
I do not like Harris, nor will I vote for her, but she is clearly under his skin at the halfway point... and possibly winning the debate at this point. Let's watch the second half.
He is angry and bothered. She is calm with her cute practiced lines.
I do not like Harris, nor will I vote for her, but she is clearly under his skin at the halfway point... and possibly winning the debate at this point. Let's watch the second half.
He is angry and bothered. She is calm with her cute practiced lines.

Took only 30 minutes, 25 minutes longer then I thought.
I have to agree....Trump must regain composure and get off the defense! Go after her poor record and how it is impacting Americans....I support Trump but he is not looking good on offense at this point.
I think it's clear at this point, if you had a favorite candidate, this debate won't move you off your position and you will cheer your candidate. However if you are honest, Trump looks defensive and hostile, while Harris looks composed, smoother... practiced, maybe like she knew the questions.

My needle moved about 10 days ago. Formerly I said I won't vote for Trump as I was pissed about how he handled everything after the election prior to J6. I was going to vote for a third party as a protest vote. I'm now going to vote Trump. The reason is primarily the Supreme Court and future selections cannot be handed to Kamala Harris.
I may be completely wrong, but I suspect, after the dust settles, Trump emerges (surprisingly) as the adult on the stage. The smirking and eye rolling by Harris was overdone, and only dem partizans will see this as anything but 2 1/2 on one. As I said earlier, polling ten days from now will be the harbinger.
Kamala had him on the defense. She slammed him about wanting flattery from dictators.

She’s slick and avoiding questions about flip flopping.
Looks like to me another Donna Brazil debate. No way the word salad lady is that good otherwise.

Agree. She is smoother tonight than I have ever seen her extemporaneously before.
Not the Bee:

The debate went different than I thought, Trump actually had the better one liners and Kamala came across more articulate. I'm not sure how much she moved the needle though, her expressions and she was the one actually wanting to interrupt. The moderators came across as too biased in my opinion, the fact David Muir was like well we actually called the Springfield town manager and he said xyz made me shake my head.

You could tell she rehearsed her lines, and they came across as a campaign donation speech rather than making a point.

Trump missed so many opportunities, from how Biden handled Ukraine, manufacturing, economy, her not being Biden, I mean as point she even said what America needs right now is a leader...she is in charge. She even said she hadn't met with Putin, he though Trump never said she did and the moderator thought he was saving her. How he didn't bring up she sent an innocent man to death row, extended people jail sentences, etc.

The CNN will swoon, Fox News will rip ABC, but most Americans will go back to their lives with very little change in opinion.

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Brian wrote on Skshyk's profile.
Thank for the laughing post! You have a keen sense of humour. I am usually able to just ignore those geniuses but this time I could not get past it. chuckle, Brian
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