If 77mill believe the problems america is in is because of an “ overdue” gosh they are brainwashed. The structual corporate greed that drains your society and pockets, the fentanyl problems, the homelessness problems, the dept problems many americans have, high rate of high school drop-outs, obesity, poor foods available , many with untreated medical issues beause they can’t afford to go to the doctor etc etc. A Youtuber said it right. “The american dream is not to live in america”. But if you insist all this because of an “overdue” with europe I will hope for you guys Trump will make it better for the average american. I hope that Trump will not end up what King Herods was for Israel( you are educated you know the story).
One common denominator that I have noticed in the 45 days since Trump took office, and Doge taking an axe to the federal and international bloat, is an influx of people on this forum such as yourself.
People that have not posted here before, and have nothing of value to add, besides the incessant bitching and complaining about the USA and the actions of Orange man bad. People that are not citizens of the USA, nor vote in our elections.
The USA is $37 trillion dollars in debt. That equates to approx $109,000 of debt for every, man, woman, and child, in this country.
The 77 million of us who voted for Trump gave him the mandate for which he campaigned. That includes slashing funds to most of the money sucking USAID programs, NATO, WHO, and the UN, and foreign entities who have been sucking off the teets of U.S money and complacency for decades. Billions of dollars that filters it's way overseas and back into corrupt pockets.
Idiot politicians have spent decades getting us into this mess. At home, and abroad.
We elected Trump to clean it up, and he is doing exactly that. He may not be doing it perfectly, but what President ever has?
Will the last perfect man in the room please shut the lights off when you leave.
Trump is taking an aggressive America first approach to cleaning up the dumpster fire of bureaucracy, and the rest of the world doesnt like it.
You know what? Too damn bad. You can all go cry in your milk.
The Biden administration hired an additional 67,000 IRS agents to come after the American taxpayer, and now the Democrats act like its a crime that DOGE is auditing them.
Our national debt is not sustainable. The only way to start paying it down, without the taxpayers being taxed into oblivion, is to do exactly what Trump is doing.
There are going to be short term pains, for the reward of long term gains.
Trump is doing what we hired him to do. Much to the chagrin of the Democrats, Warmongers, globalists, and everyone else bleeding the american taxpayer dry.
At the end of the day I can say with never ending conviction, that neither myself, or any other patriotic taxpaying Trump voter, gives a flying f**k about your opinion or criticism of my country and president.
As far as I'm concerned, you can go pound sand, and that's putting it mildy.
You stick to the problems in your country, and we'll take care of ours.
Do yourselves a favor, and quit watching the propaganda driven media outlets.