
Agree. She is smoother tonight than I have ever seen her extemporaneously before.

I noticed that too….

Did anyone else notice that her right ear was completely concealed by her hair that never moved?

I think she had an ear piece in her right ear and the hair was camouflage.

Being coached live by her handlers is the only logical explanation for her career best performance.
If I may switch gears a bit, the Pentagon, like lower Manhattan, was a rough place to be 23 years ago. My XO walked into my office to report the second aircraft had hit the second tower, and I had just spoken to Jack Keane who was letting me know that the Army was fully manning the operations center. I was about to call the staff leads of the Senate and House Armed Service Committees to inform them that our assessment was that this was obviously a terrorist event and that we would pass along information as we had it. At that moment the AA flight from Dulles hit the Pentagon. It was around the corner from my legislative liaison team, and we were fortunate to only suffer only from falling ceiling tiles and dense smoke. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel and his folks were struck directly. Many were close colleagues.

We helped people out of that wing of the building for the next several hours. Many were horribly burned.

By late afternoon, we had a pretty good understanding of what happened and any potential other threats. At Jack Keane's request, I took a young major from the G2 over to the Hill around dusk to brief Trent Lott and the rest of the House and Senate leadership about what we knew. They had gathered in a conference room in the Capitol Police headquarters building. In typical Donald Rumsfeld fashion, he had refused to consult with the Congressional Leadership. They had then contacted General Keane who was the Army Vice Chief at that time.

It was fascinating to watch the Congressional Leadership, without a hint of political bias, go through the decision process to insure the government would be open for business the next day.

Cell and landline communications were a mess most of the day. One of my team finally was able to get through to his spouse around mid-afternoon who was then able to let my spouse know that we were fine.

As I say, it was an unpleasant day.
Thank you for the reminder Red Leg. I'm sorry to hear of what you went through that day. Most people that were old enough remember that they were doing when. they heard. I remember hearing about the events while driving home after working the night shift in a prison.

Thank for your service.

I noticed that too….

Did anyone else notice that her right ear was completely concealed by her hair that never moved?

I think she had an ear piece in her right ear and the hair was camouflage.

Being coached live by her handlers is the only logical explanation for her career best performance.

100% thought the same thing. She was a little to on point through shifting gears.
I think the only advisers he listens to are those that either say what he wants to hear for the sake of their own employment or they honestly are in agreement with his position. I don't think any of his advisers who outwardly disagrees with him lasts long in his employ much less has their opinion seriously considered. That's may be okay when running your own land development business, I think not so much when POTUS.
Hard for me to disagree. If he has a dream, he wants people around him that can facilitate it. I guess our conversation is interesting for the two of us. I doubt it matters much to the general population.

The POTUS election now boils down to 2 individuals. I’ve been locked in since folks were telling me Nikki was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I am not enthused about jumping party lines to oppose Trump. I have done it in years-past. Dems need someone that has more talent sitting behind the desk rather than kneeling underneath it to garner my vote.
Hard for me to disagree. If he has a dream, he wants people around him that can facilitate it. I guess our conversation is interesting for the two of us. I doubt it matters much to the general population.

The POTUS election now boils down to 2 individuals. I’ve been locked in since folks were telling me Nikki was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I am not enthused about jumping party lines to oppose Trump. I have done it in years-past. Dems need someone that has more talent sitting behind the desk rather than kneeling underneath it to garner my vote.

I'm not switching party lines either, I did vote for someone else in the primary. Trump those of us who did the same he neither needed nor wanted my vote. This goes to the root of why I wanted someone else, someone with a brain in their head that would know that's a stupid thing to say. You know, someone who could win.

He may still win and prove me wrong, but I can't help but think it would be like the fathers of a Little League baseball team playing a game against the kids. They win by a score of 10-9.
I'm not switching party lines either, I did vote for someone else in the primary. Trump those of us who did the same he neither needed nor wanted my vote. This goes to the root of why I wanted someone else, someone with a brain in their head that would know that's a stupid thing to say. You know, someone who could win.

He may still win and prove me wrong, but I can't help but think it would be like the fathers of a Little League baseball team playing a game against the kids. They win by a score of 10-9.
Hey I would have been intrigued by 2 other candidates in the primary. I just knew no candidate would get past Trump in the GOP. Perhaps Trump’s attitude can be copied by future candidates, but in a much more concise and intelligent politician. For the love of God, please not Nikki next time. She is almost as charismatic as Hillary.
If I may switch gears a bit, the Pentagon, like lower Manhattan, was a rough place to be 23 years ago. My XO walked into my office to report the second aircraft had hit the second tower, and I had just spoken to Jack Keane who was letting me know that the Army was fully manning the operations center. I was about to call the staff leads of the Senate and House Armed Service Committees to inform them that our assessment was that this was obviously a terrorist event and that we would pass along information as we had it. At that moment the AA flight from Dulles hit the Pentagon. It was around the corner from my legislative liaison team, and we were fortunate to only suffer only from falling ceiling tiles and dense smoke. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel and his folks were struck directly. Many were close colleagues.

We helped people out of that wing of the building for the next several hours. Many were horribly burned.

By late afternoon, we had a pretty good understanding of what happened and any potential other threats. At Jack Keane's request, I took a young major from the G2 over to the Hill around dusk to brief Trent Lott and the rest of the House and Senate leadership about what we knew. They had gathered in a conference room in the Capitol Police headquarters building. In typical Donald Rumsfeld fashion, he had refused to consult with the Congressional Leadership. They had then contacted General Keane who was the Army Vice Chief at that time.

It was fascinating to watch the Congressional Leadership, without a hint of political bias, go through the decision process to insure the government would be open for business the next day.

Cell and landline communications were a mess most of the day. One of my team finally was able to get through to his spouse around mid-afternoon who was then able to let my spouse know that we were fine.

As I say, it was an unpleasant day.
An account from the towers:

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Brian wrote on Skshyk's profile.
Thank for the laughing post! You have a keen sense of humour. I am usually able to just ignore those geniuses but this time I could not get past it. chuckle, Brian
Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
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TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

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I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better
