I do not think it is bold at all. I base it on the her polling vs Trump's polling against Biden. On January 18th she polled 17 points ahead of Biden in the WSJ Poll. In the same poll Trump had a four point lead (as did DeSantis). Trump remains plateaued under 50%, and is behind Harris in most national polls. Yet the republican party, because of its primary format, seems to have picked the least competitive candidate to oppose Biden and now Harris because of the don't confuse me with facts 35% who are totally committed to Trump. Or perhaps you have other evidence or another interpretation of that polling.
Polls are Polls and whoever conducts the Polls can interpret the Polls as they want for who they want.....or for whom ever is paying them.
I don't believe in Polls telling me or the nation who or what is best. We know MSM is a propaganda machine for the dems and their socialist, neo naziz, anti American controllers.
Their is in no logical way Polls can subvert the fact that Trump has more people attending his rally compared to the number of people Sleepy Joe had at his rallys and what Cackling Harris has at hers.
How can 50, a 100, a 1000 or even 10,000 people claimed to be polled represent 100% of the millions of the voting population?
Are these Polls 50% Republicans and 50% Demcommies?
What are the percentages of these people being polled: unemployed? living off various government handouts? minimum wage earners? middle class? top 1% class? retired? nationality? race? rural? suburban? urban? small town? big town? major city? metropolis? etc., etc.,etc..
Polls are for sheep to believe they are not being led to the slaughter house.
Saying Polls are accuracy margin is 2%, 3%. WTH does that even mean when there is or has never been a direct correlation to actual numbers.
Before I or anyone believe in Polls; I want, we should want, actual reliable numbers! I want to be able to fact check the Polls numbers and people polled.
Fictitious Example to make my point.
MSM Report: A Poll shows:
48% vote for Republican, 48% vote for Democrats 4% undecided
98% vote for neither Trump nor Harris
2% margin of error
What's not said; the Poll was conducted in the office by anonymity of 10 employees. Thirty minutes before going on the air.
The Poll was (ironically) done by Greenspan. Henrik Greenspan the newly hired mail clerk who just happened to be delivering the mail in the area. He was provided the polling questionnaires to hand out to 20 random office workers, but only 10 office workers bothered to fill out and return the polling questionnaire.
Before anyone says it. But...But....but polls are done by ____________ and they can be trusted. Or well that's not how polls are conducted. Or any other such nonsense.
I say BULLSHIT!!....Prove It!! Poll 100% of the voting population! Give me real numbers!! And only then will any Poll be within 2%, 3% margin.