay its fair share as a NATO member.


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From the previous post:
"Germany will have a tough decision to either increase funding for its military or pay its fair share as a NATO member".

What, and make their workers work more than 32 hours a week and stop having Americans who buy German cars subsidize their lazy lifestyle? What's the world coming to?
Some of the greatest armies of the world has risen out of Europe. Trump could be creating a military monster.q
View attachment 327637 @Wheels - well there seems to me to be a lot of analogies between Trump and Hitler: both have/had legions of loyal followers willing to trample their moral compass for him. Thankfully there were a lot of "dunces" like, most of the rest of the world, ready to stand up to him.

Please tell me the moral compasses that are being trampled by Trump policies like:

-- Immigration law enforcement.
-- Tax cuts
-- Pro 2A policies (I know, being Canadian that is not quite comprehendible for you)
-- Pro business economic policies
etc. etc.

I personally don't care about his being uncouth or whether he cheated on his wife etc., etc.. I look at what he is accomplishing as POTUS. He was not elected for being likable or nice.

PS. Playing the Hitler card usually means one can not make a case for his viewpoint.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.