The Snowden conundrum is just that. He betrayed his clearance by telling the US public that the NSA was monitoring/spying on huge swaths of our citizens. Not only those talking to bad actors outside the US as we were told.
So in the future when the potential technology he had exposed is ancient news. And personal freedom is almost gone. Due to AI abilities, cameras everywhere, digital currency. And governments viewing citizens as subjects and criminals.
He will definitely be viewed differently. When it’s obvious the only group really harmed by him were the people calling him a traitor.
The flip side is. The public needs to be able to trust that its government and military has their best interests in mind. That we don’t need to know everything they do on our behalf. And how. We give our trust. And if too many Snowden’s are leaking our programs to foreign enemies the public loses trust.
It’s the same serious issue with the public losing trust in the justice system. If that slippery grip is lost. We live in anarchy and chose which rules to follow.
Then we are all called politicians