
I agree with Hannity, that Kamala's border visit in Cochise county, "Reeks of desperation".
3.5 years as border Czar, and she never even blinked about the out of control border issues.
She was down 5 points in Arizona, and now the radical Democrat fraud decides to make a border visit, that is nothing but a PR & polling stunt. GTFO.
Zelinsky did an interview with Fox News after having met with Biden, Harris, and Trump.

In the interview I found it notable that Zelinsky referred to Joe Biden as Biden, Kamala Harris as Harris, and Donald Trump as Donald. Of further special note is that when Zelinsky was asked if Trump asked questions and Zelinsky responded "a lot!"

It also seems that Biden has been slow rolling out already Congressional approved military assistance and may have just released funds that were due to expire. So it's not like the Biden administration has been doing all they can by any stretch of the imagination.

I stand by my earlier assumptions that Trump will take action. Yes he may push for a peace settlement. However I think he has made it clear that if Putin will not reasonably negotiate, Trump as president will make things so that Putin would wish he had.

After this new information from these meetings and this interview, I feel even stronger that Trump will be a better option for World Peace and negotiating from a position of strength.
Well said, @ActionBob !!!

"Trump will be a better option for World Peace and negotiating from a position of strength" and unpredictability!

Trump likes everyone to:
1. Know what he is thinking (via Twitter previously)
2. Do something different...
3. Being unpredictable is one of Trumps’ strongest strengths!

I have previously stated that Trump is NOT going to abandon Ukraine. I think @ActionBob nailed it above. Trump will force a negotiation. When Putin says no, well Trump will be the spoiled 13-year-old he reverts to and throw a tantrum all over Putin. There are certainly other oligarchs waiting to take over from old Vlad.
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Unfortunately I agree, I don’t think Reagan would get the Republican nomination today. The comments on this string are pretty indicative of why we have the candidate we do.
During the 2016 campaign I was puzzled by the Trump phenomena. I was a Scott Walker supporter, and couldn't understand what people saw in a loud-mouthed braggart. Then one day I read an article on the interwbz someplace titled "He Fights"
It was to answer exactly such questions as mine, and the thrust was that instead of lamely and tamely accepting and eating the crap sandwich that the "news" media constantly feeds Republicans, (a la John McCain and Mitt Romney) he would throw it on the floor, say "That's a crap sandwich, you're a despicable person for trying to feed me that". And people appreciated it.
Yes, he has somewhat made political discourse more disgusting and depressing than it ever was, but only on the conservative side. The liberals have called every Republican since Bush the Elder Hitler in some form or other. And some so-called conservatives go along with it. Primarily because THEY ARE the Deep State, deriving much of their income and prestige through forever war and government boondoggles and afraid Trump will cost them money and face.
Look at Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg. Those poor guys got their noses so out of joint that Trump wouldn't kiss their rings that they have become exactly what they made their careers railing against.
Zelinsky did an interview with Fox News after having met with Biden, Harris, and Trump.

In the interview I found it notable that Zelinsky referred to Joe Biden as Biden, Kamala Harris as Harris, and Donald Trump as Donald. Of further special note is that when Zelinsky was asked if Trump asked questions and Zelinsky responded "a lot!"

It sure sounds and looks like those two quickly developed a rapor and I would bet they had a great conversation compared to anything possible with a senile old stuffed shirt or a cackling idiot.

As @Red Leg commented, Trump was Presidential.

I agree that supporting Ukraine over Putin is important and am happy to see our old military equipment being used to do so. I fully understand the accounting that goes on and how the cost of that old equipment is really not costing US taxpayers anything. Although it sounds like there is a percentage of our military assistance that is new production.

It also seems that Biden has been slow rolling out already Congressional approved military assistance and may have just released funds that were due to expire. So it's not like the Biden administration has been doing all they can by any stretch of the imagination.

I stand by my earlier assumptions that Trump will take action. Yes he may push for a peace settlement. However I think he has made it clear that if Putin will not reasonably negotiate, Trump as president will make things so that Putin would wish he had.

After this new information from these meetings and this interview, I feel even stronger that Trump will be a better option for World Peace and negotiating from a position of strength.

I have to admit that I am more optimistic since they met.
The Department of Injustice is suing Alabama election officials for purging voters rolls that they claim as being done too close to the election.

Democrats dont like it when you try and take away the cheat.

If there is no cheating, the democrats wouldn't be opposed to federal voter I.D laws
First, I think the country is already great as evidenced by millions trying to get here for a better life. Second, imagineering the country to xenophobic days of the past is not that laudable in my view. The world has moved on, one can deal with it or just turtle up like many in MAGA are trying to do.
I agree that the country is still great enough that millions want to come here to make a better life for themselves and their children. I admire that!



On top of this was a report that some 320,000 kids have come through the border with our border officials not knowing if they are with their parents or who they are with. Reports of groups of kids as young as 8 coming through drugged so they seem to be sleepy. And the border patrol trained to move them through to make way for the next group.

Trump was accused of keeping kids locked up at the border. At least under his administration they were trying to reconcile which children belonged to which parents.

The current chaos is obviously feeding a huge child slavery black market. That is not Great. It is degrading our country.

Closing the last lead refinery. Shutting down our clean fossil fuel industries. Selling our strategic oil reserves to China. Handing Billions of dollars to Iran. Inviting Putin into a minor incursion into Ukraine. Taxing our cooperations to levels pushing them off shore. Using all the alphabet government agencies to punish your political rivals (including what they arecdoing to Tulsa Gabbard). Forcing people to choose between their careers and an untested vaccine. Forcing businesses to close. Allowing left wing organizations to burn down cities while prosecuting peaceful Conservative protestors. Allowing Antisemitism to run amuck. Coddling up to China. All working in the opposite direction of Making America Great Again.
Colorado residents need to make sure they vote against this..
The nation and its people do not.
Yes, they do.

We have the government we deserve at the moment because “the nation and its people” have been asleep. It’s time for a big wake up.

Personally I’d be OK with the nation splitting along ideological lines. We’ve deviated so far from the Constitutional Republic we were formed as with the power belonging to the individual states and not a centralized government like we have now that it’s going to take a big shake up to get back on track. In the short term people will be hurt by this but it’s necessary.

If/When this happens I’ll most likely end up in a pine box because of health issues that depend upon the supply chain that will get disrupted. I’m OK with that if we return to a Constitutional Republican form of government.

Let’s face it. America’s glory days are behind her. So I think I understand the sentiment of MAGA. We can make this country great again but not if we continue voting for communists like Biden, Harris, Obama and Franklin Roosevelt and the RINO’s like Romney, McCain, or Bush.
Yes, they do.

We have the government we deserve at the moment because “the nation and its people” have been asleep. It’s time for a big wake up.

Personally I’d be OK with the nation splitting along ideological lines. We’ve deviated so far from the Constitutional Republic we were formed as with the power belonging to the individual states and not a centralized government like we have now that it’s going to take a big shake up to get back on track. In the short term people will be hurt by this but it’s necessary.

If/When this happens I’ll most likely end up in a pine box because of health issues that depend upon the supply chain that will get disrupted. I’m OK with that if we return to a Constitutional Republican form of government.

Let’s face it. America’s glory days are behind her. So I think I understand the sentiment of MAGA. We can make this country great again but not if we continue voting for communists like Biden, Harris, Obama and Franklin Roosevelt and the RINO’s like Romney, McCain, or Bush.
They most certainly do not, and who are you to suggest they or anyone does.

I think what you hope for would be the sort of absolute catastrophe only a madman would wish upon his country. You seem to be fixated on your personal martyrdom. The vast majority of the country is not. The country can't physically "split" over ideological lines. There is no geographic divide to seperate us. As a result, it would be neighbor against neighbor. Read a little history about how those sorts of civil wars and revolutions work out for the common citizen. Spain, Bosnia, Syria, and France would good starting places.

We have a constitutional republic. If its current policies do not suit your personal fancy, do something about it. Affect change in the ballot box. If you can't, then perhaps it is time to reevaluate those beliefs and priorities.

The far right has a penchant for throwing around the term communist like a playground slur between twelve-year-olds. Whether you approve of their politics or not, calling Romney, McCain, or Bush communists makes you look silly. John McCain, whose father was an Admiral, flew over twenty combat missions over North Vietnam before being shot down. Badly injured, he was then regularly beaten and tortured for five years by his actual communist captors. He could not raise his arms beyond shoulder height for the rest of his life. He was awarded the Silver Star, Legion of Merit with combat V device, and Distinguished Flying Cross among other decorations. I am curious what sacrifices you have made for your country that entitles you to call him a communist.
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Zelinsky did an interview with Fox News after having met with Biden, Harris, and Trump.

In the interview I found it notable that Zelinsky referred to Joe Biden as Biden, Kamala Harris as Harris, and Donald Trump as Donald. Of further special note is that when Zelinsky was asked if Trump asked questions and Zelinsky responded "a lot!"

It sure sounds and looks like those two quickly developed a rapor and I would bet they had a great conversation compared to anything possible with a senile old stuffed shirt or a cackling idiot.

As @Red Leg commented, Trump was Presidential.

I agree that supporting Ukraine over Putin is important and am happy to see our old military equipment being used to do so. I fully understand the accounting that goes on and how the cost of that old equipment is really not costing US taxpayers anything. Although it sounds like there is a percentage of our military assistance that is new production.

It also seems that Biden has been slow rolling out already Congressional approved military assistance and may have just released funds that were due to expire. So it's not like the Biden administration has been doing all they can by any stretch of the imagination.

I stand by my earlier assumptions that Trump will take action. Yes he may push for a peace settlement. However I think he has made it clear that if Putin will not reasonably negotiate, Trump as president will make things so that Putin would wish he had.

After this new information from these meetings and this interview, I feel even stronger that Trump will be a better option for World Peace and negotiating from a position of strength.
I genuinely hope you are correct. I hate to base my hopes for an intelligent foreign policy on body language or a choice words. But I will agree that the meeting and immediate aftermath were at least hopeful.
It’s sort of amazing to see people go from “Trump absolutely will not do the right thing on Ukraine blah blah blah” to “I’m encouraged by what I saw” overnight. Who would have thunk it? Probably anyone who is honest about the reality of his first term. Pretty much identical to people’s feelings last time he was the candidate. A lot of people are just being obtuse at this point and willfully ignoring his first term. For all the high mindedness and self righteous hand wringing going on it seems like the main motivator for most is personal dislike for Trump which is pretty small minded. It also shows virtue signaling is a common human trait that’s not limited to the left or the younger generations.
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It’s sort of amazing to see people go from “Trump absolutely will not do the right thing on Ukraine blah blah blah” to “I’m encouraged by what I saw” overnight. Who would have thunk it? Probably anyone who is honest about the reality of his first term. Pretty much identical to people’s feelings last time he was the candidate. A lot of people are just being obtuse at this point and willfully ignoring his first term. For all the high mindedness and self righteous hand wringing going on it seems like the main motivator for most is personal dislike for Trump which is pretty small minded. It also shows virtue signaling is a common human trait that’s not limited to the left or the younger generations.
Assuming you may have concluded I may be one of those people who amaze you, I found almost nothing in his first term that encouraged me that he had any clear understanding of our critical national interests with respect to Russia and Europe. His rhetoric with regard to Ukraine to date has merely underscored those concerns. As I noted above, body language is a rather thin reed.
It’s a sad day when people start killing each other over political disagreements. We need a leader who will unite our country in the pursuit of common goals. Ronald Reagan comes to mind if anyone knows where to find a leader from that mold.


I found your comment particularly intriguing for several reasons...

It is a sad day anytime people find the need to kill each other, but as I said before, humans are violent animals by nature. Since the existence of man, the world has been populated and settled through man's ambition and greed through blood... It's even more troubling when that ambition and greed is disguised as a religious crusade, but that's just the way it is and it's not going to change anytime soon...

I do firmly believe, however, that sometimes it is necessary to go to war over "political disagreements" especially when those political differences infringe on the very principles, we fought an actual revolution for which is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... I know some of you guys rag on @Brent in Az for occasional extreme statements, but I also share some of Brent's perspective for the very real existential threat to our current freedoms that we are facing as a nation. I, for one, do believe they are worth going to war over if it came to that... Yet, I also believe that any semblance of a real war is not likely at this point... There are just too many Americans that are willing to capitulate and forego their freedoms.

Serious question: How do we "unite" as a country when we have approximately half of its population wants to take us in a completely different direction abandoning the founding principles along the way? How do we unite when we have now become so divided over both culture and governance?

I've said it somewhere in this forum before, but it bears repeating in that 50 years ago the difference between the political parties was that we all wanted the same things for our country, yet we just had different ideas about how to best accomplish those shared goals... Compromise was still possible because the democrats were still reasonable...

Now, I genuinely believe that we no longer share the same goals. Not only are we not on the same page, but we are also not reading out of the same book... Half of this country wants to completely change course toward a socialist state in pursuance of an unrealistic utopian society, and they are willing to break the law and disregard the Constitution in order to achieve that goal... I seriously doubt a leader like Reagan could, or would, re-establish unity considering the depth of today's divide and disconnect among Americans...

I truly fear that unity is no longer an option going forward. Conservatism and capitalism must prevail over communism, and freedom must prevail over totalitarianism now, or this country's descent into a 3rd-world shithole within a generation is a foregone conclusion... No war will be necessary... Conservatives will be forced to capitulate, and the new culture will be thrust upon us... The good news is that many of us here will be dead and gone by then, leaving only our children and grandchildren to conform to the new world order...
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Reagan would not get the nomination in today's MAGA GOP.


Reagan was constantly talking about how big government is the problem, and how govt should serve the people and not the other way around.

He also was hard on crime and pushed for constitutionalist judges.

Edit... My only beef is he did increase budget spending on entitlements
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Assuming you may have concluded I may be one of those people who amaze you, I found almost nothing in his first term that encouraged me that he had any clear understanding of our critical national interests with respect to Russia and Europe. His rhetoric with regard to Ukraine to date has merely underscored those concerns. As I noted above, body language is a rather thin reed.
You mean he didn't listen to you?
Things are really going swimmingly now, eh?
(That's plumber humor for you too sophisticated to get it)
They most certainly do not, and who are you to suggest they or anyone does.

I think what you hope for would be the sort of absolute catastrophe only a madman would wish upon his country. You seem to be fixated on your personal martyrdom. The vast majority of the country is not. The country can't physically "split" over ideological lines. There is no geographic divide to seperate us. As a result, it would be neighbor against neighbor. Read a little history about how those sorts of civil wars and revolutions work out for the common citizen. Spain, Bosnia, Syria, and France would good starting places.

We have a constitutional republic. If its current policies do not suit your personal fancy, do something about it. Affect change in the ballot box. If you can't, then perhaps it is time to reevaluate those beliefs and priorities.

The far right has a penchant for throwing around the term communist like a playground slur between twelve-year-olds. Whether you approve of their politics or not, calling Romney, McCain, or Bush communists makes you look silly. John McCain, whose father was an Admiral, flew over twenty combat missions over North Vietnam before being shot down. Badly injured, he was then regularly beaten and tortured for five years by his actual communist captors. He could not raise his arms beyond shoulder height for the rest of his life. He was awarded the Silver Star, Legion of Merit with combat V device, and Distinguished Flying Cross among other decorations. I am curious what sacrifices you have made for your country that entitles you to call him a communist.
I’m not saying I agree with any of the extreme posts made but last time I checked all those countries still exist. A couple of them seem to be doing ok.

You say if you can’t change things at the ballot box then you need to reevaluate your beliefs. I’m curious what all you would allow to happen before changing that opinion? Seems like you would put up with a lot.

Everyone knows about and is thankful for McCain’s service. That doesn’t give him a pass for being a rino. There’s lots of lefties serving and that have served. I’m thankful for their service but they’re still awful.
Assuming you may have concluded I may be one of those people who amaze you, I found almost nothing in his first term that encouraged me that he had any clear understanding of our critical national interests with respect to Russia and Europe. His rhetoric with regard to Ukraine to date has merely underscored those concerns. As I noted above, body language is a rather thin reed.
That is correct. I know he wasn’t perfect but everything seemed to go pretty well.
I just had a startling revelation. I'm sure it will be trivial to a lot of the Deep Thinkers and Big Brains circulating, but I just hadn't considered this before.
Most of the really vile crap going on around the world right now is because the "ones who know best" have been fixated on reversing everything Trump did in his 1st term as Potus so as to prove what an unschooled boor he was. "See how we ADULTS handle things."
So we have out of control invasions of every "enlightened" western country, unrestrained crime by the "refugee" population that has stormed in illegally, and citizens being demonized, called racist, and prosecuted for daring complain about it.
But it's all Trumps fault, because "He just doesn't fit in".
I’m not saying I agree with any of the extreme posts made but last time I checked all those countries still exist. A couple of them seem to be doing ok.

You say if you can’t change things at the ballot box then you need to reevaluate your beliefs. I’m curious what all you would allow to happen before changing that opinion? Seems like you would put up with a lot.

Everyone knows about and is thankful for McCain’s service. That doesn’t give him a pass for being a rino. There’s lots of lefties serving and that have served. I’m thankful for their service but they’re still awful.
He is what you define as a RINO. To me, also a republican, he was a simply a member of my party. On some issues we agreed and some we didn't. Unlike many here, I actually dealt with him, often frustratingly, while in the Pentagon. However, there was never a doubt he was a republican.

Of one thing I am certain, the longer we play this RINO nonsense and hold purity tests, the less likely we are to become a majority party again. As Reagan famously put it, "The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally - not a 20 percent traitor."
I just had a startling revelation. I'm sure it will be trivial to a lot of the Deep Thinkers and Big Brains circulating, but I just hadn't considered this before.
Most of the really vile crap going on around the world right now is because the "ones who know best" have been fixated on reversing everything Trump did in his 1st term as Potus so as to prove what an unschooled boor he was. "See how we ADULTS handle things."
So we have out of control invasions of every "enlightened" western country, unrestrained crime by the "refugee" population that has stormed in illegally, and citizens being demonized, called racist, and prosecuted for daring complain about it.
But it's all Trumps fault, because "He just doesn't fit in".
You could be right……….

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