
Similar.. we buy in bulk from COSTCO.. and typically keep a 30-60 day supply of non perishables on hand all the time... everything from things like rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, etc.. to toilet paper, paper towels... to sugar, salt, pepper, etc..etc..
90% of toilet paper used in the US is made in the US. The other 10% can be brought in on truck and rail. So toilet paper will not be impacted by the sea lanes. But of course hoarding could be a problem.

I’m more concerned about coffee. I can live without toilet paper, coffee not so much.

Even though my niece owns a coffee bean import and roasting company. I prefer my type. and just bought a large stash.
I know everyone believes they fully understand that foreign aid is a free grab bag for graft, but at least for the portion that is military aid (a very large slice), that is simply not true. I also do not believe it is true of State Department managed funds, but of that I do not have personal experience. I'll again point out that I was, as a Major General, the Chief of US Army Security Assistance (I am sorry if noting my experience again triggers the easily offended). In other words, I oversaw negotiation, award, and management of all US Army international security assistance programs. As I have pointed out repeatedly, a large measure of US military assistance is in kind. Combat platforms that we are no longer using. Two exceptions are Egypt and Israel which benefit from appropriations resulting from the peace accords following the Yom Kippur War.

In those cases and others, I also managed new military assistance programs where an authorization and appropriation was then competed for a procurement for the assisted nation. No money changes hands. The appropriation was handled just like any other procurement by the Army except the end item and accompanying maintenance and training packages went to the foreign source. There is no pile of lose cash to access.

I obviously worked very closely with my two counterparts in the Air Force and Navy. Each service has very strict auditing procedures, and then each service is further audited by DOD.

The strictness of US program management has historically meant that allies would buy or participate in the most critical programs with the US - for instance M1 Abrams, Bradley, and Paladin for Saudi Arabia - and less critical materiel from other countries with less strict accounting - Saudi Arabia's European truck fleet. The shared development and procurement of the F-16 and now F-35 are Air Force examples.

It is curious to me that so many feel compelled to believe there is some kickback scheme involved in international assistance.

What one does find internationally are bribery schemes where a foreign company bribes a foreign procurement decision maker to win a contract. Large American defense corporations watch for that very carefully, and any individual caught doing so is personally criminally liable. But that is rather different than the nonsense that American officials are somehow skimming millions from foreign aid.

Around 30 years ago Congress required all government agencies to be able to pass an "unqualified audit". To date, the Department of Defense is the only agency that has never passed an audit. This with internal auditors. One can only imagine the results of a Big 4 audit. Yes DOD is the largest agency, scattered throughout the world. It would be a monumental undertaking. The general public would have much more faith in the system if DOD could pass a GAAP audit at the same level as most business, organizations, states and other government agencies have to pass.

Even this past year DOD can't account for $1B of military aid to Ukraine. I'm not saying it is graft but it is certainly poor management by DOD at best.

Regarding Ukraine which it looks like your post was dealing with, I don't know if there is any corruption within the military aid. Last I saw which was a year or so ago, military aid was around half of all aid going from America to Ukraine. USAID and NGO's funded by DOS, CIA, etc is full of problems. I have witnessed graft twice on a small scale regarding US taxpayer money given to a strategically insignificant African country. The $1 billion aid package Joe Biden held up to get Victor Shokin fired for investigating Burisma who was paying $50,000/mth to Hunter Biden plus other monies that haven't been divulged yet is an example. Ukraine was the second most corrupt country in Europe, even behind Russia before the invasion. Is there any reason to think this changed with the advent of billions of extra dollars flowing through the coffers. It is interesting that the Ferrari, Lamborghini and other luxury dealers in Romania and Bulgaria can't keep cars on the showroom floor due to the demand coming out of Ukraine. That is not typical of a country in the throes of war.
. It is interesting that the Ferrari, Lamborghini and other luxury dealers in Romania and Bulgaria can't keep cars on the showroom floor due to the demand coming out of Ukraine.
Source? If I remember there was also a totally debunked rumor about Zelzny buying yachts with the money.

Kickbacks & graft go back thousands of years. How do you think the Dems fill their slush funds?

A billion dollars unaccounted for within the DOD?........LOL . The swamp knows exactly where that money went.
The point isn’t determining how to slice up the pie, it’s how to make the pie bigger. Technological advances improve human productivity freeing humans up to perform higher value tasks. Your argument would have kept us at 40 acres and a mule.
Exactly! Instead of 80% of the population growing food it is under 2%. Stop and think what that means.

For better or worse.
I'm sure we on here go from guys wanting to go back to Little House on the Prairie all the way to some like @Tanks wanting a new vacation mansion on Mars;)
As I have pointed out repeatedly, a large measure of US military assistance is in kind. Combat platforms that we are no longer using.
I thought that equipment went to the Marines?
Not really political but... Back in March I predicted on my FB page that my beloved Royals would finish with a winning record and maybe make the post-season.

Mission accomplished. Condolences to any Orioles fans on here.

I also predicted Bobby Witt, Jr. would win the MVP award. He won't, but I bet he finishes second. He is simply incredible.

OK, back to the elections and foreign affairs...
And now the best you can contribute is to get personal? If it helps you should consider I have no personal feelings with respect to you.

What I do know is that I often disagree with much of the mutual feel good complaining that I read in this “discussion.” I call that independent thinking. Others seem to call that objectionable.

If my views are intolerable to you, don’t read my posts. Though I might cautiously suggest that may say more about you than me.
One could say I did get a little personal. It’s hard not to when you are commenting on how one conducts oneself. I’m not going to apologize for any of it (because I meant it) except for that which could have been perceived as being directed at your parents. I’m obviously not perfect either but then again I do try to at least be aware of and honest about my shortcomings (I sincerely don’t think you are), whether they be in conduct or experiential, intellectually or otherwise. I know my betters in each of those categories when I see them but that does not mean that I’m not going to call something like I see it. I guess it may be the surrounding sycophancy that draws it out of me. I know I often speak when I should be silent and that I’m incorrect at times. It is what it is.

I’m not the first nor the last who either has or will comment on your manner of speaking or addressing others. Even your last sentence of your response above is a condescending, thinly veiled, backhanded and preemptive insult [your second sentence in the following response (your second) was of the same nature]. I’m not going to block you or put you on my (empty) ignore list because I don’t believe in it. I still value and respect your opinion and have read and agreed with many of your posts since Sunday.

It’s always humorous when you use the language du jour. “Triggered”.. Ha… You can say what you want but I do contend that you do not in fact have much in common with the common folk. Quite a few people are acting as if it’s impossible to forget where they’ve come from, I don’t agree with that (obviously). Kudos to those that haven’t. I’ll leave it at that.

I read on past your responses and noted the various snide comments about elitism, class and other topics of discussion from people who obviously took my comments to be a criticism of themselves and I’m going to address them now: I bear absolutely no ill will towards anyone for monetary success, as long as that success is from ethical and what I perceive to be moral practice. I’m genuinely happy for those that have achieved that success. If it were not for the financial success of my employer I would not have the job I have.

Given the nature of our common hobby and interests on this forum it would stand to reason that the average member is better off financially than most and there’s nothing at all wrong with that. Also, judging from some of the hunt reports there are quite a few members that are incredibly well off. That’s great! I can enjoy a hunt vicariously through their reports and be glad of it. If it were not for the well to do the wilder areas of Africa would be destroyed quickly and the gun shops of London would have to close their doors so I’m incredibly grateful for the well off.

That said, and this is quite notable, the overwhelming majority of the well to do on this site never post anything remotely “elitist” while others like yourself and Tanks regularly make statements that can be easily be interpreted as such while other comments can be quite condescending or arrogant or conceited. If you’re offended by my calling you out on these matters then you may be the one who needs to seek out some emotional support, or better yet, spend some much needed time in deep introspection. You often accuse others of being “triggered” when it seems you can’t handle any divergent opinions either, sometimes getting quite upset. It’s as if human nature is human nature and there is nothing new under the sun.

It’s those types of comments that I take issue with. There’s a lot to be said for having a thick skin and to a certain point I agree. Past a certain point I think it’s a cope. On the topic of experience, I once made a horrible mistake and as a result stood in front of twelve of my peers who could have essentially (not literally) ended my life but they chose not to. Subsequently, I spent a year and a half living with a bunch of maladjusted young men and eternal twelve year olds. In that environment your speech matters. Due to that experience I’ve got precious little patience for flippant speech and even less patience for those that don’t appreciate the rights and freedoms they have. All that said I’ll admit I am too touchy at times and I’ll try and do better going forward.
I was trying to type on my phone and you deserve a more complete response. If you have already blocked my texts, then no harm no foul.

Yes, I am an older white guy - 72 as of yesterday. If nothing else I can recognize another one when I see or read one. The majority of the angry comments about the world is ending, communists are taking over the government, everyone in congress is a criminal swamp monster, or whatever are indeed from what Rush would have called the angry seasoned citizens class. If I have mischaracterized someone then please raise your demographic hand.

I made a comment in jest about my mother and breeding. Though, I would admit, she was a tenth generation proud South Carolinian and would have meant it. If that offended or "triggered" anyone, I would suggest you will find a sympathetic shoulder over on MSNBC. My father was indeed an academic (and a poorly paid one in those days) and counted among his friends and colleagues the aforementioned Steve Ambrose, Shelby Foote, and T. Harry Williams. He and they gave me a lifelong appreciation of history. I only mention them because it is often useful, perhaps even imperative, that we take the time to reflect on almost everything through the prism of history. That is, in my humble opinion, rather rare here. I feel motivated to provide it from time to time. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I don't think I am particularly moved by your perception of my understanding of the "majority" of Americans. I am indeed educated, and have been successful in two careers that provided me with a broad perspective of a number of national and international issues. I was also a pretty good duck guide for four years. I served with soldiers from every economic and social condition in this country. Over 1200 employees reported to me in corporate America. I suspect I have a better feel for the working class across a broad political spectrum than many here.

With respect to that, I would urge you to reflect on the fact that the people you refer to as the "majority" of Americans, about whom you assume I know nothing and about which you seem to believe you have a perfect understanding, make up only roughly 50% of the electorate - of all classes. In other words, half the country absolutely rejects everything about which you and most others here are complaining. I would suggest we would all benefit by thinking on that for a bit.

Contributors regularly post nonfactual information in this thread on issues about which I have some actual experience. I am sure it is annoying when I throw a BS flag on such assertions. But someone should. On other issues, I have opinions which I am careful to identify as such and am happy to defend. Often that seems to put me at odds with the mutual cheering community here. I am happy to live with that.

It is I think representative of the conservative movement today, that many here are more concerned about the purity of someone else who considers themself both a republican and a conservative, than our opponents in the other party.
Not really political but... Back in March I predicted on my FB page that my beloved Royals would finish with a winning record and maybe make the post-season.

Mission accomplished. Condolences to any Orioles fans on here.

I also predicted Bobby Witt, Jr. would win the MVP award. He won't, but I bet he finishes second. He is simply incredible.

OK, back to the elections and foreign affairs...
Always liked the royals, played for Ned Yost when he was a manager/coach in the braves organization, also played with Charlie Leibrant when he was on a rehab assignment. I got to see George Brett and Cal Ripken play a game in Baltimore and Brett lead off the game with a triple. Not to mention a college teammate that was pretty good for the royals, some guy named Bo Jackson.

If Witt jr doesn’t win MVP who will?
Always liked the royals, played for Ned Yost when he was a manager/coach in the braves organization, also played with Charlie Leibrant when he was on a rehab assignment. I got to see George Brett and Cal Ripken play a game in Baltimore and Brett lead off the game with a triple. Not to mention a college teammate that was pretty good for the royals, some guy named Bo Jackson.

If Witt jr doesn’t win MVP who will?

According to the media, Aaron Judge is a lock. I have no qualms with that for the year he has had. I would argue Witt had much more value to his team, and has a much more polished skill set, top to bottom.
According to the media, Aaron Judge is a lock. I have no qualms with that for the year he has had. I would argue Witt had much more value to his team, and has a much more polished skill set, top to bottom.
It’s hard for me to wish anything good on a yankee, still don’t like them and haven’t played an inning since ‘92. I guess I hold a grudge that I should’ve gotten over by now. LOL
And FEMA is out of money because they stole it from the disaster fund to give to illegal immigrants.

"Here's your goodies, a place to live and your monthly stipend. Vote Democrat!!!"

When will Congress or the Courts stand up and hold these crooks accountable? Never in my life did I expect to live in such a Banana Republic.

I do not understand how a rational person can do anything other than vote for Trump at this point!
AND how many billion dollars are we giving Israel , and Ukraine, and about 50 other countries. Why are we so concerned about Israels border and ours is non existent, and now we hear americans are dying for lack of water and meds in the hurricane stricken zones.
AND how many billion dollars are we giving Israel , and Ukraine, and about 50 other countries. Why are we so concerned about Israels border and ours is non existent, and now we hear americans are dying for lack of water and meds in the hurricane stricken zones.
Personally I feel it is vital to continue to support Isreal. And militarily Ukraine.

By why the hell are we still sending money to Afghanistan? And so many others that hate us!
I know everyone believes they fully understand that foreign aid is a free grab bag for graft, but at least for the portion that is military aid (a very large slice), that is simply not true. I also do not believe it is true of State Department managed funds, but of that I do not have personal experience. I'll again point out that I was, as a Major General, the Chief of US Army Security Assistance (I am sorry if noting my experience again triggers the easily offended). In other words, I oversaw negotiation, award, and management of all US Army international security assistance programs. As I have pointed out repeatedly, a large measure of US military assistance is in kind. Combat platforms that we are no longer using. Two exceptions are Egypt and Israel which benefit from appropriations resulting from the peace accords following the Yom Kippur War.

In those cases and others, I also managed new military assistance programs where an authorization and appropriation was then competed for a procurement for the assisted nation. No money changes hands. The appropriation was handled just like any other procurement by the Army except the end item and accompanying maintenance and training packages went to the foreign source. There is no pile of lose cash to access.

I obviously worked very closely with my two counterparts in the Air Force and Navy. Each service has very strict auditing procedures, and then each service is further audited by DOD.

The strictness of US program management has historically meant that allies would buy or participate in the most critical programs with the US - for instance M1 Abrams, Bradley, and Paladin for Saudi Arabia - and less critical materiel from other countries with less strict accounting - Saudi Arabia's European truck fleet. The shared development and procurement of the F-16 and now F-35 are Air Force examples.

It is curious to me that so many feel compelled to believe there is some kickback scheme involved in international assistance.

What one does find internationally are bribery schemes where a foreign company bribes a foreign procurement decision maker to win a contract. Large American defense corporations watch for that very carefully, and any individual caught doing so is personally criminally liable. But that is rather different than the nonsense that American officials are somehow skimming millions from foreign aid.
well then what about the fat Lennard navy scandal ,and the Ukraine biden phone call," fire that prosecutor or you dont get your money. Paying your friends,(allies) millions is one thing paying your enemies is stupid, .I.E. Iran got pallets of cash, for something related to nuclear productivity .how much do we give Somalia for what, renting a piece of dirt? I have a friend who was in Afgan. and he personally saw pallets of cash off loaded from helicopter's, Im sure it went for a cause , I know this may seem trivial but tax payers first then evey one else. I dont say all countries are dishonest only 99 out of 100. Thanks for taking my question General.
Doesn't matter if you promote it or not, if the capability exists it WILL be used.
Kind of like the rocket scientists at Walmart who decided to take away cashiers and put in self checkout lanes. Scan & bag your own groceries and goods,while a few worthless employees stand around and watch the self check-out lanes, with an extra person at the front door checking receipts to make sure nothing is being stolen.
IMO. Taking away the cashiers accomplished nothing but more work for the customer.
Maybe someday soon we'll be unloading the semi-trailers?
Personally I feel it is vital to continue to support Isreal. And militarily Ukraine.

By why the hell are we still sending money to Afghanistan? And so many others that hate us!
Isreal has billions in surplus or did 1 yr. ago.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID