
I rather imagine their military leadership is more non-pulsed by the effect of drone warfare and antitank weapons in Ukraine. I can not imagine being in a landing craft or amphip debarking in two-hundred feet of water approaching a hostile shore under a swarm of drones and barrage of TOW missiles. It would have the high potential of being an absolute bloodbath. It is instructive that Russia did not attempt a landing at Odessa at the start of the war against what was then just the anti-tank missile threat.

Edited after checking numbers. Taiwan has about 1500 Javelins, which are fire and forget, each of which can easily sink or destroy an amphib out to 2500-3000 meters from shore. They have 100 TOW launchers and 1000 missiles being delivered (finally) now. They can kill an amphib out to 4000 meters. Taiwan's drone inventory is speculative, but they obviously have enormous production capability and that seems to be accelerating.

None of this counts US capability.
don't you think after heavy missile strikes and continuous bombing it will take out most shore defense
Nothing can be more important to the Free World than keeping the United States of America free! This is not freedom.
I’ll risk being slightly controversial here.

It’s interesting to hear people from the US talking about freedom. Usually, it’s in the context of ‘freedom to …’ In other countries people talk about ‘freedom from …’ I’ll mention just two examples. People in other countries value freedom from gun violence. They also talk about freedom from having someone else’s religious views shoved down their throat or up their uterus.

It’s fascinating to watch people from the US propose that they are the champions of freedom for the world, while at the same time they stand by and watch while freedom for half the population to have control over their own bodies is stripped away.

How can those two things happen inside one brain? Happy to discuss.
I’ll risk being slightly controversial here.

It’s interesting to hear people from the US talking about freedom. Usually, it’s in the context of ‘freedom to …’ In other countries people talk about ‘freedom from …’ I’ll mention just two examples. People in other countries value freedom from gun violence. They also talk about freedom from having someone else’s religious views shoved down their throat or up their uterus.

It’s fascinating to watch people from the US propose that they are the champions of freedom for the world, while at the same time they stand by and watch while freedom for half the population to have control over their own bodies is stripped away.

How can those two things happen inside one brain? Happy to discuss.
well you see I guess thats why no one wants to come here, historical or the 10s of millions in the last 3.5 years. Not sure what freedom over your own body your refering to.
When did freedom over our own bodies get taken away?

Mandated Covid vaccines for all federal employees, or for employees of any company that took money from the federal government, I suppose?
With the uterus reference I think he is probably addressing the overturn of roe v. wade…

You have to be careful listening to what the media tells you…

The US did not take away “women’s rights” or control over their bodies…

They simply pushed the abortion issue back to the states rather than keeping it a federal issue.. which is exactly what the US Constitution demands…

Even the most liberal constitutional scholars and legal eagles agreed that Roe v Wade was a poorly crafted way of attempting to secure abortion rights and that it would likely be overturned at some point.. even Ruth Bader Ginsberg, probably the most brilliant and capable women’s rights advocate to ever serve on our Supreme Court disliked the ruling..

Any woman in the US can still get an abortion legally at any point up to and including the moment of birth… she just might not be able to do it in certain jurisdictions and may have to travel over state lines to do it..
don't you think after heavy missile strikes and continuous bombing it will take out most shore defense
ATGMS could possibly be suppressed. But not drones. As an aside, Ukraine is about to start flying their first independently guided munitions.
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I’ll risk being slightly controversial here.

It’s interesting to hear people from the US talking about freedom. Usually, it’s in the context of ‘freedom to …’ In other countries people talk about ‘freedom from …’ I’ll mention just two examples. People in other countries value freedom from gun violence. They also talk about freedom from having someone else’s religious views shoved down their throat or up their uterus.

It’s fascinating to watch people from the US propose that they are the champions of freedom for the world, while at the same time they stand by and watch while freedom for half the population to have control over their own bodies is stripped away.

How can those two things happen inside one brain? Happy to discuss.
I have a better idea. Why don't you provide us from your lofty ethical perch the exact point at which it is the responsibility of the state to provide protection to a helpless unborn child. I assume it is self-evident to you. When does that defenseless child have the same right to the freedom and safety as you define them?
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With the uterus reference I think he is probably addressing the overturn of roe v. wade…

You have to be careful listening to what the media tells you…

The US did not take away “women’s rights” or control over their bodies…

They simply pushed the abortion issue back to the states rather than keeping it a federal issue.. which is exactly what the US Constitution demands…

Even the most liberal constitutional scholars and legal eagles agreed that Roe v Wade was a poorly crafted way of attempting to secure abortion rights and that it would likely be overturned at some point.. even Ruth Bader Ginsberg, probably the most brilliant and capable women’s rights advocate to ever serve on our Supreme Court disliked the ruling..

Any woman in the US can still get an abortion legally at any point up to and including the moment of birth… she just might not be able to do it in certain jurisdictions and may have to travel over state lines to do it..

I always get in trouble when I get political...

I'm sure you are right.

Every woman in the USA can still kill her baby.

That's just wonderful and extremely moral, in every aspect.

I'm sure that is exactly what Jesus would want...
I don't recall Trump ever "selling" any such notion... What he has sold are sound, common-sense policies that have directly benefitted working class folks... I've previously listed in detail over several posts the many reasons Trump has been embraced by working class Americans... You may not like the reasons or have the ability to relate to them personally, but the appeal is pretty easy to understand if you are indeed a working class American... Your posts historically demonstrate that you are not...

Trump is raw, and real when he speaks to people... What some of you may find vulgar, folks who make a living with dirt on their hands find relatable... Narcissism has nothing to do with his uncanny ability to relate to common people on their level... He talks like them, and most importantly he has time for them... Trump is notoriously famous for spending time on jobs sites in a hard hat spending genuine time with the workers... Trump can very naturally sit down and have a real conversation over a beer with a group of laborers... I challenge you to name one republican POTUS, or republican Presidential candidate for that matter, in the last 50 years who could pull that off without faking it...

Trump was the first Presidential candidate to call out politicians on both sides of the isle and expose D.C. for the anti-American, anti-middle class slime pit that it truly is... Working Americans see this guy, who is a billionaire and doesn't need this shit, taking unprecedented abuse and now two attempts on his life, and you really wonder why they support him?
Well said.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?