
My point is - we can choose one (or none) of those up for election at this time. Unknown competent 45-60 year olds don’t mean diddle. You can’t chose one of them in this election. So chooses a laughing, incompetent, inexperienced DEI candidate, whose party was about to kick her to the curb, or a 78 year old mean-tweeting experienced bad orange man who gave us peace, prosperity and 4 years I would love to see again.
@Ed Lally - now your really getting into Politics and I know even less about that then genetics, I’ve got a better chance of finding the Fountain of Youth then solving this.
I believe that he is wholly unfit for the Presidency. With regard to policy, my main opposition is his foreign policy, specifically as it relates to Ukraine, and what I perceive as his willingness to sell out our allies. Moreover, I do not trust him to not flip on any policy position of his that I do support.
A person who would knowingly send an innocent man to prison for murder is capable of any other calumny.
A person who would knowingly send an innocent man to prison for murder is capable of any other calumny.
OK, now I am bitterly jealous of that black, black zebra on your cameo.
My point is - we can choose one (or none) of those up for election at this time. Unknown competent 45-60 year olds don’t mean diddle. You can’t chose one of them in this election. So chooses a laughing, incompetent, inexperienced DEI candidate, whose party was about to kick her to the curb, or a 78 year old mean-tweeting experienced bad orange man who gave us peace, prosperity and 4 years I would love to see again.
That is the point we are at! I'm not a Trump fan but I'm sending him money and have Trump banners up at this point. I'm voting for and supporting the better policy maker. Certainly not what I wanted but here we are. These are the choices no matter how much we want to belly acje and bitch about it. Time to realize reality and choose one of these drastically differing candidates and go to the polls and cast your vote. Hopefully considering all the issues at hand and being as informed as possible.

Time to set personal biases aside and decide which policy you want. Communism or Capitalism.
That is the point we are at! I'm not a Trump fan but I'm sending him money and have Trump banners up at this point. I'm voting for and supporting the better policy maker. Certainly not what I wanted but here we are. These are the choices no matter how much we want to belly acje and bitch about it. Time to realize reality and choose one of these drastically differing candidates and go to the polls and cast your vote. Hopefully considering all the issues at hand and being as informed as possible.

Time to set personal biases aside and decide which policy you want. Communism or Capitalism.
Wish I could like that exponentially!

On a completely different note, as I was trying to go back to sleep about 4:30 am (oh, for a clean conscience!) I wondered...
After Kamalalala debates Trump and exposes herself as devoid of thought as Biden did, who will they replace HER with?
Wish I could like that exponentially!

On a completely different note, as I was trying to go back to sleep about 4:30 am (oh, for a clean conscience!) I wondered...
After Kamalalala debates Trump and exposes herself as devoid of thought as Biden did, who will they replace HER with?
They won’t replace her, they will simply gaslight the entire world and declare her the most brilliant debater of our entire history and convince the dimwits of the population that she and she alone will save the world from the very policies she’s been implementing since she became vp…… and yes, there are enough never trumpers and dimwits to get her elected……
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Got me a new shirt. It's not the type of cult that has us drinking any of that Jonestown Kool-aid.
I think the only Democrat more stupid than Kamala would be AOC.
AOC, or any other member of "The Squad." Then there's Nancy Pelosi...come to.think of it the Democrat Party has a whole bunch of spectacularly stupid people.
AOC, or any other member of "The Squad." Then there's Nancy Pelosi...come to.think of it the Democrat Party has a whole bunch of spectacularly stupid people.
I believe it's a dangerous mistake to ascribe stupidity to most of them.
Okay then, Evil, if you prefer that.
I'm not sure whether or not I have expressed this here, because I don't wish to be identified as a religious crank. I'm not an overly religious person.
But I do believe the Democrat Party, and it's counterparts in other countries whatever they're called, to be agencies of evil if not directly Satanically inspired.
In evidence I present their fixation with abortion, assisted suicide, and their obvious desire to starve millions through energy and agricultural policies that can not avoid leading to worldwide famine. We scarcely need mention their support for, if not outright adulation, of criminals, murderers and rioters.
I'm not saying the conservatives are saints, but at least they mostly want to live and let live rather than killing off their "inferiors".
I At this point, I doubt this ends well for the little KGB thug regardless the conclusion of eventual negotiations.

I agree that his position is becoming untenable. Somewhere something will break, and (likely violently) he will be disposed of.

That begs the question, what is next? I fear removing the strongman from Russia will give China too many ideas about their Northwestern border. After all, why pay for natural gas and oil to an imploding state, when you can just drill for it yourself and cut out the middle man.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
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TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
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Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
