While an Army Attaché in Riyadh in the eighties, a good friend was the Attaché in Sanaa, Yemen. I took the family down there for Christmas week to visit (not many people can claim that). It really was stepping back into the fifteenth century. Every third person was carrying firearm from a French Berthier musketoon to AK, every male had a Jambiya shoved into the front of his waist scarf or belt, and the whole country was high as a kite on Khat by noon. The terrain, particularly in the north is beautiful, and we had a grand time exploring ruins that dated to the time of Sheba. Virtually no true archeological work has ever been done there.How they ended up with F5's to begin with is a pretty interesting story involving several countries and Carter bypassing congressional approval to make it happen (sent to Yemen initially, later taken by the Hourthis)..
The Intriguing Story Of How Yemen Got F-5E Tiger II Fighters
Yemen's F-5E Tiger II saga is a geopolitical jigsaw puzzle of a story that involved Saudi Arabia and Taiwan.www.twz.com
the fact that they have been able to keep one of them flying all of these years (they only got 12 to begin with) honestly is pretty impressive.. they've essentially cannibalized all of the other aircraft over a 4 decade period and have been able to figure out how to modify or fabricate parts as well to keep the one aircraft airborne... whether or not they still have any ordnance for it is questionable..
The Houthi air force has a single fighter jet — an ancient F-5. The US is very much not afraid of it.
The Houthi rebels apparently have just one F5 jet, and the US says it's nothing to be afraid of.www.yahoo.com
To your point, Sanaa was a fascinating location during the Cold War. A US military assistance team occupied half the joint use Airport/Air Base fielding and training F5E pilots and ground crew, while a Soviet mil group did the same thing on the other side of the apron with their new Mig-21's.
We attended a Christmas diplomatic reception while there and had fun playing spy on spy with our Russian Attaché and GRU counterparts. I really need to digitize some of that photography.
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