
I hope you are aware that there are some Republicans out there trying hard to enable him run a 3rd time

You sure do fall for theatrics. If you can't understand what is happening, you aren't paying attention.
You don't know what they did but you're OK with them being laid off? This doesn't look like clear thinking.

Perhaps they were contracts staff (buyers), making sure the logistics requirements for the parks service were acquired responsibly, in accordance with laws and regulations and at the best value for money for taxpayers?

Why do you assume they were oxygen thieves?
simply because they had been working from home and never went to the office for a couple years. i think if you are going toward to work for a entity (government or not) you should go in to work. that seems a reasonable ask.
C'mon Scott. Try to look at things differently. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that your energy needs have been fulfilled from a few panels sitting still in the sunlight, instead of burning stinky, dead algae and ruining the place. Yeah, I still do that from time to time, but less and less. Loving our beautiful planet and living in it comfortably and sustainably is something we can all do, and enjoy doing. For the benefit of us all.
for what its worth, because i live in alaska, the few panels sitting in the sun just don't do me that much good, especially in the winter, when i need the electricity the most. solar works in some places, (while it is daylight out) but not everywhere.
Trump posted this a little while ago. I have no doubt the true believers here will cheer it as an incredible pronouncement from Mount Sinai. The problem is I suspect 65% of the American people and 85% of the international audience outside Moscow will be attempting to suppress a gag reflex. He needs to keep in mind that his administration comes to a screeching halt in a just year and a half if he loses the house. There is a lot I would like him to get done domestically.

I mean for God's sake, he is now speaking of himself in the third person as he sits back to admire the chess master in chief. Perhaps the royal "we" will be next.

trump truth.jpeg
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Most scientists are liberal and left of center so the fact that most are onboard with you is not surprising.
I'll go a step further and say that they knew where their bread was buttered. Look back at the amounts of money being given as "grants" to study global cooling, then global warming, and now "climate change". This was all to push a new product upon the masses and the "scientists" are just the ad agency. That's how we know that academia is broken. They are beholden to those that were handing out taxpayer funds in exchange for a lie.
simply because they had been working from home and never went to the office for a couple years. i think if you are going toward to work for a entity (government or not) you should go in to work. that seems a reasonable ask.
I have employees that I have never seen personally (just zoom) that work from home and are very productive. It just depends on the job. I don't need to pay for office space for someone to do AutoCAD work.

My son is a software developer. His company does not have any office space. His team is all over the country. The whole company will get together once a year at NYC, or Vegas etc. for a meet and greet. It is a company of about 400 people.
Please have a think about where you're getting such misinformation from. It's important to point out false information when it's repeated, so I will. Why haven't the forum members who've Liked your comment put you straight on this?
particularly given your president's plan to reduce spending on the military by 50%.
It's important to point out false information when it's repeated, so I will.

Please read post #52,218. ... there's is absolutely no evidence I have found of Trump planning "to reduce spending on the military by 50%"

If you have a link to credible source that presents factual details contrary to my post, please provide.
Trump posted this a little while ago. I have no doubt the true believers here will cheer it as an incredible pronouncement from Mount Sinai. The problem is I suspect 65% of the American people and 85% of the international audience outside Moscow will be attempting to suppress a gag reflex. He needs to keep in mind that his administration comes to a screeching halt in a just year and a half if he loses the house. There is a lot I would like him to get done domestically.

I mean for God's sake, he is now speaking of himself in the third person as he sits back to admire the chess master in chief. Perhaps the royal "we" will be next.

View attachment 668925
You do know that was written by someone else yesterday and Trump is resharing it, don't you?
When not making fun of his height, many of Zelensky's critics seem to be real sartorial experts. I know history is of little interest, but I thought I would share a wartime photo of Churchill while visiting the Whitehouse. It was a quasi uniform/ jumpsuit that he often wore throughout the war.

View attachment 668666
The man also had a suit and knew when he needed to dress up. The photos attached below are both at the White House and were found at https://www.whitehousehistory.org/mr-churchill-in-the-white-house-1


  • Churchill Dec 1941.jpg
    Churchill Dec 1941.jpg
    131.4 KB · Views: 32
  • Churchill May 1943.jpg
    Churchill May 1943.jpg
    127.5 KB · Views: 34
Trump posted this a little while ago. I have no doubt the true believers here will cheer it as an incredible pronouncement from Mount Sinai. The problem is I suspect 65% of the American people and 85% of the international audience outside Moscow will be attempting to suppress a gag reflex. He needs to keep in mind that his administration comes to a screeching halt in a just year and a half if he loses the house. There is a lot I would like him to get done domestically.

I mean for God's sake, he is now speaking of himself in the third person as he sits back to admire the chess master in chief. Perhaps the royal "we" will be next.

View attachment 668925
Pretty sure someone wrote it that works for him, like a staff member…..
It's important to point out false information when it's repeated, so I will.

Please read post #52,218. ... there's is absolutely no evidence I have found of Trump planning "to reduce spending on the military by 50%"

If you have a link to credible source that presents factual details contrary to my post, please provide.
It is equally important to know what you are talking about before asserting anyone provided "false" information. It is not exactly a secret that Hegseth announced an 8% cut to DOD spending per year for the next five years. That is by simple math a 40%. However that 8% will be slicing into an ever smaller total so the actual cut in current DOD planning dollars in 2029 is far closer to 50%.

I can provide you a dozen other cites should you need them.

It's important to point out false information when it's repeated, so I will.

Please read post #52,218. ... there's is absolutely no evidence I have found of Trump planning "to reduce spending on the military by 50%"

If you have a link to credible source that presents factual details contrary to my post, please provide.
Here are some examples that back your statement Tbitty. Nobody but the warhawks have said anything about cutting military spending. It's simply moving away from nonsense.

Refocus Budget
Hegseth seeks to shift $50 billion in FY26 budget proposal

Hopefully soon to be things of the past in our military:
Didn't Earn It (DEI)
BS climate change spending (hybrid tactical vehicles & solar jetfighters:ROFLMAO:)
Middle management:cool:
You do know that was written by someone else yesterday and Trump is resharing it, don't you?
I do not know that at all. It is his header upon which he personally posts.
Trump posted this a little while ago. I have no doubt the true believers here will cheer it as an incredible pronouncement from Mount Sinai. The problem is I suspect 65% of the American people and 85% of the international audience outside Moscow will be attempting to suppress a gag reflex. He needs to keep in mind that his administration comes to a screeching halt in a just year and a half if he loses the house. There is a lot I would like him to get done domestically.

I mean for God's sake, he is now speaking of himself in the third person as he sits back to admire the chess master in chief. Perhaps the royal "we" will be next.

View attachment 668925

I am suspicious of his checkers skills, with regards to international affairs, never mind chess.
the whole zelinsky and trump meeting reminds me of watching a Super Bowl game.

this thread has way over 10 pages dedicated to analyzing, discussing, arguing about what the two parties said and how they acted. much like the talking heads discussing strategies or individual players and their current and past performance of a upcoming super bowl game. how one team or the other is going to win big and how they are going to do it.

much like the Super Bowl, ultimately the players are going to decide who wins. not the advertisers, the fans, the haters or the talking heads. since i have no ability to talk directly to the players (football or political) i have absolutely no impact on the game being played.

so, i am gonna sit back with my popcorn or doritos (they had a great super bowl ad) and watch them play. certainly rooting for my team, but understanding full well that i am not going to have any say in the matter of who wins.

i do pray for my country and i hope ultimately our leaders get it right and we the people end up with a big win. i feel like the previous administration did not want to or try to win for our country. the next presidential candidate they put up front i suspect would have done an even worse job. i hope and pray that the current admin gets us some wins. time will indeed tell.
I don't feel this is going to persuade anyone, and I feel like I'm just screaming into the void, but here's my take nonetheless. I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.

Firstly, Ukraine. Do I care about Ukraine?

Yes, a little, but only to a point. They clearly have strategic importance to America (hard to argue that when Donald is oh so clearly stating that they sit on strategically valuable rare earth metals, not to mention their implications in African and Middle Eastern food supply - i.e influence over OPEC).

Do I care about them personally, and am I particularly bothered about their hardships? Honestly, not much. Not my country, not my problem. It's a shame that they're in the situation that they are, but from a realpolitik standpoint, altruism is not a major driver of policy. National interest is. You simply find (and then talk about) the altruistic reasons to justify the real reason, often after the fact.

Therefore, my position is that Ukraine should be supported as far as our national interest lie, and no further.

That national interest lies in 3 camps.
1. Bleed the Russians. They are not our friends, they will never be a reliable ally, reducing their military is in our interests, because it's one less opponent that we need to worry about either in Europe, or in partnership with China. Part of that is in destroying their military capability (job pretty much done), and part is in ensuring that when they start rebuilding in the next decade, they have as little in the way of money and resources available to do so as possible (i.e Don't let them take Ukraine and gain leverage over Saudi etc on food, don't let 'em take Ukraine and gift them billions of dollars of rare earth metals, don't give 'em Ukrainian GDP or conscripts).
2. Present a message of strength to enemies. America is reliable, America is strong, America won't allow petty dictators to do what they want. That's a good lesson for Russia to learn, and also a good one for Beijing to take away from this situation, not to mention Iran and North Korea.
3. Present a message of strength to allies. America has your back, you don't need to get strong yourselves, hang onto your subordinate position, no worries.

Note; none of this has anything to do with helping Ukraine, or right or wrong, or emotions.

It is pure, unfeeling, pretty ruthless logic aimed at maximizing the safety and the influence of the 'donor' nation. America first and all that.

I think that these national interests DO support the provision of aid to Ukraine in this conflict. Not to help Ukraine, but because they're literally fighting our battle for us... and in doing so we get what we want 'on the cheap' in terms of cost, materiel, casualties.

Sticking with these national interests.

Camp 1 & 2 are I think pretty self evident, but Camp 3 is maybe more confusing. Why would America want weak allies?

The reason is simple; militarily weak allies are reliable allies.

A nation that cannot protect its own sovereignty against foreign threats is not an independent nation. They are a client state, solely dependent on another for their very existence. That gives whomever guarantees that safety an immense amount of leverage.

What does that have to do with Europe?

Well, it's a common myth that the US and the EU are friends, allies, partners. But that's not really true.

What is true is that they're friends, allies, and partners RIGHT NOW. Begrudgingly at that.


Most Europeans feel that America is not an ally, but more of a necessary evil with whom they need to strategically cooperate, but don't particularly like. Interestingly, they have pretty much the same opinion of China...





Not exactly results that indicate any real depth of common goals or brotherhood.

And yet... when America asks Europe to do something, they generally do it, even if they don't want to. Support for the Iraq War in the UK for instance had approval ratings of about 45% at the time the UK joined, had dropped to below 20% 1 year in. Yet, the UK stuck it out for the duration. Why?

If today, the US sanctions China and requests that the EU do the same, they probably would. It's not in the EU's interest to do so, but they'd begrudgingly comply. Why?

Because they hate Russia more than they hate the US, and they need the US if Russia gets ideas.


So, onto hypotheticals.

Let's say Trump gets what he wants, the EU starts building up a proper military instead of the sham they have now.

Well, the US has stronger allies, but then... would they still be allies? The pressing need isn't there any more, and it's not like the EU and US are particularly culturally aligned otherwise. Certainly they'd be less inclined to unilaterally support US interests in that scenario. That's pretty undeniable.

It's also pretty likely that they might be a bit more friendly to China without the US prodding 'em away.

So that brings us onto the other question: Does a EU pulling it's weight militarily allow America to spend less on it's own military? People on this thread are certainly suggesting that a stronger NATO helps the US with it's national debt problem. But would it?

I'd submit that it probably doesn't. The EU can probably then be trusted to deal with Russia with less US support, but America is mostly spending a lot on the military to manage China, not Russia. That doesn't change.

What might change is that if the US does decide that war with China is now necessary... they're more likely to be fighting alone.

That (in my opinion) is why the US has basically allowed other NATO members to freeload for the last 40 odd years.

Not because they're weak, or soft, or gullible. But because thy know that in doing so, they maintain their 'sovereign territories abroad' (i.e Europe). It gets the US influence, it keeps all those nations in lockstep with US foreign policy even if they have no desire to cooperate, it keeps those nations as subordinate client nations.

Britain did the same with much of its empire at some point or another. For example, post a fleet in the Pacific so that a. Australia doesn't feel the need to build up a defensive force of their own against Russia, Japan, or China, and b. so that if Australia gets rebellious, you can squash 'em easily. A win win.
Trump posted this a little while ago. I have no doubt the true believers here will cheer it as an incredible pronouncement from Mount Sinai. The problem is I suspect 65% of the American people and 85% of the international audience outside Moscow will be attempting to suppress a gag reflex. He needs to keep in mind that his administration comes to a screeching halt in a just year and a half if he loses the house. There is a lot I would like him to get done domestically.

I mean for God's sake, he is now speaking of himself in the third person as he sits back to admire the chess master in chief. Perhaps the royal "we" will be next.

View attachment 668925
I knew he was nuts in his first term. He needs meds.
I do not know that at all. It is his header upon which he personally posts.
Been circling SM over the last 24 hours at least. Being third person, it can also be reasonably assumed to be written by another, or at least enough call to take a few seconds to verify.

It does however articulate well enough how this deal would have been the first step to peace and security guarantees.

Fyi, where I first viewed it yesterday

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Here are some examples that back your statement Tbitty. Nobody but the warhawks have said anything about cutting military spending. It's simply moving away from nonsense.

Refocus Budget
Hegseth seeks to shift $50 billion in FY26 budget proposal

Hopefully soon to be things of the past in our military:
Didn't Earn It (DEI)
BS climate change spending (hybrid tactical vehicles & solar jetfighters:ROFLMAO:)
Middle management:cool:
You can not cut defense by those levels without cutting or eliminating major programs. Simple fact.
Actually, I guess he shouldn't have noted Vance was either a liar or horribly misinformed to his face. The ignorant or untruthful with great power are capable of all sorts of retaliation. That vertically challenged thing also gets repeated. Always a good line when there are no merits to a position I assume.
Peter Doocy gave a report on what set Vance off. According to Doocy it was a good half hour of hostile body language by Zelinsky. Very apparent to Vance (and some of the reporters) from his position in the room. Not so to Trump as he was sitting side by side with Zelinsky. It had apparently gone on long enough and with enough intensity that Vance had just plain had enough. Vance was obviously very irritated and I think this explains it.

Trump has been very transparent and open with reporters and thus we the people. He constantly seems to have them in the Oval Office. Biden never did. In fact I don't recall any prior President being this available and transparent. The downside of this of course was on display when Zelinsky went off script. We have no idea how much similar things went on in previous administrations because we were not privy to it.

Zelinsky really seems to have betrayed the trust of the President and especially Rubio.

Reports today are that several Democrat leaders has advised Zelinsky to do this. And may have been texting him as this was going on. Dirty politics at best... I have no idea if interfering with State Department and Presidential foreign dealings is treasonous or not.

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