
So much back and forth over Jan 6th.. All in all I think the police handeled matters as well you could expect.. Or..?

People..imagine something like this happening in Moscow..what do you think would have happened..?

These guys would probably had machine gunned the protesters..

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OMON#:~:text=OMON is much larger and better

I think we all should be grateful that the National Guard wasnt called out..it could have ended in disaster..
Tell that to Ashley Babbitts family!
By the way--does anyone have any idea what happened to all the money Elon Musk gave monthly to the Trump Campaign??!! I haven't seen many ads on TV. There ought to be the best ones money can buy to barrage the American public with tapes of Cackala denouncing fracking, etc etc. Only two months to go and where was the last two months' fortune spent? Or are they putting it into drop boxes/monitoring? Or is there a media refusal to let Trump buy airtime? What is going on?
The super pacs (where Elon's money - however much - would go) are not putting any investment in states like Texas. If Trump can't carry Texas, then the election is over before it started. It is why we also see very little Harris money being spent here on ads.
Tell that to Ashley Babbitts family!
Capitol police....cream of the crop....highly trained and skilled in escalation of force decisions.......shoot down one unarmed woman...great job hero.
The only evidence I have here in TX that Harris is running is the occasional robo call and maybe 2 or 3 signs/stickers I’ve seen..

Trumps presence is significantly greater.. but it’s all voluntary stuff… guys flying trump 2024 flags in front of the house, bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc…

I haven’t seen/heard a single trump ad or gotten a single trump robo call this cycle..
The only evidence I have here in TX that Harris is running is the occasional robo call and maybe 2 or 3 signs/stickers I’ve seen..

Trumps presence is significantly greater.. but it’s all voluntary stuff… guys flying trump 2024 flags in front of the house, bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc…

I haven’t seen/heard a single trump ad or gotten a single trump robo call this cycle..
This is a purely subjective observation, but there is relatively little public display of Harris support in deepest bluest Austin. When Hillary ran, every other house, car, or boutique seemed to have one of her signs or stickers. I doubt the anti-Trump bias is any less, but enthusiasm for Harris seems somewhat muted.

While most of my social and business circles are staunchly conservative… I do have a number of liberal friends, colleagues, etc… and have had sincere conversations with them on their position regarding Harris..

Not one has said they are excited, much less believes she’s a good option..

They just aren’t going to vote red no matter what.. so Harris is what they’ve got..
From an outside view:
It was absolutely clear that the debate moderators were biased towards Harris.
It is absolutely clear that the AG has and continues to cover for Biden.
It is absolutely clear that lawfare is at work against Trump.

I value outside views like yours because they tend to be very objective and non bias. Much of the world feels the same way. Much of the world also is watching this election because their, and our, security depends on it.
I don't know - the Trump obsession seems pretty all consuming.

I am far from obsessed with Trump. I am 100% voting for him because the alternative is completely disastrous. I was more of a DeSantis guy. But, he's not our candidate.

I am reasonable enough to see the absolute bias in the debate with regards to Harris. You could be Ray Charles and have seen/heard it.

Let's just boil down to one, simple fact: How much safer was the world under Trump?

War in Ukraine? Nope.
War in the Middle East? Nope.
ISIS eliminated (for the time being)? Yep.
Tensions with North Korea? Nope.
Tensions with China? Nope. We did have a trade war but they weren't on the verge of invading Taiwan.
If Harris, or before her Biden, were doing this, the outcry would be they were buying votes (that whole student loan thing). I frankly wish this didn't come across as desperation.

I respectfully disagree with this. Having people pay less taxes for doing work is IMO far different than loan forgiveness. But I am also against pretty much against any tax, so I'm a bit biased.

However, I am also realistic that he can't do this by executive order and needs the house and senate to approve it.

Also, I am not sure what the impact this would have on the budget. But there would have to be some cuts or some additional taxes, but details don't make great talking points.
This is a purely subjective observation, but there is relatively little public display of Harris support in deepest bluest Austin. When Hillary ran, every other house, car, or boutique seemed to have one of her signs or stickers. I doubt the anti-Trump bias is any less, but enthusiasm for Harris seems somewhat muted.

Here in the Phoenix area where HOAs are so prevalent, their rules may prevent political signage at this point. But I'd swear that at this time in 2020, they were out and without question were overwhelmingly in support of Trump. About the 2nd week of October that year as the valley temperatures moderated and the high country had not yet turned cold, my wife and I took a weekend trip on the Harley and covered a large portion of the state. Everywhere we went it was Trump signs and included vendors SELLING Trump paraphernalia on street corners. You could barely find a Biden sign. How Trump lost Arizona is still let's just say perplexing to me.

This year so far, you'd be hard pressed to find a sign supporting either of the candidates. But as I say, it may be just a little early for the HOA nazis to allow it.
I am far from obsessed with Trump. I am 100% voting for him because the alternative is completely disastrous. I was more of a DeSantis guy. But, he's not our candidate.

I am reasonable enough to see the absolute bias in the debate with regards to Harris. You could be Ray Charles and have seen/heard it.

Let's just boil down to one, simple fact: How much safer was the world under Trump?

War in Ukraine? Nope.
War in the Middle East? Nope.
ISIS eliminated (for the time being)? Yep.
Tensions with North Korea? Nope.
Tensions with China? Nope. We did have a trade war but they weren't on the verge of invading Taiwan.

I don't know that I'd say this about you, I just don't remember every member's post here. But it was quite clear there for awhile that if you were critical of Trump you were clearly a Democrat and a Biden lover in the eyes of many participants in this thread. There was no 3rd possibility of being for another Republican candidate and you were obviously going to vote for Joe.
Strieff's latest update on the war from RedState. As usual it is very thorough with a lot of supporting video. He has been an equal opportunity critic of the Biden administration's weak approach to supporting Ukraine and the Trump/Vance nonsensical assurances about immediately ending it.

Uh huh. There’s over 3 1/2 years to blame Trump for anything and everything when he wasn’t president and 4 years to ignore or deny anything and everything when he was president. If we end up with 2 commies in office, everyone will know who owns that result.
I don't know that I'd say this about you, I just don't remember every member's post here. But it was quite clear there for awhile that if you were critical of Trump you were clearly a Democrat and a Biden lover in the eyes of many participants in this thread. There was no 3rd possibility of being for another Republican candidate and you were obviously going to vote for Joe.

You must have me taken for someone else. I am actually insulted, but it's OK. We don't know each other well and like you said, you can't remember everyone's posts.

I think Biden, and his family, are despicable human beings. Not including, his deceased son. I don't speak ill of the dead. Harris is a useless, empty chair, politician. Neither her, nor Biden, have ever accomplished anything of meaning.

I always said, Trump at the time, was not my favorite candidate. However, I also mentioned on here that the only way I'd ever vote Dem was if I died and someone rolled my casket to the voting machine and put my finger on the Dem button. If they did, I would haunt them for eternity.

Trump is my candidate. Love him or hate him, he did good things for this country and the world was a much safer place. Simple as that.
Strieff's latest update on the war from RedState. As usual it is very thorough with a lot of supporting video. He has been an equal opportunity critic of the Biden administration's weak approach to supporting Ukraine and the Trump/Vance nonsensical assurances about immediately ending it.

Always interesting and informative. I’ll show my ignorance here: I wasn’t aware Russia and Turkey were unfriendly towards each other.

Also, those drone vs. personnel videos are terrifying. Looks like a shotgun would have some utility in that situation.
You must have me taken for someone else. I am actually insulted, but it's OK. We don't know each other well and like you said, you can't remember everyone's posts.

I think Biden, and his family, are despicable human beings. Not including, his deceased son. I don't speak ill of the dead. Harris is a useless, empty chair, politician. Neither her, nor Biden, have ever accomplished anything of meaning.

I always said, Trump at the time, was not my favorite candidate. However, I also mentioned on here that the only way I'd ever vote Dem was if I died and someone rolled my casket to the voting machine and put my finger on the Dem button. If they did, I would haunt them for eternity.

Trump is my candidate. Love him or hate him, he did good things for this country and the world was a much safer place. Simple as that.

You shouldn't take insult as none was given, nor any accusations made. I purposely said I wouldn't say what I did about you, as I honestly do not remember what your stance has been. And I most certainly did not imply you'd vote for Biden. My post did state there were those on this thread that I was speaking about, and that it did not necessarily include you. I will stand by what I said. I'll also take you at your word that you preferred another Republican candidate and as such, my post was not directed at you.

For me as I've stated before on this thread, I will vote Trump as the alternative is completely out of the question for me. Perhaps I'm being pessimistic and I do hope I'm wrong, but I believe at this point I will be voting for the loser of the POTUS election.
If Harris, or before her Biden, were doing this, the outcry would be they were buying votes (that whole student loan thing). I frankly wish this didn't come across as desperation.
I did not disagree with you at first.. But I just saw a more lengthy clip of Trump's explanation and it does make sense what he is proposing.

And the fact is those Democrats would not offer that as it benefits hard working employed people. These Democrats have never met a tax they don't like. Harris, Biden and the like want more taxes and then they want to give handouts.

Huge difference between a tax cut or NOT taking money from people who have earned it vs. student loan forgiveness where they take tax money from people who have worked for it and give it to people who have not worked for it.
I did not disagree with you at first.. But I just saw a more lengthy clip of Trump's explanation and it does make sense what he is proposing.

And the fact is those Democrats would not offer that as it benefits hard working employed people. These Democrats have never met a tax they don't like. Harris, Biden and the like want more taxes and then they want to give handouts.

Huge difference between a tax cut or NOT taking money from people who have earned it vs. student loan forgiveness where they take tax money from people who have worked for it and give it to people who have not worked for it.
That is a very good point.
The election of the Kenyan In Chief emboldened the communist to bring their chicanery to the forefront.

The division in this country is, I think, too broad and the ideology too different to bridge or find common ground. At this point I wouldn’t want to.

I look at one side of the political equation like I would look at an uncle that was a pedophile. He wouldn’t be welcome in my home and I would do nothing to save his life if he were dying in front of me and I had the means to save him.

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia
TAG SAFARI wrote on mvalden's profile.
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!