
For those that are curious as to the true situation regarding FEMA response; I think this video is the best source of information I've seen from people who are on the ground who actually know what they are doing in the Helene zone.....

@3:20 - Prepositioning in Florida for storm and arrival on scene with no government command, control or assets.
@10:30 - FEMA & MSM taking credit for saving lives/running missions that were preformed by private citizens using private aircraft
@31:50 - C17 loaded with supplies for Harris photo op, then plane/supplies were never sent.
@32:30 - Joe Biden fly over that shut down airspace & then joe couldn't remember what storm!
@35:00 - Biden interview where he couldn't remember which storm...
@36:00 - Sling load kits removed from helicopters so officials could be flown around for tours of damage, but helicopters useless for supply drops.
@40:00 - Supplies cut off from rural areas with no road access and having to lower supplies to areas with no landing zone because of lack of sling load kits
@1:01:02 - CNN is not allowed to show true storm damage
@1:06:00 - Unqualified FOR PROFIT contractors that submitted bids for relief work interfering/obstructing in recovery/rescue efforts by state guard unit and non profit.
@1:10:00 - Guardsmen that is FAA/Air Combat controller offering assistant and access to private helicopter denied because of incompetence and TFR(total flight restriction) set up to block both private and national guard helicopters from entering the area of La Fleur NC.
I have no idea how much of this is true or false, though Fox News debunked the C-17 story (31:50) this evening. I think it is pretty clear that the current administration mirrored the Bush administration when confronted with such an unexpected catastrophe - in this case hundreds of miles from the coast. I seem to remember Bush also monopolizing airspace as he stared earnestly at New Orleans out the window of Air Force One.

The real take away from this is the importance of state and local leadership, preparation, and execution. I would suggest Florida offers a case study in how to be prepared and exploit federal support, and North Carolina and Louisiana (Katrina) the opposite.
For the moment yes, but I question the durability of the Trump "movement" whatever that actually is, absent Trump. With respect to your list -

Trump - obviously, but very limited continuing relevance - an age and term limitation thing.

Vance - potentially, but we will not know until 2028. I do think he has the opportunity to bridge the personality cult that is totally married to Trump with traditional conservatives, and does seem to have the intelligence not to immediately alienate those that don't meet some sort of purity test.

RFK Jr and Gabbard are of almost no consequence to the republican party nor will they be in the future. I think they are frankly of little consequence in this election, but it is clearly better to have them on the republican side.

Musk is relevant from an alternative information perspective. We'll see if anything comes of his potential role in a new administration.

I think the real change will occur when Trump leaves the stage. That, to my mind, has the potential to affect the democrat party at least as much as the republican. I am certain a significant portion of the democrat party is as uncomfortable with wokism, radical gender policies, neo racism, and Marxism as the staunchest conservative. However, they are united in their fear of a second Donald Trump presidency. I hasten to add that I am passing no judgement on those fears, but I suspect the radical democrats will have enormous difficulty maintaining a unified party without Trump.

That group of moderates represent the real opportunity to expand the republican tent beyond this election. There are a number of potential candidates that could lead that effort.
It seems to me that the radical democrats had no problem demonizing Bush, McCain and Romney. They were all "literally Hitler" before Trump was.
And now they're licking Dick Cheney's ass.
To me, this smells of desperation. Flying in "the professor" to (as Hillary put it) call them to heel is likely to go over like a lead balloon.

From old Barry at the end of the article: “And on the other side, you have someone who has consistently shown disregard, not just for the communities, but for you as a person.”

Sounds like he's describing the very person he's trying to get them to vote for.
Quote from David Strom at HotAir:
"Harris doesn't talk about the issues, because the issues don't matter much to college grads. I know that sounds wrong given that we tend to (wrongly) associate education with intellectual interest, but in modern America, college grads care more about social signaling than economics. They are, generally speaking, more insulated from social discord, economic chaos, crime, and the issues associated with border chaos.
The over-educated are fine with permanent poverty as long as they can claim to care and pay penance taxes.
Deep State Definition

Quote from David Strom at HotAir:
"Harris doesn't talk about the issues, because the issues don't matter much to college grads. I know that sounds wrong given that we tend to (wrongly) associate education with intellectual interest, but in modern America, college grads care more about social signaling than economics. They are, generally speaking, more insulated from social discord, economic chaos, crime, and the issues associated with border chaos.
The over-educated are fine with permanent poverty as long as they can claim to care and pay penance taxes.

I am no fan of Harris, but to so characterize all educated people is total crap. I wouldn’t waste my time reading any more of this guys nonsense.
I am no fan of Harris, but to so characterize all educated people is total crap. I wouldn’t waste my time reading any more of this guys nonsense.
To be fair, I took the tone of that quote to be directed at gen z kids. Not all of them, for certain, but strom did say "generally speaking," not "all."
Remember, Obama, Holder, Hildabeast, and their slimy colleagues are from Chicago.

Canadian police official (at 1:35 in video but best to start at begining or at least 0:53), "Mr. Ness, I do not approve ou your methods."
Elliot Ness, "Yeah, well you're not from Chicago."

Obama has always shown amazing abilities at race baiting. Telling young black men they are sellouts if they want inner city schools to properly educate their kids. Don’t want a planned parenthood abortion store on every block.
Dont want dicks on their chicks ETC, ETC.

Obama is 100% to blame for the steady decline in race relations. It wasn’t perfect before him. But we had made progress. But keeping the peasants fighting themselves over race, gender, economic class, is the overall strategy here. Both sides of the isle of the deep state use this tactic.

Even though Marjorie Taylor Greene is apparently in step with these loonies, I would assume most on this thread would agree that believing this nonsense and then acting on it through a threat represents something close to a form of insanity?

Wait, isn’t this exactly what the lunatic left proclaims. They can control Weather and the climate. Vote for them and send them your tax dollars for green slush funds. And they will change the climate. They have said it out loud for decades. First the ice age was coming if you don’t send money immediately. Now it’s warming and they can stop it. So who are the crazy ones in this looney tunes cartoon.
Wait, isn’t this exactly what the lunatic left proclaims. They can control Weather and the climate. Vote for them and send them your tax dollars for green slush funds. And they will change the climate. They have said it out loud for decades. First the ice age was coming if you don’t send money immediately. Now it’s warming and they can stop it. So who are the crazy ones in this looney tunes cartoon.
I hate to defend climate alarmists, but no, not exactly.

The majority of the scientific community has indeed concluded that the earth is warming because they really have concluded that is what the scientific evidence shows whatever is being reported over on OAN. There is somewhat more debate over the causes of that warming and human contribution to it, though again, the majority of that community have concluded human activity plays some role in that trend.

As amateurs, with no scientific standing with respect to the topic, we are free to disregard or accept any of evidence or analysis on the subject because it frankly doesn't matter what we believe from an analytical perspective. Fortunately, what we do have is the political power to shape the nature of the federal, state, and local government responses to that analysis. We also have consumer power to shape corporate response to those initiatives. For instance, both GM and Ford are diverting investment away from EVs, because the public is refusing to buy them at a pace that would insure any reasonable return on that investment - regardless what deadlines an administration may declare.

On the other hand, anyone who truly believes the government is secretly causing hurricanes for political purposes probably should be under professional care. That would currently include Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alex Jones - two perfect bedfellows.

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