flying sailor
AH fanatic
I was in USN boot camp in Feb '71. Our Company commander was an E6, in charge of 80 recruits. It was not a picnic as he was motivated to produce another Honor Company, with honors in : scholastics, PT, Inspections, drill. And much more. We did a lot of "illegal crap" drilling on Sundays, marching where no one could see us. And we had a "laying on of hands" I am not talking about healing either. I was thankful that when I got out to the fleet I was squared away. There was a time when I was known as the "Push up king" for just about any infraction. You could not do the things we went thru today.I think it was in mid or late 1978 or early 1979 when we heard rumors of the 3x5 stress card being used by recruits in basic training along with the banned derogatory oral degradation of trainees by DIs and no more than 10 push ups at one time as punishment when a trainee screwed up.
This was all brought about as a quick fix by TRADOC when a few newly graduated over zealous DIs were involved in the deaths of several trainees in a period of 3 or 6 (?) months.
A few years later....I found out just how bad basic training had deteriorated when another one of those assignments I was involuntarily volunteered for, but accepted to aquire my company level command time as a newly promoted captain. Assignment was One Station Unit Training (OSUT) Company Commander.
It was rather humorous as the NCOs had a behind my back agreement, that I knew about so I played along, that anytime I left my office one of the Drill Sargeants would be my "escort" as a prevention from me going "old school" on a trainee.
This is one example where good NCOs looked after their commander.